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notes: another long part. er, is it really 1am? oh well i better go to sleep. btw, for the gun thing i know someone has to pull the trigger. i'll handle that next chapter. aren't love triangles wonderful? please enjoy - JILLM August 17 2002

sakura taisen (C) red co, sega co, overworks 1996, 1998, 2001, 2002

Sakura Taisen

everything returns to the ocean
Part 2

Oogami showed up in the battle room, just as Reni had located Kizu Beach on the wall screen. "All right! Reni is going to help me!"

"Hm?" Reni turned towards him, "What do you mean? I just wanted to see where Kaede-san went on vacation... But by the looks of it, it's very isolated. No towns for miles. I wonder why they decided to go to such a place..."

Oogami's face went red. "No one towns for miles... No one to hear her scream... I must save Kaede-san soon!! Who knows what is going on over there...!"

"Taicho," Maria said, having caught up to him, "You can't leave your post. You are the commander of the Teikoku Kagekidan."

"But Kaede-san is the vice-commander! How could she leave her post??"

"That I cannot answer. But I'm sure it's very important."

"With Kayama?! What could be so important with THAT GUY?!?"

Maria slanted her beautiful green eyes. "Taicho, I thought Kayama-san was your friend..."

"Nee Reni~!" Iris chimed, walking up to the blank-faced girl, "Let's run away together too!"


Maria sighed. "You two... No one else is leaving. We all must stay at the Teigeki. Right, Taicho!" Oogami shook his head frantically as he rushed off with the maps. "Taicho!!!"

"I must get to Kizu Beach whatever it takes! I can't let Kaede-san stay another minute alone with that guy! She's my vice-commander, I must protect her!!!"

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Kaede sneezed. She looked outside at the blaring sun and sighed. 'Is someone talking about me?'

She and Kayama were inside of the beach shed, setting up the equipment the navy sent with them. It was so hot that the two had shed some clothing. She looked down at the military jacket that she was using as a cushion. She was wearing a thin white tank top over her green skirt. For once she wished that skirt were shorter.

Staring over at Kayama, she saw that he had thrown aside his jacket and shoes, wearing a white tee shirt that was a little wet. She watched the little beads of sweat trickle down his face as he tried to push a large machine into the corner.

"Ah, let me help you with that." she said, getting up and going towards him.

"Iya, I can handle it!" he insisted, "Kaede-san, you don't have to do any work. This is my mission! Just sit back and relax!"

"This is not a vacation for me. Besides, what am I supposed to do when you hurt your back or something? Let's push together on three, okay? One, two, three... PUSH!!"

Combining their efforts, the large machine slowly slid up against the wall. The two leaned against it panting. "It's too hot..." Kayama sighed, "Everything is becoming blurry..."

"Do you want some water?" Kaede said, turning to their supplies, "There should be enough to last us. However..."

"Nan dai?" he asked, "What is it? Is something wrong?"

"I only see one sleeping bag..."


The two fell silent. A whole minute passed. Both of them were sweating much more than before. "Ano..." they said at the same time.

Kayama quickly pushed it towards her. "I wouldn't be able to face myself if I didn't let you have it. Please."

"Arigatou. But what about you?"

"I should be okay sleeping on the sand. It should be warm at night and someone has to stay on guard anyways..."

"Ah, demo..." Kaede still hadn't been able to get any information from him why he had eagerly accepted the mission, nor why at the last minute allowed her to come. It seemed too suspicious, but she didn't want to make any assumptions. Little by little she had realized the errors in her ways, leaving the Teigeki without any notice. 'Everyone must be worried about me... Should I call them? The play opens in three days, but I think I could make it in time... There's no way I can leave Kayama-kun by himself. But if I call, he might think that I would want to go back... Ah, what should I do?'

"Kaede-san," he said, putting his hands on her shoulders, "Are you okay? Do you have heat stroke??"

"W-Why would I...?!?" she cried, breaking away from his hold with her face all red. "A-Anyways, Kayama-kun, I wanted to ask you..."

But Kayama was already out the door. "We should scout out the area. You know, for the record. Ah, and a walk on the beach sounds nice~!"

Kaede just fell over. 'Uug, why does he keep avoiding it??'

"Kaede-san~! You coming~?"

"Hai!!" she said, going to catch up with him.

* * * * * * * * * *

"She's my vice-commander, I must protect her!!!" Maria said, impersonating Oogami, "Can you believe Taicho? He's seriously going to go after Kaede-san."

"Heeeeh??" Kanna uttered, as they were in the salon, drinking tea, "Taicho really doesn't like to have other men to be around HIS women."

"Sou ya!" Kohran replied, "Oogami-han is such an international player, but can't stand any competition. I would why is that."

"Insecurity." noted Reni. Everyone looked to her and nodded in agreement.

Orihime waved her finger in the air. "Sou desu~! Chuuisan is such a weak, little man that exerting his power over us is the only way he can feel good about himself!"

"Then... why do we allow it?" Sakura asked. Everyone stopped and thought about it.

Just then, the door flew open. "Minna! Who's coming with me to Kizu Beach! We shall leave as soon as possible!"

"Nobody is," Maria replied, "We're all going to practice for the play and then go train for battle. As Commander, Stage Manager, and Taicho - you should also be preparing."

"But, Kaede-san is...!!!"

"Oogami-san!" Sakura cut in, "I told you, Kaede-san will be back on her own accord. Just let her be..."

"With Kayama, that bastard?! No, I can't allow it!"

Kohran gave him an evil look. "Na, Oogami-han. How do you except to get to Kizu Beach anyways? The Shougeimaru isn't budging, because the staff has the dayoff. And you wrecked the Mikasa."

"No, I did not! Not on purpose! Blame it on the Noh-bad-guy! Anyways, can't one of you please fly the Shougeimaru for me?"

"Iya yo." Iris said, "Iris-tachi won't do such a thing. Oniichan thinks of all of us as property!"

"Eeeeeh?!? I do not!!" he exclaimed, but they all turned away from him, "Minna! There's a misunderstanding! I respect each and every one of you as individuals!!"

"Individual prizes." Orihime grumbled, "All Japanese guys are all right, EXCEPT FOR YOU!" She then rammed her finger into his forehead. "ANATA DESU!!"

"ITEH!" Oogami uttered, falling over onto the carpet. "Minna... so none of you are going to help me?" Sakura got up and looked like she was going to lend a hand to pull him up. "Sakura-kun..." he uttered, eyes watery.

Instead, her hand pulled off his tie and gave it over to the white dog that started chewing on it. "There you go, Wan-chan~!"

"Hey!" he exclaimed, sitting up and staring at everyone, "I'm the commander! Aren't you all going to follow my orders?"

"Cheh," Kanna said, rubbing her nose, "I think we need to elect a new commander. This one is defective."

"You can't do that! This isn't a democracy!!" He stopped to see Sumire coming in the room. "Oi Sumire-kun! What are you doing here?"

"Ohohohohoho! I'd like to nominate myself, Kanzaki, Sumire to be the new commander of the Teikoku Kagekidan!"

"You can't do that! Go home!!" But Oogami watched as everyone followed Sumire out the room. 'Sonna baka na!!!!'

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Back at the beach, Kaede walked into the shed, soaking wet. "Gomen, Kaede-san!" Kayama said, handing her a towel. "It was an accident. Are you all right?"

"Daijoubu yo." she said cheerfully, "The cool water actually felt good, after being in this heat and all. But we really didn't get that far, did we?"

He shook his head. "I'll go back later. For now, let's have some lunch." While he was bringing out some canned food, he caught a glimpse of Kaede and blushed. "Eto, Kaede-san..."


"I-Iya... Bezuni."

Kaede smiled a little. "Am I being a distraction to you? Maybe I shouldn't have come after all, so you could concentrate on your mission."

"T-That's not it! Ore wa...!" He looked down at the bag of rice crackers in his hands. "I wanted you to come, because there's something I need to ask to you do..."

"Eh?" she uttered as he put aside the bag and took her hands in his. 'Ka... Kayama-kun...?!?'

"Please, Kaede-san, do this favor for me!"

"A-Ah, h-hai! W-What is it??" she stammered, face turning all red.

Kayama released her and dug in his jacket pocket, taking out a sealed envelope. "This letter contains my true feelings..."

"EH?!" Her heart started pounding loudly in her ears. "Y-Your true feelings...?!"

"Sou darou sou darou." he said, placing it in her hands. "Please give this to Oogami after the mission."

"NANI!?!?!?!?!?" Kaede exclaimed, sounding angry and shocked, "Why Oogami-kun?! What feelings do you have for Oogami-kun!?"

"That's a secret!" Kayama laughed, going to get the rest of their lunch out.

"Why you!" she cried, going after him, but she tripped on his jacket and started to fall. "Kyaa...!" Kaede opened her eyes to see that she was now in his arms. 'Ha-Hah!!?!'

"Soshite," he said softly, "I have another favor... When it's all over, I want you to take all of the research we gathered here. Take it with you and never return."


"I beg of you. Do not stay."

"W-What are you talking about?" she stammered, breaking out of his hold, "Why are you leaving me in charge of it? Why don't you do it yourself...?" And then, it hit her. "You had no intention of returning..."

"Sou... you figured it out. I'm not going back to Teito."


"Because I'm going to die here."

Kaede couldn't believe what she was hearing, nor the look on his face as he said this. He appeared cool and so sure, the smile still on his lips. She felt angry and of course shocked, but mostly angry. "You fool!" she cried, giving him a good slap in the face before storming out of there and not looking back.

* * * * * * * * * *

Back at the Teigeki, Oogami was still trying to think of ways to get to Kizu Beach. He sat in the upper balcony of the theater, watching the girls rehearse. He also had his kinematron with him, trying to get a hold of anyone to help him.

"Kasumi-san and the others are much too busy. No one is picking up at the Hana-Yashiki. The Paris-Hanagumi is in Paris... Haaa, who can I rely on?"

He suddenly hit a button by accident. It dialed a number he thought he would never dial. "Kyaaaaa!!! Ichiro-chan!!!"

"Uwah!? Yokihiko?!?"

Yoki blushed and folded his hands together. "Ichiro-chan, how is that you call me on my auspicious day??"

"W-What?? Hey, why are you in a wedding dress??"

"Yoki-chan~!" Kotone called, "Who are you talking to... Ah! Oogami-chuui!" He too was in a dress.

"What's going on here??!" Oogami exclaimed.

"Sonna! Oogami-san?!?" Kikunojo cried, also coming onto the screen in a dress. "I can't believe it's you... I'm happy."

"Sou ne." Kotone noted, "It's a sign. We can't go through with it."

Yokihiko nodded. "How could I marry another when my heart still belongs to Ichiro-chan?!"

"EH?!" Oogami went pale. 'Masaka... I called them right before their wedding ceremony. Who the heck are they marrying?!!'

He watched as the three brides escaped the ceremony and now were outside. "We are still the butai of love and beauty, here to serve Oogami-chuui!" Kotone sang.

"Wahw! That rhymes!!" Yoki said, "I like our new saying!"

"Oogami-san," Kiku said, "What is it you need help with??"

Oogami decided to try his luck. "Well... I need to get to a location as soon as possible, but I don't have any means of transportation. The Shougeimaru and the Mikasa are not options, and no one here will help me."

"Why don't you use that gift we got from Paris?" Kotone suggested.

"What gift?"

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Kaede really felt hungry and had no other place to go, so she turned back. When she returned, Kayama was outside making a fire. "Ya, Kaede-san!" he said, his cheery self again, "I'm going to make a soup. You must be hungry since you skipped lunch."

"Hai..." she uttered, staring into his smile, "Is there anything I can do?"

"Nope! Just hold on, okay?"

Kaede sat down in front of the fire as he put down a pot of water. She folded her arms on her knees and looked in the flames. "I'm sorry about hitting you before."

"I'm fine. It didn't hurt at all." he replied, "Besides, I said something that must have sounded really stupid to you."

"Yes, it was! Kayama-kun, if you just came here to die, then I swear I won't ever forgive you! I-Iie, I mean... Can you please explain it to me?"

He nodded, while putting in the ingredients. "It's been a week now since I heard that the Tsukigumi will be disbanded."

"Eh? Disbanded? But why?"

"Our work wasn't keeping to date with modern times and need to be replaced by more efficient means. I felt bad for everyone, because they didn't have anything else. At the review session, I was told I could redeem us by taking this mission. But it was only a joke. They weren't expecting a result - they didn't care for the Tsukigumi or me..."

"So, even when insulted, you accepted the mission anyways?"

"My use is over. I have let my team down, as well as my capital. I figured if I accomplish something, maybe they might reconsider and give the others another chance. But it's all over for me. Maybe what's left now is a heroic death."

"Kayama-kun! I can't let you do this!" she cried, "Let me talk to them or maybe even Oogami-kun could...!"

"Of course Oogami would have some effect... He is much more reliable than me. But I shouldn't rely on him anymore though. I should face this, as a man should. Somehow I know it will be fine..."

"I will not be fine! I... I...!!"

"You will, because you're not like everyone else. For example, when Oogami went off to Paris, it was only you who did not chase after him. That's because you're strong. From the beginning I saw that and admired you since..."

"Kayama-kun..." she said again, "I..." She stopped as he handed her a bowl. As they finished all the soup, she couldn't say anything.

"Doushita? There's no need for you to worry. The victims of the ghosts were never female. It usually leaves them alone, but just in case I'll be sure to protect you. So, at least this mission will be completed, right? That is what really matters..."

Kaede didn't answer, looking quite sad - Kayama too. Trying to smile like his old self, he picked up his guitar and played a couple of cords. But he just couldn't help but look to her again.

"Gomen na, Kaede-san... For giving up... You must think less of me now."

"Iie," she said, lifting her head, "Sometimes I too feel like giving up..."

"No way... You...?"

"Un... The years are passing me by... I feel like I'm going to be a vice-commander, vice-stage manager forever..."

"That's not too bad. So what if you don't get promoted; at least you have a secure job, and all of the girls admire you so..."

"Kayama-kun, you said that you admired me... was that true?"

He blinked. "Ah? D-Did I say that??"

"Yes, about a half hour ago. Well? Is it true??" she said, moving closer, "Were you lying? Kayama-kun??"

"... Look, night had already fallen. Why don't you go inside the shed and get some rest?"

"Kayama-kun!!! I'm not going anywhere until you answer me! That is an order!!"

He nervously picked guitar and started playing, trying to ignore her. After yelling at him for a couple of minutes, Kaede calmed down and sat beside him. With the sounds of his playing and the ocean combined (as well as her full stomach) Kaede drifted off to sleep, her head going to lean on his shoulder.

"Eh?" Kayama stopped playing, his face all red. He gazed down at her, whispering, "Sweet dreams, Kaede-san..."

* * * * * * * * * * *

'Hah...?' The hazy scene slowly focused and Ayame saw that she had fell asleep. Lifting her head off of her jacket, she sat up and stared ahead at the person sitting not to far from. Before she could call his name, an arm wrapped around her leg. "K-Kyaaa!!" she cried, kicking the sleeping Yoneda away, "Why you...!!"

"Stop being noisy over there." said Yamazaki, looking over his shoulder.

"Ano, Yamazaki-san..." Ayame uttered, carefully going towards him. She didn't want Yoneda to wake up. "What are you doing?"

"I'm working on a little invention." he replied as she sat next to him, "It's just in case we get separated. I'll have this device and someone like you would have this other one. If we need to get in touch with each other, you hit this button here and my device will make a loud beeping noise, likewise for mine. So all you would have to do to find me is to follow the sound. The quicker the beep, the closer you are getting."

"Sou desu ka..." she replied, smiling, "Being separated from Yamazaki-san would be difficult..."

"A-Ayame, don't say such strange things." he mumbled, his face blushing a little, "I'm so bored that I making random inventions out of stuff I found lying around. I can't believe the military sent us on such an insulting mission. I mean, seriously, what are we supposed to do with a ghost??"

"I'm not sure myself, but the idea is kind of frightening. I'm scared a little bit. Hold me."

Yamazaki's face went sour as Ayame cheerfully leaned against him. "Ayame... what the heck are you trying to pull? Stop acting like this; the geezer is in the room..."

"It's okay. He's asleep." She lifted her hands to his face. "Yamazaki-san..."

Yamazaki looked from her to Yoneda, who was lying against the wall snoring. "A-Ayame... ore wa..." He checked one more time, before he leaned over and gave her a little kiss.

Yoneda opened one eye and chuckled to himself. 'Heh, ano yarou...'

Yamazaki suddenly broke away and rushed out the door. "I-I-I'm going to check on Taisa... You stay here, Ayame!"

"Hai," she said, before turning towards where Yoneda was. Yoneda quickly tried pretending to be asleep, but she saw past his act and walked over to him. "It's rude to eavesdrop."

"I wasn't. You chose to do that right in front of me," he replied, "Even if we are on a mission, I can't stop a pair of young lovebirds."


"Heh, it's okay, Ayame-kun. I won't tell if you don't."

She nodded her head, feeling glad that Yoneda was somewhat on her side. She then picked up one of the devices that was left behind. Smiling, she held it to her chest and closed her eyes. 'Yamazaki-san...'

"Oi!" Yoneda exclaimed, waving the floating hearts out of the way, "You still don't have to act so lovey-dovey. We are on a mission, after all, no matter how humiliating it is..."


* * * * * * * * * * *

"Hah?" Kaede's eyes flickered open. She was lying in the sleeping bag, inside the dark beach shed. Sitting up, she reached for her jacket and looked around. 'I don't remember getting up and coming here... Ah! I must have fell asleep! That means... Kayama-kun...'

She rushed outside to see that the fire was dying. "Kayama-kun..." she uttered, staring at the back of his head. "Arigatou... for putting me to sleep... again, that is. I mean to be all this trouble for you... I..."

'What am I saying?' she asked herself, 'The only reason he brought me along was for me to finish this mission for him... How heartless. He didn't even take into account my feelings...! But... what exactly are my feelings?? Shimata! I don't even know... why is this so difficult??'

She looked up into the night sky and saw a mirage of Oogami's smiling face. "Ya Kaede-san~!"

'Sonna!!!' Kaede thought, covering her red face, 'I don't feel anything towards Oogami-kun!! Right, just like how I don't feel anything towards Kayama-kun! I'm too smart to fall for these kinds of guys... But... why... why...?'

"Why can't I stop thinking about you?" she said out loud, walking towards Kayama, "It's been a long time already, and you... You've always been there. I don't know what I would do if you weren't. Is it so wrong - to rely on someone else?"

She stopped right behind him, hands shaking. 'What am I doing?? Acting all so... so...!' She fell to her knees, hugging him tightly. 'Kyaaa?!? What am I doing??! Is this what they call: uncontrolled feelings of love? No way! I'm passed that age... But I can't help it...'

"Kayama-kun," she cried, eyes clenched close. "I don't want you to die. Please, try to understand... I want you to remain here with me. Kayama-kun, I..."

Her eyes flickered open as she heard sounds of snoring. 'Sonna!! I confessed my feelings to him and he's asleep??! SONNA!!!!!' Kaede quickly backed, feeling very mad at herself and also Kayama. "Why does it have to be this way?" she sighed, going to put his jacket on him for a blanket. "Good night, Kayama-kun..."

As she turned to go back into the shed, she paused to look up in the sky. She thought she saw a shooting star. Instead, she saw a large object coming towards her at top speed. "EEEEEEEEH?!??"

"Kaede-san! Get down!!" Kayama cried, tackling her to the ground. The two watched as the giant bullet crash-landed into the sand a couple feet away. "What a relief... It missed the shed and equipment by inches. What the heck is that thing??!"

"It's a bullet? M-Masaka!" Kaede stammered, as she pulled herself up and ran towards it, "Kayama-kun! Help me! There's someone inside!!"

"Eh? What do you mean??"

"The Paris Kagekidan gave a big gun transporter for the Teigeki..." she said as the two of them pried the door open. "O-Oogami-kun?!?"

Oogami slowly sat up, looking very dizzy from the ride. He was wearing his battle uniform and had with him his two swords. "Kaede-san..."

"Iyooo Oogami~!" Kayama said cheerfully, playing his guitar.

Oogami quickly recovered and leapt out of the bullet. "YOU!!!" He gave Kayama a good punch in the face. "You bastard! Taking Kaede-san to such an isolated place!!! I won't forgive you!!"

"Kayama-kun!!" Kaede cried as he fell over into the sand. "Oogami-kun! How could you do such a thing!!" She then gave Oogami a good punch in the face.

Oogami fell over next to Kayama, the two of them looking dazed. "Kaede-san..."

"S-Sorry about that... But you hit Kayama-kun for absolutely no reason! And why did you leave your post?!"

"W-Well, you left your post too! And why are you so angry??! I came to rescue you!!"

"I didn't need to be rescued! And we were doing just fine on our own before you showed up!"

"Maa maa," Kayama said, while sitting up, "Don't argue. Let's all talk about this as adults." There was a long pause. "Okay, let's not do that. It would be very difficult."

"Of course it would!" Oogami snapped, pointing at him, "You are incapable of having an adult conversation, you Vice-commander-kidnapper!" ,P> "I was not kidnapped!!" Kaede cried.

Kayama covered his ears. "Yaa, I have a solution. Oogami, you must leave right away."

"I'm not going anywhere without Kaede-san!"

"Then take her with you."

"What?!" Kaede turned towards Kayama. "No, I'm not going to leave you here!"

"You have to go, otherwise Oogami will be in danger as well."

"But I...!"

They looked over to Oogami who was trying to use his kinematron. "That's funny. I'm not getting any reception. It doesn't seem to be working..."

"So we're not able to communicate with anyone?" Kaede asked, as Kayama tried his own kinematron and then the radio. "How will we get back?"

"You'll just have to wait until the boat comes in three days." Kayama replied, "Hopefully..."

"Hopefully, what??" Oogami asked, blinking his eyes.

"Kaede-san, would you please go inside the shed with Oogami and explain the mission to him."

"Eh? But what will you do?"

"Someone has to stand guard all night. Who knows what will happen..." He paused to pick up his jacket off the ground and shake the sand off it. "Arigatou... about before..."

Kaede's face went red. 'He was awake...'

"Kaede-san??" Oogami stammered as she ran ahead into the shed. He turned towards Kayama. "What exactly is going on? Did you do something to Kaede-san?!?"

"Heeeh? Ore??? Sonna!!!"

"Fine, I'll believe you for now, but if I find out anything you are in for it!"

"I thought you were my friend..." Kayama said with a teary face, "Or maybe... even more..."

Oogami's face went red. "W-What are you talking about??!" He quickly ran into the shed, slamming the door close.

Kayama's face went back to normal and he let out a chuckle. He then looked down at his jacket with a sad smile. 'Who knows what will happen...'

* * * * * * * * * * *

"I see," Oogami uttered after Kaede went over the details of the mission. "That's what is going on. I don't see why Kayama didn't flat out tell me."

"Well, you know him..." Kaede replied, crossing her arms, "You never can get a straight answer with that guy."

"Aa, that's true. But I still don't understand why you are here. I mean, why did you just leave your post without telling any of us."

"I'm not sure myself," she sighed, "I've been doing some strange things lately..."

"Like table-dancing at high profile parties?"

"Y-You know about it??!"

"From the rumors; I was pretty smashed at that party too." Oogami replied, "So, what should we do now? The boat doesn't come until after tomorrow, and there's a ghost on this beach??"

"Hai, iie... I don't know. According to the report, yes. Neesan also said there was... But I'm not too sure if there really is a ghost."

He leaned over to her. "Kaede-san, if you're scared, go ahead and admit it."

"W-Why would I be scared of a ghost? I'm the vice-commander of the Teikoku Kagekidan!!" Her eyes moved into the lit lantern. "That's all I am, right?"

"Eh?" Oogami blinked his eyes, surprised by the change of tone in her voice. Kaede-san...??"

"AH?!" she cried, waving her hands, "Was that out loud?! Sorry! I'm not myself lately!!"

He caught one of her hands and smiled. "Daijoubu... No matter what happens, I will take care of you..."


"Kaede-san... Ore wa..."

She quickly backed away. "I-I-I'm going to check on Kayama. He really shouldn't be out by himself. It's dangerous. E-Excuse me!!"

"Wait a minute!" he said, getting up, "I'll come with you!"

The two walked outside and felt the silence. They had been in the shed for just over an hour, but the scene had changed greatly. The place where the fire was a scattered pile of burnt driftwood and supplies were left all over the sand.

"Kayama-kun?" Kaede uttered in a little voice, "Where..." She stopped to look at what she had stepped on. Picking it up, she saw that it was a broken piece of his guitar. "Ka... Kayama...kun...!"

"Kaede-san!" Oogami gasped, holding her to keep her from falling over, "Calm down! I'm sure he's around here somewhere! The ghost couldn't have got him!" He scanned the scene over again, but didn't see anything but the crashing waves in the distance. "Hey... do you hear that?"

She lifted her head, looking towards the ocean again. "It's... a beeping noise...?"

"Let's find out where it's coming from! Maybe Kayama is there!"

"H-Hai!" she said, the two of the breaking into a run. 'What's going on? Kayama-kun, where are you?' she thought, tears in the corners of her eyes. She suddenly felt Oogami's warm hand taking hers as they ran to the shore. 'Yes, I'll be strong. But still I...'

"Kayama!!! / Kayama-kun!!!"

They stopped and gazed out to sea, standing in ankle high water. But they didn't see anything.

"Sonna..." Kaede uttered, dropping her head. But looking down, she saw something in the water. She reached down and got it. It was an odd looking device made out of a pocket watch and other random items. "Was this what was making that noise?"

"It couldn't have been." Oogami replied, "It must be water-logged, there's no way for it to work. Also, who knows how old it is."

Kaede still didn't shrug it off. "What does it do?" she uttered, seeing that there was button. So she pushed it. She and Oogami turned their heads, "Do you hear that?"

"Ah! It's coming faintly from over there! Let's go!"

"Hai!" she said, the two of running again. 'I'm not sure what's going on, but... I'll find you for sure. Please hang on, Kayama-kun!'

* end of part 2 *

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