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Sakura Taisen was created by Ooji Hiroi, all rights reserved to Sega & Red Company
This fanfiction series is by JillM, posted 12/9/01
notes: this is the first special episode, starring the cute couple of Sendai. gah, gomen OxS fans. but this dose of cuteness will hopefully cure the drama blues in this series. enjoy!

Taishou Love Story: Final
Special Episode #1!!

The movement seemed slow at first, but when her father released his sword and yelled out some words, the power came surging out of it and darted across the grassy field. Sakura watched as the blast passed right through the tree and collided with the boulder behind it.

'Sugoi!' she thought, 'That power... It came from... !!'

"And that's how it's done, Sakura." he told her, "All of your ancestors have used Haja Kensei. Someday, you might even..." His voice trailed off as he noticed something up in the tree. "Aa, we have company..."

The young boy leapt down and landed in front of them. "Sumimasen, Ojisan..." he said, bashfully rubbing his head, "I was just curious what was going on here; I didn't know it was some father-daughter thing..."

"Mou, Takeshi-kun..." Sakura sighed.

"Ehehe! You were really cool, Ojisan! Can you show me how to do it too??"

"Iya..." Sakura's father laughed, "It's not something I can teach anyone. I'm sorry but Sakura is the only one qualified. However, Takeshi, you can learn kenjutsu someday too, if you want. You can be anything you want to be."

"Arigatou..." he replied. He then leaned over to his friend and whispered, "(Your dad is so cool!)"

"(I know...)" she replied, proudly gazing up her father, 'He's the most greatest person in the world... Atashi no Otousama...'

"It's time to head back." her father noted, "The sun is setting and your mother is probably waiting with dinner ready. Let's go, Sakura."

"Aa! Otousama!" Sakura cried, snagging the boy by the wrist, "Can Takeshi-kun join us today?"

"S-Sakura..." Takeshi stammered, feeling his cheeks burn a little. "W-Well, I am somewhat hungry. My parents don't have dinner until really late since they're working in the store." He stopped and stared up at the tall man, "I-Is it all right with you, Ojisan?"

"I would be happy if you joined us, Takeshi!" he replied.


The three walked back to the house, Sakura riding up on her father's shoulders while Takeshi ran along side. "Ne, Otousama," Sakura said, leaning down to him, "When am I going to start my training??"

"Oi oi," he chuckled, "One thing at a time, Sakura. There's no need to rush... Take your time and enjoy being a normal kid..."

"Demo! I want to be a strong fighter just like you!!"

"There's more to being strong than just fighting, Sakura..."

"Sou yo!" Takeshi replied, "Use your head, Sakura!"

"Mou, Takeshi-kun!"

When they reached the house, the boy's footsteps slowed as he let the two go on ahead. Sakura got placed down on the ground and happily ran towards her mother to tell about her day. Her father turned towards the thoughtful looking boy.


"Ojisan... I want to be strong too so I can protect Sakura..." he uttered, clenching his fists.


"I was wondering... Could I have your blessing, Ojisan??" Takeshi stammered, "Boku... Boku wa... Sakura ga suki da yo!"


"Someday in the future, I want to marry Sakura... If it's all right with you..."

"Takeshi-kun..." the man replied, "Don't you think it's a bit early to be thinking about such things... Although I do admit that I wouldn't mind having you officially part of the family..."

"Jaa... then you'll let me??"

Sakura's father waved his hand. "Chotto... Times are changing, Takeshi. Matchmades are a thing of the past. If I really want my daughter happy, she has to marry someone that she wants to marry."

"That makes sense..."

"Sakura doesn't need someone to protect her. She needs to learn how to rely on herself for strength. But she will need someone to stand by her through the difficult times. If you prove yourself over time by believing in Sakura... then I will decide."

"Honto? That's all I have to do...?"

Just then Sakura called them from the house, "Dinner time~! Otousama~! Takeshi-kun~! Okaasama and Obaasama and Gonji are waiting! "

"HAI!!" they said, rushing over to her.

Some time later, Sakura's father had to leave. Sakura and her family went to the train station to see Ojisan off. He looked different as he boarded the train, maybe because he was wearing military clothes. He didn't look like the guy who was playing with us the other day. He looked like... he was almost scared of something.

Everyone was in tears as the train signal blew, over and over - except Sakura's grandmother. She looked like she was used to seeing this happen. The day before Sakura made up her mind that she wouldn't cry, that she would see her father off with a strong face. But at the last minute, she gave in.

`Why did such a thing happen?' Takeshi thought, walking through the woods, `I don't understand why Ojisan had to leave Sendai. What could be more important than being here where he was needed most?'

"Takeshi... kun..."

The boy turned and saw the tearful face. The girl looked shaken and tired, but the tears wouldn't stop. "Sakura..."

"Doushite?" she blurted out, "Why did Otousama had to go? I don't understand... any of it... I thought he was going to stay... He promised... Demo... demo... Something tells me he's not coming back this time..."

"He'll come back! I'm sure Ojisan will!"

"Iie... not as my father..."

It was already getting dark and the air was cold. Takeshi knew that her mother and Gonji were looking for her. He knew that as they spoke Sakura's father was on a train, moving farther and farther away from them.

"Sakura... even if Ojisan doesn't come back, I know he'll still care about you... Ojisan won't forget about you."

"That's what Okaasama said..."

"Well, it's true! Besides, you won't be by yourself..."

Sakura stopped and stared at him. "Takeshi-kun..."

He slowly put his hand on her shoulder. "Because Sakura is my..." The words slipped right out of his mind as the tearful face looked at him with wide eyes.


"B-Boku no..."

"OJOUSAMAA!!" called a voice. Gonji had been coming up the road. "Daijoubu desu ka? We've been worried about you; I've come to take you home."

"H-Hai!" Sakura replied, drying her eyes, "I'm feeling a bit better, so please don't worry anymore, Gonji." She then smiled at Takeshi. "Arigatou gozaimasu!"


"Matta ashita, ne? Ja..."

She then started to walk towards Gonji. "Sakura!" Takeshi called out. She turned towards him in surprise. "Don't worry! I'll always be here for you! I promise!"

If only it would be that easy… but Time will prove indifferent.

An older Takeshi watched from behind a tree. It was after the new years and the ground was covered with snow. He stood there for hours, watching the intense training of his childhood friend.

`Five years ago, Shinguji-ojisan died. Since then, Sakura seems to have changed. She has been preoccupied and always worrying about something – mostly pleasing her mother and grandmother. Lately, she has been training from morning till night no matter the conditions…'

"HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" Sakura swung from a distance at the old cherry tree. A blast emitted from her blade and collided with the trunk.

`Sugeh!' Takeshi thought. But when Sakura saw the outcome, she tossed the sword in frustration. `Why? That was amazing!' he thought as she knelt on the ground, fighting back tears. "Sakura!!" he cried, running over, "What's wrong??"

"Dame desu…" She clenched handfuls of snow in her hands and pounded at the ground, "It just doesn't work…"

"Sakura…" he uttered as he threw aside his books and knelt beside her. "What are you trying to do?"

She pointed over to the tree. "I need the blast to through it and hit that boulder behind it… Every time I try, it just hits the tree… I don't know what I'm doing wrong…"

"It's cold… You're cold… Why don't you stop now? Let's go inside and have some hot tea. If you stay out here, you'll surely get sick…"

"Demo…" she uttered, drying her eyes with her sleeves, "If I don't learn this technique, I can't go to Teito. I feel something calling me there, telling me to hurry up. I can't stop now, Takeshi-kun. I have to get this right… my Destiny is waiting."

"DEMO!" Takeshi jumped up and stared at her startled face. "Boku wa…!" He closed his eyes for a moment. "Sakura..." he uttered, with his fists at his side, "I hope you never learn that technique! Just give up!"

"Ta… Takeshi... kun..." she gasped. But he just turned and ran off. Sakura broke down into tears, burying her face into lap. "Maybe I should give up… No matter how much I try, I keep failing… What should I do… Otousama…"

Takeshi kept running farther away. `Gomen, Sakura… gomen… If you follow your destiny to Teito, I know I'll lose you… Gomen…!'

Sakura slowly lifted her tearstained face, gazing up at the sky. It had started to snow again. `Otousama…' she thought, feeling a warmth surround her, `Iya, I won't give up! Even if that guy doesn't believe in me… I won't ever give up!'

More determined than ever, Sakura picked up her sword and faced the tree. However, she paused to start sneezing. "Wachu! Wachu!!!" Covering her nose, she let out a sigh. "Maybe I should take a break…"

Sakura gathered up her stuff and turned to walk home by herself.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

In Sendai

The snow fell

The time passed

And we went our separate ways

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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