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Sakura Taisen was created by Ooji Hiroi; all rights reserved to Sega co., RED co., Bandai Visual; 1996-today
This fanfiction was created by JillM; original posting: November 16, 2001; updated august 18 2002

hi everyone. another installment! this is becoming a very long series, y'know. i hope you all don't mind. please send forth some comments, ok?

Taisho Love Story: final battle
Chapter 8: "Just us two... apart"

Yamazaki leaned out the window and watched the clouds moved by. In his hands was the letter he just wrote. `To the most precious person in world,' he thought, backing back into the room and putting the envelope onto the dresser as he went for the door.

"Shinnosuke-kun~! Dinner~!"

"Hai, hai!"

`It has been already over a month since I come to live with Hasokawa Miroku-san, an old friend of my family. She worked with my father for a long time as a part-time assistant and I did know her when I was a child. To this day, she's been living in Kobe researching on a grant from the local University. She's a historian on ancient Japanese civilization. I'm not quite sure what her focus is on her research though…'

Yamazaki straightened up his tie as he dashed out into the hall and down the spiral staircase to get to the main floor. Passing through the study, he walked into the dinner room and saw the piles of takeout on the table.

`Figures… Miroku-san is a terrible cook,' he reminded himself, going to sit down. A minute later, a woman with her black hair down and thick dark-rimmed glasses walked in. "I'll take that from you," he offered, going to carry the steaming dish of rice to the table."

"Arigatou, you're so sweet!" Miroku chimed, going to take a seat across from him, "Ne, Shinnosuke-kun, did you read the newspaper??"

"Hmm?? No, I didn't get a chance to."

She leaned over and raised the paper to his face. "It's all over the front page. Your friends are becoming quite famous in Teito, it seems." The headlines read: `Special Butai easily saves two neighborhoods from demons.' Yamazaki couldn't help but grimace. "What's with the face??" Miroku asked, reaching over and pinching his cheek, "Are you a bit jealous to miss out on the fun??"

"No," he replied, knocking her hand away, "I just wished the media would tell it how it really were and stop encouraging the citizens to believe that their little lives aren't in as much danger as they actually are."

"Don't be so negative," she sighed. She took out the sake and started to pour two glasses. She saw that he rejected the glass and went for the hot tea. "Mou, you're no fun at all." she grumbled, going to drink down both glasses.

Yamazaki watched her silently as he continued to eat his dinner. `If I had known that the person I grew thinking was like a big sister would turn into drunken, gold-digging, demoralized woman – perhaps I might have not come to this place, as peaceful and beautiful as it is… maybe. But, Miroku-san does know my parents; she knows of a time when the world wasn't going mad. She was the only other person in the world who could understand where I'm coming from… But still…'

"Shinnosuke-kun… *hic*… Yoo know wat I'm thinking about now…???" Miroku asked, leaning across the table. She was already intoxicated from drinking the whole bottle. "Let's skip dinner and go have some fun… Ohohoho!"

"I'll pass," he replied, as he served himself another helping of rice, "Besides, don't you feel a little embarrassed hanging with someone who could be your nephew??"

"I'm not dat old!" she snapped, sulking in her seat, "I still got a long way to go to thirty! I'm still young enough for some wild times! I'm not somebody's obaasan!"

Yamazaki shrugged and went to lift his dishes from the table. `Most of time she's sober and we can have intelligent conversations. But when she gets like this, the best I can do is leave her alone or hide somewhere.'

He picked up the newspaper as he left behind the drunken historian on the table. Concentrating on the article, he let out a sigh, `Minna…'

* * * * * * * *
The night before, bells rung loudly across the city of Tokyo. Crowds of people rushed away from the scene as soldiers arrived.

"I'm hoping the new captain knows the job like Takamura-tai did," Ayame uttered.

"I hope so too," Kazuma sighed, as they waited for the area to be clear before they could burst in. They had another sector to go. It had been a double attack, but they believed the other one was a diversion.

"Let's go in and finish this up as quickly as we can." Yoneda said, giving orders, "Kazuma, how long are the big guns giving us?"

"Fifteen-minute intervals."

"Is that enough time?" Ayame asked.

"With your speed and skill, I'm sure," Kazuma replied with a smile, "Ayame-kun, I think you should go up front today."


Yoneda scratched his chin, "That means I should beclean-up?? Oh sure, put the old guy in back so he doesn't sprain anything…"

Kazuma waved his hands, laughing at his friend. "You know you're best there because you're the most reliable of us all. Ayame-kun still needs the experience."

Yoneda in turned leaned in and whispered, "(There's no need to cover up that you're playing favorites. I know I'm old and unattractive.)"

"No time for joking around. We've got work to do…" Kazuma started to say, but realized that Ayame had already left them behind. "Ayame-kun…"

"HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Nothing but dead demons was left in her path. The growing power around could be felt from where he was standing.

`It's almost time…'

* * * * * * * * *
"Shinnosuke-kun!!" Miroku stumbled into the kitchen the next morning, rubbing her aching head, "Where were you last night?? I went into your room and you weren't there!"

"Oh," Yamazaki uttered, still preparing breakfast, "I went and slept somewhere else in the house where you couldn't find me."


"Tea for your hangover??" he asked, offering her a tray. Grumbling, she fell into a chair and started pouring herself a glass. Yamazaki then started serving her some dishes, "For a single woman your age, you ought to take better care of yourself. That is, if you don't want to end up as an old maid, Obaasan."

"WHY YOU!!!" Miroku, with the scariest face, yanked him over by the ear, "I'm letting you stay here for free, I can throw you outta here just as easily!!" Yamazaki sorely went to get the rest of the meal while she calmed down. "Gomen, Shinnosuke-kun. It's just - last night, I wanted some company. It gets lonely around here."

"Everyone is alone," he replied, "Get used to it."

"Ara, aren't you crabby as usual in the morning?? I sometimes wonder about you, Shinnosuke-kun… if you know something that we all don't know… or if you know anything at all. You're a very mysterious young man."

"What's the mystery?? I told you what happened and why I'm here."

"Why here? Why of all places did you show up at my door??"

"I told you… Because you knew my parents…"

"I-ie! I refuse to believe that's the only reason! I always thought that you had some kind of secret boyhood crush on me – and don't you deny it! We'd make a good team, Shinnosuke-kun, if you gave it a try. OHOHOHOHO!" Yamazaki emerged from the table, going to storm towards the door. "Hey! I'm just teasing! Come back here!"

He just shook his head. "Last time I gave something a try, someone ended up dead…"

Miroku watched him leave the room and frowned a little, `The kid needs to lighten up…' Just then, she heard the doorbell and went to answer it. "Hai??"

At the door, she saw one of her friends. "Hey, did you get to the kid yet?? The boss said he'll pay something good if you find anything."

"I haven't gotten anywhere…"

"Having trouble, huh?? Just use that sexy charm of yours."

Miroku's face flickered with amusement, "I'm afraid this sexy charm won't work on this one. He's different from the rest. He doesn't trust anybody or believes in anything. Besides, he thinks I'm the closest thing to his family. I'm not sure if I want to mess with him since he's already messed up as is."

"Come on, Hasokawa! These guys do business with the big shots; we could make a fortune off him!"

"Sorry, not this time." she said, shutting the door on her male friend. He let out a sigh and finally left. When she turned around, she saw Yamazaki in the doorway. "I see you heard everything."

He simply shrugged and went to retrieve the glasses on the table. She stopped his hand with hers, getting him to look into her eyes.

"You must think less of me for even considering to abuse our friendship for money."

"No…" he replied, pulling away, "I was just thinking that it took a lot of guts to not take that temptation. At any rate, I don't have anything worth selling to those big shots anyways."

"Really…" Miroku said, "I guess we're just a pair of failures, ne?"

Yamazaki couldn't help but chuckle, "Seems so. I don't suppose you mind."

The chuckle had brought a slow smile to her lips. "Friends?" she asked, holding out her hand. He nodded, taking it and giving a good shake. "Shinnosuke-kun, I think this is the beginning of something."

* * * * * * * *
In a disclosed location in Teito, the Tai Kouma Butai were meeting with military personnel and members of the government, regarding the latest battle. "This time was a bit too close for comfort," noted Captain Sakakibara, "My men didn't feel good out there."

"We need more information about the enemy," remarked an official, "The data we have currently doesn't apply anymore. The demons are getting stronger and adapting – we've got to put an end to them now."

"What about the Majinki?" someone else asked, "Can't we use them? Where are they now?"

"Do you really think those things will work?" someone else argued.

"Of course they would! They've always worked in the past."

Someone cleared his throat. All heads turned towards the head of defense, General Kyougo. "We have already a plan in the works on destroying the demons once and for all. We're working together with Kanzaki Industries."

Ayame shuddered at the table. She thought back to the week she spent at the laboratory, the extensive testing they did on her and how they told her she was a perfect match. Closing her eyes, she wished she could disappear from the room, but a warm hand brought her back. Turning to her left, she saw Kazuma giving her a reassuring look.

"We've been researching the spiritual waves given off by young women," Kyougo noted, "That they perhaps have the key to what cancels off the energy of those evil beasts."

"Isn't this an idea we've already heard??" grumbled someone, "You know we can't fight off these armies with a bunch little girls. We need action right away!"

"This is much different. Instead of powering machinery, we're going to have someone magnify their pure energy into a giant cannon and wipe out all the demons from this earth – cleansing our society for good."

"And do you have someone in mind that has pure energy???"

"In fact I do," Kyougo said, getting up from his seat and shifting towards Ayame's direction. "There is a girl in this nation we have been keeping close tabs on… and we think she's the one for the job."

'This is it…' Ayame thought, her heart pounding in her ears, `My duty to Teito has come to a defining moment. This must be destiny…'

"The one we think is perfect for the job of protecting Teito is… the daughter of Shinguji Kazuma."

Ayame blinked in surprise as the room filled with chatter. Kazuma leapt up from his chair and lunged at Kyougo. "NAN DATTE?!" he gasped, "I thought I told you to leave my family alone! Did you not listen to me when I said that I didn't want your spies snooping around my home!?"

"This is for Teito," Kyougo snapped, "If you have any concern about your country, you must make certain sacrifices. Your daughter happens to have a great amount of spiritual energy, but as long as you hide her from us you might as well call yourself a traitor."

"She's just a child… There are plenty of men willing to die for this cause!"

"Please, do you think we really want to lose a decorated officer as yourself, Taisa?? Besides, who said that she's going to die? We're going to do our best to take care of her."

Kazuma continued to argue. "Your best is not good enough for me! Over everything, being a father comes first!"

"Let me remind you, Taisa, who you are speaking with!"

"I don't care if you court-marshal me, just leave Sakura out of this!! I never want her to go through anything that I have been through…!"

"Please stop!!" Everyone's attention turned to Ayame. "May I request that the subject be me? I've already met the requirements and I… I want to do this!"

"Ayame-kun, there's no need." Hanakoji was at her elbow; he faced the rest of the group and sternly addressed the situation. "Have we all gone mad? Forcing young girls to do the work that we ourselves have failed to do? I won't allow anybody's daughters be used for experiments, not when we still need to learn more about this enemy and what is their real weakness. Nobody is to become a scapegoat. We are all fighting these demons, not one single person."

The meeting then dispersed and everyone headed out. The Tai Kouma Butai silently walked down the street, towards home. "Sorry…" Kazuma suddenly uttered, making the others stop, "I shouldn't have lost control like that."

"It was understandable." Yoneda replied, who had been strangely quiet all night. He patted his friend on the back. "It's over with. Don't worry about it anymore."

Kazuma looked towards the girl, who had her head lowered. "Chuujou… could you go on ahead. I need to speak with Ayame-kun for a bit."

Yoneda looked annoyed. "Kazuma, why do I always get dumped?? Let's all go back together and talk over sake…" But the look in Kazuma's eye made him realize that this was a conversation not for his eyes. Sighing, Yoneda turned for the street. "Maa na… don't stay out too long…"

"I'm sorry, Ayame-kun," Kazuma said, going up to her and putting his hands on her shoulders, "I'm sorry I didn't defend you… it's just…"

"I understand… you have priorities."

"But, Hanakoji-hakushaku is right… This is a battle not to be fought by a single person. I was wrong to put any burden on your shoulders."

"Taisa, you didn't… It was my own decision!" she exclaimed to the ground, "I don't want you to use the Majinki… I don't want you to sacrifice anymore than you already have…"

"Ayame-kun…" She didn't respond, still with her head bowed and fists curled at her side. "Look at me."

He lifted her chin up and saw the tearful brown eyes. He searched around in his pockets and found a handkerchief, going to give it to her. She wiped her eyes and tried to get herself together. Even though it was just the two of them standing in the deserted courtyard, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed by her state. Even if it was the person she had lived with so long and regarded as close as family.

`Is there still something…?' she wondered as Kazuma slipped an arm around her, his hand rubbing her shoulder and trying to give her comfort, `This was what I wanted so long ago… But…'

The bells rung loudly in the air; whatever thoughts were going through their heads, Kazuma and Ayame soon forgot them and focused in on the battle - a battle that wasn't too far from them.

* * * * * * * *
The next day, Yamazaki and Miroku were strolling through town, running some errands. "Ara ara, another one??" she uttered as he stopped by the post office to send off his letter to Ayame, "Honestly, you write enough for the two of you. When was the last time your gracious girlfriend write you back??"

"About a month ago…"

"Hmm… that's a long time if you're in a relationship. Are you sure she hasn't forgotten all about you? Or maybe by now she's found herself a new lover…"

"CHIGAU!!" Yamazaki blurted out. He paused to cower in embarrassment as a crowd looked at him. "Ayame wouldn't do that to me… She honestly… you know…"

"My dear Shinnosuke-kun, you don't know a thing about women," Miroku replied, "The truth is we use silly boys like you to get what we want… Well, at least all the smart ones do."

"Ayame is different."

"Ohohohoho, if that's what you like to believe. You are such a sweet, innocent boy!"

The two of them stopped to hear some chatter. There was a crowd discussing what had happened last night in the capitol. Not liking the tone of the conversation, Yamazaki went to buy a newspaper. His eyes widened at the front page. `No way…!'

* * * * * * * * *
"YAMEROO!!!" The night before, Yoneda entered the house only to be attacked by demons and their leader. Fighting on his own, he soon found himself cornered and on the ground without a weapon.

"Now, where is the majinki??" asked the minion, "We know the Tai Kouma Butai has it. Either you hand over the treasures, or you hand over the girl."

"You leave Ayame-kun alone, you bastards! Take me instead!!"

"We wouldn't want an old geezer like you anyways." he replied, turning to his beasts, "Finish the geezer off."

The hunger demons surrounded Yoneda as sounds of screams filled the air. The enemy attacked the entire block and one by one the homes toppled over by repeated earthquakes. `How are they doing this…?!' Yoneda wondered, trying to dodge the fierce claws, "GWAAAAAHH!!"

Outside, a tall and burly samurai was standing in the middle chanting as the ground shook around him. Demons had entered the homes and were horrifying the people who could do nothing but flee.

"Ya-Yamette!" Ayame gasped, she and Kazuma arriving. They had the samurai surrounded, but he didn't look at all fazed. "Taisa, let's take him on!"

"You go look for Yoneda-chuujou. I'm worried about him. Hurry, Ayame-kun!"

She nodded and rushed off, but stopped to look back one last time. `Taisa…' Tearing herself away from the face-off, she ran towards the burning house that was her home. "IYAAA!!" She broke through a window and frantically searched around for Yoneda, but there was no answer or sign of him. "SHIREI!!!"

Cautiously moving through the house, she fought back the tears of watching her home being destroyed in front of her very eyes. `Whoever did this… I won't let them get away…!' She felt the floor creak underneath her. `I can't go yet! Where could Yoneda-shirei be?!'

Suddenly the floor gave way and Ayame fell… Everything then went blank.

* * * * * * * * * *
"Fifteen houses in Ginza were destroyed… from an earthquake, its aftershocks and a fire that broke out soon after." Miroku read from the paper. She paused to look up to see Yamazaki continue to pack his things. "See? It says right here that it was a fire and earthquake. There's no need to go rushing back."

"Don't you see? That's what they want you to believe." he grumbled, slamming his suitcase shut.

"And what am I supposed to believe, Shinnosuke-kun??"

"I don't know, Miroku-san. Once I find out, I'll tell you."

Miroku put aside the newspaper and put her hand on his shoulder. "You're a sweet boy, Shinnosuke-kun; I don't want to see you get hurt. It's a rough man's world out there. If you go back to Tokyo, I have a feeling something is going to happen to you…"

"Tokyo is where Ayame is," he replied, "I know I'm throwing all sense out the window, but I have to come to grips with the fact that I… I can't stand being without her."

"I wouldn't understand," she uttered, chuckling to herself, "But, thank you. You brought a bit of sunshine to my life this past month, Shinnosuke-kun. You reminded me so much of your father, back to the good old days. We were such a good team, your father and I."

"I know… Kaasan used to tell me," he said, "You take care of yourself, Miroku-san. Eat healthy and don't drink so much."

She shook her head. "Don't worry about an obaasan like me. I can fend for myself; I've been on my own before. Besides, you have more things to worry about. This battle – don't get too involved. Pretty soon, you won't be able to tell who the real demons are. I hope everything works out for you and your friends, so please take care of yourself, Shinnosuke-kun."

"Arigatou," he replied, smiling back at her. "I'm going now, Miroku-san."

'I'm going... even if I'm not ready yet, I'm going... Back to that precious person...'

* * * * * * * * *
Next Chapter: "What I'm Wishing For"

It's snowing heavily outside today. They say the demons cannot stand the cold, so the battles have stopped for the moment. The world seems so calm right now; I barely could think about these troubling times with `him' next to me. Kaede-san, this single day of peace… I'll treasure it for a long time.

onto ch.9
back to ch.7