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jill's notes: okiee, lots of stuff. first, someone on told me they didn't like my ayamefilled-fics so i decided to write another one. but she isn't the star of this one, kaede is! ayame however will be a sidecharacter in flashbacks along with my favorite tkbmembers. second, i found kaede's weight in the columns2 guide, so st2 timish. i don't know if she had gained any weight from when this takes places, which is right after st4 - so Yoneda is retired, and Sumire is too. (99lbs/45kg - not bad, Kaede!) third, the legend of Kizu beach is totally made up. fourth, 'kizu' is a Japanese word that i was taught meant like 'scar' or wound'. fifth, the title 'everything goes back to the ocean' comes from the song 'subete wa umi he' but has nothing to do with it. i just liked the name. sixth, my hometeam keeps losing so i'm tired of writing baseball. uninspired. but i will finish it. i have 7 innings to go. this series will only be 3-4 parts long. seventh, this part 1 is actually longer because i combined two parts together. eighth, 'futon' is what Orihime thought that Reni called the dog in Columns2, but i think Reni was calling him Huund. Ninth, 'futon' is a Japanese bed. lastly, i am in a Oogami-hating mode. forgive me.

that's all i can think of. please enjoy! JillM

Sakura Taisen (C) red co, sega, overworks 1996, 1998, 2001, 2002

* Everything returns to the Ocean *

Part 1

* * * *

With one slash of her white kodachi sword, Fujieda Ayame slashed through the door. It fell in two pieces, her limping into the dark room. Breathing hard, she frantically looked from side to side, but did not see anyone.

"Everyone..." she uttered, dizzily moving forward. Her strength lapsing, she lost grip of her sword and fell to her knees. Not too far from her was Arataka, Shinguji Kazuma's katana. "Ta... Taisen..." she uttered, holding up the sword, her hand becoming covering with blood. "Haa... haa...?? Taisen!! Everyone, where are you!!!!!"

Just then, a force collided with her. She hit the wall and fell to the ground. She saw something coming towards her at top speed. The sound of flesh piercing and Ayame's screams died out with the sounds of the waves crashing against the shore. The incoming tide was the color red.

'Kizu Beach... That was the place where I almost lost everything... The place if I were to ever return to, I would most likely die...'

Taisho 16, Ueno Park

"W-What did you say?" Fujieda Kaede gasped. She sat across the retired Yoneda Ikki on a blanket in Ueno Park, leaves falling all around them.

Yoneda put aside his sake and plucked a stray leaf from her hair. "Kayama accepted the mission himself."

"But Kizu Beach...!"

"So, Ayame-kun told you about it."

Kaede lowered her eyes. "Yes, Neesan barely kept any secret from me. Whenever she spoke of Kizu Beach, her hands would shake..."

"It was a frightening place," Yoneda noted, "I almost died there. Many people have died there."

"Then why must Kayama-kun to go there of all places!?"

"It's been ten years. The navy needs to know if the place is finally safe to build on. In the past, they sent entire squads there to investigate, but they never returned. So, this time, they decided to go with one person at a time, and someone experienced in spiritual entities..."

"But alone?!"

"Kaede-kun, you have no reason to be concerned. Kayama-kun is well capable of carrying out this mission. All he has to do is take some readings and remain there for 2 nights. Besides, he eagerly accepted it, so there's nothing we can do to stop him."

Kaede still didn't look satisfied. "If we cannot stop him, then why did you bother telling me this information?"

Yoneda smiled into his sake. "I'm not quite sure..."

"Commander, I..." she uttered, then chuckled to herself, "No, you're the commander anymore..."

"That's right, Kaede-kun. You don't have to take orders from me anymore. Please do as you wish."

Kaede lifted her head and stared at his encouraging smile. With a nod, she got up and bowed her head. "Hai!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Kaede returned to the Daiteikoku Gekijou to find everyone preparing for a party that night. It was to celebrate their next upcoming play. The guests were to arrive within hours, so she went up to her room to get ready. Sitting in front of the mirror, wearing a white skirt and green top, she thought about her decision.

'Somehow I have to convince Kayama-kun to take me along on this mission before tomorrow. But his kinematron is not answering... How am I supposed to get in contact with him?'

Sighing, she went up to her window and gazed out at the night sky. "Mou, where is that Kayama-kun...?"

"YAAAA KAEDE-SAN~~!" Kayama chimed, dropping upside down in front of her.

"Aaaaaah??!!?" Kaede backed away in surprise, "D-Don't do that to me! What are you doing there anyways??!"

He grinned, standing on the ledge with his hands in his pockets. "I was on my way to the party when I heard you call. Is there something you need to see me about?"

"Yes, there is! It's about your mission at Kizu Beach tomorrow!"

"Kaede-san, that's confidential. How did you learn about it?"

"It doesn't matter where I heard it. You can't possibly go on that mission on your own. It's much too dangerous."

"But no one else from the navy wants to go. And we can't disclose it to the Teikoku Kagekidan or other groups, because of secrecy for the Navy."

"I'll go! Please, let me come with you!"

Kayama chuckled. "I cannot allow that, Kaede-san. Not only are you from a different division, but also you're not even supposed to know this information. Besides, if something were to happen you, I would be responsible..."

"But what if something happens to you?!"

"Maa maa maa, it's nothing for you to worry about. You have enough things to do here as the Assistant Commander. Just forget what you have heard about Kizu Beach and let me do this mission on my own. It's my decision after all."

"Kayama-kun..." she uttered, staring into his resolute face.

"Besides! It's a nice time of the year to go see the ocean! Ahahahahaha!!!!"

"Baka!!" Kaede cried, pushing him out the window.

As Kayama was falling, he called out, "Adios, Kaede-san! See you later!!"

Kaede covered her face and sighed. "I was supposed to convince him... Oh well, I'll have to catch him at the party tonight."

* * * * * * * * * *

By evening, many guests arrived and filled up the central garden and cafeteria. Oogami Ichiro paused to fix the play poster that had been falling. 'The six warrior dogs...' He then felt a hand snatch his and pull him in the opposite direction he meant to go. "Uwah?! Orihime-kun??"

"What are you doing over here, Chuuisan?? The party is this way!"

"H-Hai..." he uttered, coming into the cafeteria. He looked around at the well-dressed bunch and sighed. He was still in his ticketboy outfit. 'Even though I've gotten promotions, I'm still stuck like this...'

Sumire came over to join them. "Orihime-san, Chuui! I just can't wait for opening night. I'll be there in the front row to root for all of you."

"That's so kind of you, Sumire-san! But it isn't going to be the same without you!"

"Sou desu wa! Oh ho ho ho ho!!"

Oogami stared at the ex-Hanagumi, a sad smile coming to his face. 'This will be the first play without Sumire-kun who has retired from the stage. Even though it's tough, somehow we will manage...'

"Chuui," Sumire said, patting him on the cheek, "Don't look at me like that. You're making me feel guilty..."

"I-Iya... I'm fine. It's not like I don't see Sumire-kun anymore. You're here often enough, and I'm very grateful."

"Sou de~su ne!" Orihime noted, "You're here TOO MUCH! Aren't you supposed to be retired??"

"Ara, Orihime-san! What are you saying?? You don't want me to hang out here anymore??? Is that it?!"

"Well, if you're going to speak to me in such tone! Leave, we don't want you here~!"

While the girls argued, Oogami used this opportunity to sneak away. He spotted Sakura sitting down by the windows with champagne glasses. "Sonna!" he gasped, "Is Sakura-kun drinking?"

"N-No, I'm not!!" Sakura stammered. She looked around then leaned over. "I don't want to, but one of the theater patrons gave it to me. He'll be back soon. It'll be rude not to drink it, so here you go Oogami-san! Hurry!"

"EH?" he gasped as she forced him to drink it. She then poured the other one into a plant.

Just as he was wiping his chin, he saw the patron come by with another pair of champagne glasses. "Finished already, Sakura-san? Here you go."

'Uwah! What is this guy trying to do to Sakura-kun??' Oogami thought as the Patron left again and Sakura forced him to drink them again. 'I... I'm starting to get dizzy...'

Oogami got up and walked away, teetering towards the central garden. He turned his head and saw Kayama through the crowd. "Eh? Kayama ka?" But Kayama disappeared all of a sudden into the curtain as a hand had grabbed him by the sleeve. "Where did he go? Ahaha, spinning spinning..."

"What do you want with me, Kaede-san??" Kayama asked, the two of them meeting in the oversized curtain.

"Kayama-kun, the Kizu Beach mission..."

"That's confidential; don't talk about it here. Why don't you forget about it and enjoy the party?"

"I cannot do that. There's no way I will let you go alone." she replied, hands gripping tightly on his arm, "If that happens, somehow I know I will regret it... Do you understand what I'm trying to say..."

Kayama blinked. "Hmm? Aa, aa, I think I saw Oogami. I'll talk to you about the mission when I get back..."

"C-Chotto matte!" Kaede cried, as he pried free and escaped out of the curtain. "Kayama-kun!!" She came out to go after him but ran into Sakura. "Ah, Sakura! Did you see where Kayama-kun went?"

"No, I didn't." she replied, pushing two full glasses in her face. "Ah, but these are for you! Please accept it! Sore ja!"

"Sa... Sakura...?" But Kaede drank the glasses as she went out into the garden. "Hmm, I thought he went out here... Ha? What did Sakura give me just now...?"

"Kaede-san!" Maria caught up to her, holding another glass, "They want to toast on the new upcoming play and congratulate you on your own role! Kanpai, Kaede-san!"

"Ka... Kanpai..." Kaede uttered, dizzily being pulled back inside.

In the garden, Kayama came out of hiding. He had found the tipsy Oogami. "Ha? Who is this? Ah, Kayama..."

"Oogami, can I talk to you about a serious matter? Tomorrow, I shall be departing on an important mission at Kizu Beach, with my life as a risk. There is a great chance I might not return... But somehow, I feel that this is..."

Kayama's voice trailed off as he noticed that Oogami's head was leaning onto his shoulder. "Spinning and spinning... ah, I'm happy..."

"Oogami! Are you listening to me??" he asked. But Oogami was dead-drunk and now asleep. Kayama let out a sigh. "Looks like I have no choice..." He leaned Oogami against the tree trunk and smiled down at him. "This is goodbye, my friend. Adios."

* * * * * * * * *

Kaede slowly opened her eyes. 'What happened? Last thing I remember was going outside into the garden... But...' She was lying in bed, in her own room. Sitting up, she reached to turn on the lamp, when a hand stopped her. "EH?"

"Shh, don't make a lot of noise, Kaede-san. There are still some people awake..."

"Ka... Kayama-kun...!" she gasped, seeing him there with a glass of water. He handed it to her and sat on the edge of the bed, while she sat up and drank the water. "Arigatou... But what are you doing here?"

"Someone had to take you away from the party... Although you did give quite a performance - climbing onto the table and singing 'Shinjiareru Koto' along with a really good French cha-cha..."

"W-What did I do??" Kaede dropped her head in shame. "I'm the assistant commander and assistant stage manager... Ah! Then how... did y-you...?"

"You're not that heavy, Kaede-san." he chuckled, "45kg, correct?" (99 lbs)

"Leave a woman's weight out of this!"

"Actually, I wanted to talk with you... about tomorrow. I've changed my mind, so if you'd like to come be ready in three hours. I'll be back to pick you up..."

"Kayama-kun..." she uttered as he got up and walked towards the window. "Arigatou."

He glanced back and nodded his head, before opening the window and climbing out on the ledge. As he leapt out, he sang, "Shi-n-ji-ru-wa-la-la-la-la-la~!"

Kaede let out a sigh. 'Three hours he says? I better get ready.'

* * * * * * * * * * *

The next morning, Oogami found himself in Reni's room, inside the wooden box. He saw Reni standing there with the white dog with several names that he himself didn't know what it was called. "Taicho," Reni uttered, "Ohayo."

"R-Reni, ohayo... H-How did I get here??"

"Huund and I found you in the garden, making a scene. Now that you're awake, come downstairs. Everyone is waiting for you."

"Aa... h-hai..." he uttered, putting on his suspenders and climbing out of the box. He looked to the dog wearing his necktie. "Wan-chan, could I have that...?" But Wan-chan snapped at him. "UWAH! RENI!! WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN TEACHING HIM!??"

"Taicho, quickly downstairs." she replied, going out the door.

Oogami sighed and tried to get his tie back. When he went downstairs, Wan-chan was clamped onto his arm, biting. "Uug, my head... what a hangover I have..."

"Ya Oogami-han!" Kohran called, waving him over into the cafeteria where everyone else was, "Big emergency!"

"What happened?" he asked, going to sit down at the table.

"Taicho, this morning..." Maria started to say. She paused, staring to Kanna, "Tell him what you saw."

"Oh... I was awake before sunrise to train," Kanna explained, "I figured everyone would still be tired from the party, but I saw Kaede-san and Kayama leaving here with packed bags..."

"W-What did you say??!" Oogami gasped.

"Un! Iris saw it too!" Iris replied, "Iris woke up to go to the tolit, but when Iris went into the hallway, Kaede-oneesan and Kayama-oniichan were going down the stairs hand and hand!"


Maria noted, "We've tried to contact Kaede-san's kinematron, but there is no response. And she didn't leave a note or any information about where she went with Kayama-san, or when she will be back. Taicho, would you have any information about any of this?"

Oogami looked very pale. "Now that I think about it... I barely remember talking with Kayama last night... He said something about Kizu Beach... and... 'Goodbye'... Yes, he definitely said 'This is goodbye'."

"Kizu beach..." Maria uttered, "I wonder where I have heard that name before."

"I can look it up on a map." Reni said, getting up to leave the cafeteria.

Orihime happily took the dog onto her lap. "Good, Futon can sit with me~! But, Minna-sa~n, what are we going to do? Kaede-sa~n has fled together with Kayama-sa~n!"

"Sou ya!" Kohran replied, "Kaede-han even has a role in this play. For her to disappear three days before opening night, without attending dress rehearsal... That is totally not like her!"

"So Iris will never see Kaede-oneechan again? Iris is sad! Oniichan, what are we going to do??!"

Oogami lowered his head. He was still in a lot of shock. 'I can't believe it... Kayama... Kaede-san...'

Sakura entered the cafeteria, stretching her arms and looking cheerful, "Ohayou gozaimasu, minna!!" She stopped to look around at all of their faces. "Ano... what happened?"

"Mou, Sakura-tara!" Iris said, wiping away her tears, "Kaede-oneechan is gone for good! She ran away with that Kayama-niichan!"

"Un, I know about it."

"EEEEH?! Really!?!"

Sakura sat down and poured some tea. "Because I heard them talking about it through the wall in Oogami-san's room. But I don't think it's a romantic trip; it didn't sound that way. I'm sure they'll be back. Don't worry about it!"

Silence filled the cafeteria as she cheerfully drank her tea. "..........................."

"Sakura-kun," Oogami uttered, "What were you doing in my room??"

"A-Ah, I was looking for you of course... You were supposed to do the night watch!"




Sakura looked frozen for a moment, but Sumire moved in between them. "Ara, Chuui! Don't take your frustration out on others! We have no control over what has happened!"

"Oi Sumire!" Kanna uttered, food dropping from her mouth as she pointed at her, "Why are you here AGAIN??"

"What's that supposed to mean? I can come whenever I like! After all, I am training my successor - the next TOP STAR of Teito."

"Ah! You mean me??" Sakura asked, "Atashi??"

"Sakura-san! It's not 'Atashi', it's 'Watakushi'! Also, did you get drunk last night like I told you."


"Sakura-san! You were supposed to get drunk, become the life of the party, and become familiar with all of the patrons of the theater! That's your role! Did you forget all those things I told you??"

"I-Iie! I remembered but... for some reason, I felt a little shy. I guess I'm not cut out for it... Besides, next in line for Top star is Maria-san, isn't it??"

"S-Sonna..." Maria uttered, her face a little red, "Let's stop talking about such ridiculous things!"

"Sou desu~!" Orihime exclaimed, "Sumire-san, go home! You don't live here anymore, so you don't have to come here everyday~!"

"H-How dare you treat me this way! Is this what you call everlasting friendship?!?" Sumire cried. She looked back at Oogami, who wasn't listening to their argument. "Chuui, would you stop worrying about it? What a woman does is her own business!"

"How can you say that?" Oogami exclaimed, "Kaede-san is an important person to the Teigeki. For her not to return, what will we do? I won't allow such a thing take place! I will personally bring her back where she belongs!"

"'Personally'? Chuui, from the sounds of it I think that you are jealous of Kaede-san fleeing with Kayama-san and not with you."

"T-That's not it! Sumire-kun, go home! You're being a bother to everyone!"

Sumire just flipped out her fan and got comfortable in her chair. "Maa~! I don't feel like going anywhere!"

Oogami got up and went towards the door, looking very angry. "Oogami-san, matte kudesai!" Sakura called, "I really believe Kaede-san will be coming back. So..."

"I'm not going to take the chance!" he replied, "Right now, Kaede-san is...!" But he didn't finish. Instead, he stormed out and everyone fell silent. Oogami briefly returned to pry his necktie away from the dog's mouth.

"Aah?! Give Futon's plaything back, Chuuisan~!" Orihime shouted after him as he stormed out once more.

"Maria-san," Sakura said, turning towards her, "What shall we do now?"

"This is Taicho's decision, so we cannot stop him." Maria replied, "We have to take care of our duties first, that is the responsible thing to do. But, why would Kaede-san suddenly leave her duties is something I cannot understand... What could be so much more important...?"

* * * * * * * * * * *

'The ocean stretched out for miles... I could not see anything anymore... I knew then there was no turning back...'

Ayame ran a hand through her hair as she gazed out to sea. She stood at the end of ship that was bringing them to their destination. Wearing her green military and her brown hair in a ponytail, she clutched the white sheathed sword close to her chest.

"Ayame," said a voice behind her, "Are you okay?"

"Un..." she uttered, turning slightly, "I just have a bad feeling about this..."

"I do too... Did you hear about its story?"

"No, I haven't..."

"They say that during the warring times, there was a village of warriors on Kizu Beach. They defended against any invader and were thought to be most strongest and disciplined warriors in Japan. However, they did have one weakness. More than anything, they treasured their Princess. For her sake, they would put their lives just to protect her... Eventually, a warlord had heard of her reputation and wanted to own her. So he arranged an invasion of men 10 times more than the villagers. Even though they were outnumbered, they fought with all of their heart, protecting that precious person. The Princess could not found; they had hid her well. So that even though the complete village was defeated, the treasure could not be taken. So the invaders finally left. But when the Princess came out of hiding, she found that there were no survivors and the village she loved so much was no more. Overwhelmed with grief, the Princess threw herself in the violent waves and drowned. It is said that her spirit remained on that beach..."

"So, do you think that this story is true? That all those mysterious deaths were caused by a ghost?" she asked. He didn't reply. "Yamazaki-san?"

He shrugged. "I don't believe in this story. There's no such thing as ghosts."

Ayame nearly fell over. "Then why did you bother to tell me that story!"

"You looked like you were really into it. I guess I just wanted to scare you."

"You're cruel..." she sighed, but couldn't help but shiver all of a sudden. "Eh? I must be getting cold. Yamazaki-san..."

"W-What do you want me to do about it??" he stammered. She simply smiled and leaned against his chest. Blushing really hard, he slowly lifted his arm, his hand reaching for her shoulder, when...

"Yo!!" Yoneda and Kazuma came out, walking over to them. Yamazaki immediately pushed away from Ayame, scooting to the other end of the ship. "What's his problem??"

Ayame just smiled. "Don't worry about him. I think we're almost here. Look!" She pointed out and now a piece of land could be seen in the distance. "Kizu Beach..."

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"Kaede-san!" Kayama called as he walked out on the deck. He was in full naval uniform with white, while she wore her green military outfit. "Why don't you come inside; it's getting cold... Oh, what do you have there?"

"I was reading some of my sister's journal. I thought maybe she would have some information about Kizu Beach. Have you heard about its legend...?"

"Yup, it's a favorite sailor's story. A beautiful lady of the sea... Too bad anyone who meets her ends up dead."

"That's nothing to joke about. What if it's true?"

Kayama replied, "We're about to find out. Let me check on our coordinates..." But as he approached the cabin, one of the Tsukigumi ran over and hugged him. "Sukiyabashi!" he cried, "W-What gotten into you?"

"Taicho... we're almost there..." Sukiyabashi sniffed, "It's only a matter time before... Taicho!! Are you sure about this??!"

"Ah, I'm very sure. So get a hold of yourself." While Kayama pried away, the officer did try to control his emotion with an astonished Kaede watching in the background. "(Psst, Sukiyabashi, once you drop us off, promise me you will go back to the base... And in three days, come back for her, and head back immediately.)"


"(It's... been a pleasure working with all of you...)"

"TAICHO!!!! NO MORE! I CAN'T TAKE IT!!" Sukiyabashi quickly ran back into the cabin. "Oh the tears keep coming out...!"

Kaede walked over to Kayama. "What was that all about? Kayama-kun??" He just shrugged his shoulders. "By the way, there is something that has been bothering me. Knowing the history of the place and the risk you were putting your life in, why did you accept this mission alone?"

"Hm?" But he acted as though he didn't hear her, moving to the railing and pointing out. "Look! There it is, Kizu Beach!"

Kaede turned and saw the shore. They were almost there. ''Kizu Beach... The place where I almost lost everything... The place if I were to ever return to, I would most likely die'... That was what Neesan said.'

Just then, she saw a figure standing on the roof of a small shed. "Is that... a woman...?" she uttered, grabbing his arm, "Kayama-kun! Don't you see that woman over there!"

"Eeeh? I don't see anything..."

"She's right... Ah? She isn't there anymore. How strange... My eyes must be playing tricks on me. Ne, Kaya-" She lifted her face to see a soft look in his eyes, as he pried her hands away from his arm. "Kayama-kun...?"

"Gomen na, Kaede-san... for lots of things. But I promise, without fail, you will return home safely."


He then smiled like his bright and cheerful self. "Yaa! But the ocean is really nice isn't it??"

Kaede nodded. "Iine..." she said, looking back out, "Umi wa..."

But beyond their view, there was a woman looking back in their direction, her eyes red. 'So she has returned...'

* end of part 1 *

onto part2