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my goodness it's late! well don't worry, i wasn't that sleepy anyways. i haven't tried recording yet. i need to find the microphone thinggee to hook up on my computer. ^__^ here's another fun chapter, with some... well strange events. hopes you enjoy, rather than be disgusted or anything. sorry. i just had some fun writing this.
~JillM sept042002

'koibito' - 'lover'
'ryokai' - 'roger'
'tadaima' - 'i'm home'

Sakura Taisen (c) sega co, red co, overworks 1996,1998,2001,2002

Everything returns to the ocean

Part 5

Kaede woke up. She didn't know how much time had passed or what had happened, all she knew was that she didn't die despite being strangled. Sitting there against the wall, she noticed that her wrists and ankles were tied together.

'Eeh? What's going on?!'

She lifted her head to the door, where footsteps were heard. Scooting towards the corner, she kept her eyes on the moving shadow. She saw that he was holding a sword and a lantern. Unable to stand and also still weakened, Kaede watched as Oogami entered the shed.

"Good you're finally awake; it's no fun when you're sleeping..."


He knelt down in front of her. "From here on, you have to follow my commands or else I will have to slice you up into three delicate pieces. First thing is that you must call me 'Shirei'."

"Sh... Shirei..."

"That's good. And smile when you say it."

"Hai... Shirei..."

Kaede watched the lantern swing back and forth, before he placed it on the floor next to her. "It's so I can see every bit of you." he replied, "Now I'm going to play with you for a while."

"EH?" she gasped as he slipped off one of her shoes and held her bare foot against his face. "Ooga- I mean, Shirei, what are you doing?"

"Ah, what a nice feeling." he sighed, unlacing the rope that was tied around her ankles, so he could free her legs. He now moved up, going to massage under her kneecap. Kaede muffled her laughter and he shot a deadly glare at her. "What's so funny?"

"I-I'm just ticklish." she replied.

Oogami now eyed her green skirt. "I want that," he said pulling at the fabric, "Give it to me."

"My skirt? B-But my hands are tied."

"Very well then." He unhooked the buttons and slid it off. Kaede blushed, sitting there in her underwear. But Oogami ignored her and stood up staring at the skirt. After a minute, he turned back to her. "Now close your eyes."

"H-Hai!" She did as told, and heard some rustling noise. She couldn't help but open them again, just in time to see Oogami taking off his pants. "EH?!"

"I said CLOSE YOUR EYES!!!" he snapped.

"Hai!" She clenched them closed with tears in the corners. 'This is it...'

"Kaede-san, now open them."

She slowly opened her eyes and lifted her head. "Haa..." she uttered, seeing him in front of her wearing her skirt. "W-What the?"

Oogami made a sexy pose. "Does it look good? WELL??"

"Y-Yes, very good, Shirei! It looks better on you than me!"

"Kaede-san, it's not good for you to lie." he replied, "Now give me your bra! I want that too!"

"No! I won't!" she blurted out. She saw him become angry and quickly held up her arms. "I'm tied up, remember?"

"Fine, I will get it myself!" He pulled her up on her feet with one hand, the other tearing off her shirt. Kaede screamed as the cold air hit her skin. Oogami just stared in wonderment. "It's perfect!"

Kaede wasted no time; she rammed him aside with her shoulder and ran for the exit. Somehow Oogami managed to get up and race in front of her to block the door. She ran right into him.

"All right," he uttered, moving her tied hands over his head so that her arms wrapped around his neck. "Playtime is over."

"Oogami-shirei..." Kaede gasped as he kept walking forward until she felt the wall against her back. "Please don't..."

"You want to, Kaede-san, you just don't know it yet."

Oogami proceeded to press kisses all over her face, before going to concentrate on her eyes. Kaede stared back at him, an awkward feeling coming over her.

'Is this really what I want - be cover with Oogami-kun slobber? No, it can't be! I want to protect people and Teito... and I can't do that if I'm fooling around with my commanding officer. But, Oogami-kun seems serious - so serious it kind of scares me. Then again, I guess I've never been in this type of situation before. Is this how it really is? Somehow, I can't help but...'

She tilted her head, opening her mouth slightly. Oogami saw this and reached for her too. Lips inches apart, they stopped to hear a familiar voice.


Kaede turned her head. "Ka... Kayama... kun...?! Y-You're alive?!"

Kayama was leaning in the doorway, his arms crossed and grinning. "Sou da na! It's takes more than weird supernatural stuff to kill off the Taicho of the Tsukigumi! Ahahahaha!!!"

She looked from him to Oogami, who was nibbling on her ear. "Ah! T-This is...! It's not what you think!!"

"Of course it is!" Oogami yelled over to Kayama. "It's rude to interrupt! Go back to being dead!"

Kayama pouted. "That's cruel, Oogami... but what exactly is going on?" He took another look at the scene. "Hmmm... Oogami and Kaede-san are getting busy in the beach shed. I shall wait outside. Come get me later."

"W-Waaait!!!" Kaede cried as he turned and left. She turned back to the amorous Oogami, who wanted to continue as before. 'What is with him? Kayama-kun just came back from the dead and all he can think about is...!'

He moved forward, but Kaede lifted her arms in the air and ducked in time. He went right into the wall. "Gwaah!" She pulled down the skirt at the same time and yanked it out from under him. "Oi!!" he yelled, falling on his backside.

"Gomen!" Kaede bashed him in the head with her fists, grabbed her shirt, and ran for the door. She managed to break the ropes and put on her clothes before going outside. "Kayama-kun!!" she called, stopping right behind him as he knelt in the sand. "Kayama-kun..."

He turned around, his face teary. "Ore no guitar..." he whimpered, holding up his hand with some pieces of it, "I cannot believe this!"

"What happened to you?! We thought you were dead!"

"Oh yeah, about that... When I was standing guard, something attacked me and pulled me into the ocean. I was going deeper and thought I would run out of air. But then I found this place..."

"A place under the ocean?"

"Right." he said, while standing, "When I was sinking, I heard a voice and saw an image of a woman. She led me there and I was able to recover my strength before swimming back to the surface."

"A woman... You mean the ghost."

"Whatever pulled me in was definitely different from what saved me. Oh, and I happened to find this in the underwater cavern." He dug in his pocket and held up a device.

"That's identical to the one that Oogami-kun and I found on the shore. I wonder how it got down there. At any rate, let's investigate this underwater cavern more closely."

"I know how to get down there. My men packed us some diving gear and an air tank, and there's also small raft." Kayama looked ready to run back into the shed to get the supplies, when she stopped him.

"You're bleeding. Let me take care of your injury first." Kaede made him sit down and brought out the first aid kit, taking a look at the gash on his left arm. "Ano..."

"Ha?" he asked, watching as she cleaned the wound. "What is it, Kaede-san?"

"You told me before that you wanted to die, so when you went missing I thought I had lost you for good."

"Well, you're the one who said you didn't want me to die."

Kaede's face went red, as she remembered how she clumsily confessed her feelings to him. "I did, didn't I? But, just because I said so?"

"Sou da sou da! You're still a higher rank than me, so what you say, goes!"

"It's not just because I'm your superior. I asked you not to die, because I wanted you to..." She paused, gazing at the finish bandage-work she had done. She lifted up his hand and held it to her face, closing her eyes. "Kayama-kun..."


Kaede pinned him down on the sand. "If you care about me, why don't you just say something!? I'm getting sick and tired of this! I mean it! I won't ever forgive you if you don't something to me right now!"

"D-Do what??" he gasped, still not sure what was going on. Tears were in her eyes, so he went to wipe them away. "Kaede-san, don't cry... Could you give me at least a hint as to what you want??"

"More of this," she said, sighing at the touch of his hand, "More, that's an order."

"R-Ryokai!" he said, going to brush her cheek with his fingers then run them through her hair. He watched as Kaede let out another happy sigh and leaned her face into his neck. Kayama stared up at the sky, in utter bewilderment. "Ah... this feeling... what is it...?"

"Is it... love??"

"No... pain... lots of it..."


Kaede looked over and saw that Oogami was there, sticking pins into Kayama's shoes. "HEY! STOP THAT!!!" She went over and kicked Oogami really hard.

"Gwaah! How dare you do that to your Commander!" he snapped, grabbing her by the wrist, "And what are you doing with him?! Didn't I already make it clear that you are MY woman?!"

"Whaaaat?!" Kaede cried, "I am not your woman!!" This of course made Oogami angry and he started strangling her again. "Uug, s-stop...!"

"Oogamii!" Kayama gasped, after removing the pins from his shoes, "Stop that! That's mean!" He gave Oogami a good punch and sent him flying, then checked on Kaede. "Are you okay?"

She hung onto him, trying to catch her breath. "That's twice already... What is with Oogami-kun? He's turned into some kind of a psycho..."

"Huuh???" Oogami lifted his sore face out of the sand. "What happened to me...? Eh??!" He saw those two up ahead. "Kayama!! Where have you been?!"

Kayama put Kaede down and approached him. "What's this about you strangling Kaede-san twice and also trying to molest her!"

"EH?! No, I didn't do any of that!! I'm innocent!"

"Now lying to my face... that's unforgivable, Oogami." Kayama rolled up his sleeves. "Even if you are my friend, I won't go easy on you."

While Kayama proceeded to smack Oogami around, Kaede watched from the side. 'Wait a minute... Oogami-kun has no memory of what happened before... Could it be that he was possessed...?'

"Chotto matte, Kayama-kun! Hold on!!" she cried, going grab his hand. But, at the very touch of his hand, Kaede went into a sugar comma - gazing off into the stars. 'Aah... this happy feeling...'

* * * * * * * * *

In the cafeteria, Sumire gazed into her tea. It had been a good dinner, but she really didn't know what to say or do next. She and Kanna had stopped being enemies and now it was just awkward.

"D-Don't we have a meeting in a couple of minutes??" Kanna asked, picking at the last piece of rice on her plate. She looked over at Sumire and sighed. "Shouldn't we go?"

"S-Sou desu wa..."

The two stopped, not moving.

"Sumire-shihainin~!" Orihime chimed, running into the cafeteria and grabbing her by the arm, "Let's go downstairs for the meeting! Hayaku desu~!!"

"H-Hai..." she uttered getting up from her seat. "Kanna-san, are you coming?"

"A-Aa... Just a moment..."

Orihime looked back and forth. "Naani desu ka~? What is going on between you two?? You're both acting very strange!"

"Orihime," Reni said, standing in the hallway. She waved her friend over and whispered in her ear.

"Sou desu ka~!" Orihime exclaimed, "Well then, let's all go down to the meeting together!" So the four of them went for the elevator and got out at the basement.

Maria was in the hallway, waiting for them. "Shirei, everyone is here already. Let's get started." Sumire quietly nodded and went ahead of them. "Aa... Is it just me or Sumire seems a bit different? Did something happen?"

"How should I know that, Maria?!" Kanna gasped, rushing in with a red face. Maria shrugged and went in after her. Orihime and Reni looked to each other and then followed.

"Minna-san," Sumire said, taking her place at the top of the table, "Regarding today's mission to retrieve ex-commander Oogami Ichiro and ex-vice-commander Fujieda Kaede... I have decided that the right thing to do would be to cancel it."

"EH!? Doushite?!" Sakura gasped, all decked out with camouflage fatigues and rolls of bullets for her shiny new machine gun, "I was really looking forward to it. Mou..."

"Sou yo!" Maria cried, "Why all of a sudden?! Isn't this the same thing we always do!?"

"Which is exactly why I have to put an end to this." Sumire said, remaining calm, "In the past we've always done such petty things... and for what? Is Chuui really worth all this trouble?"

Maria's face went red. "Aa... well..."

"I agree with Sumire." Kanna said, Maria looking at her friend in shock. "Nan da? She has a good point. We're always going overboard for Taicho, and he never changes. I think it's time we all... grew up."

Iris abruptly stood up from her seat, catching everyone's attention. "I agree!" she cried, tossing Jeanpaul across the room. "Let's act like adults!"

Reni quickly added, "... because that's what we are."

Kohran also got up from her seat. "Sou ya! I'm going to stop making dangerous items to get Oogami-han to restrain himself - and start making more useful things!" She paused to pick up the strange looking object next to her. "So, I guess I don't need this thing anymore." She went out of the room, but moments later it exploded. She came back covered with soot. "See! I don't want to go through that again! Let's do Sumire-han's idea!"

"Demo..." Sakura sighed, "What are we going to do if Oogami-san doesn't come back in time? What about opening night? Who is going to clip the tickets??"

"Is that all what you're worried about?!" Kohran gasped.

"Hai, Sou desu! It's a very important duty! And if you haven't noticed, we're so cheap that we're always understaffed!!"

Iris replied, "I have a perfect solution! Ne, Reni, come with me!" She grabbed Reni's hand and left the room. Moments later, they returned - Reni in the mogiri outfit. "Well??"

Reni fixed her tie and held up a hasami. "I will do my best..."

"KAWAII!!!!" Sakura, Kohran, and Orihime wailed.

Iris quickly ran in the way. "Back off you vultures! Reni wa Iris no Koibito!!!"

Maria rubbed her forehead. "Minna... are you really going to let him get away with this? I mean he left his duty, just because one of his women was taken from him. Also, he has a peephole in Kaede-san's room. That's unforgivable!"

Kanna shrugged her shoulders. "Taicho is Taicho... If he doesn't want to shape up, doesn't mean we have to play his game."

"Sou desu wa!" Sumire said, flashing a smile over at her, "Kanna-san is absolutely right! Besides, we have a play to prepare for! Tomorrow, we are going to give the crowd the best show we can! There's no time to be worrying about what Chuui is doing!"

"HAI!" everyone chimed.

Maria watched as everyone raced off to do more preparations. Sighing, she picked up Jeanpaul and placed him on her lap. "Haaa... this is definitely strange: Kanna agreeing with Sumire and not me, everyone not avenging Taicho's latest shenanigans... And for once I am the only one who thinks this way, while they all want to do the responsible thing... I don't get it."

"Pssst! Psst!!!" Orihime called from the door, waving her hand. "Maria-san, I think we need to have a little talk about our new Commander..."


* * * * * * * * * *

Oogami weakly gazed up at the sky. "Aan, my head hurts... Kayama you bastard, why'd you have to hit me so hard?"

"Because!" Kayama replied, "You were doing strange things with Kaede-san without her consent! That's wrong!"

"I don't remember doing such things... I'm innocent I tell you!" He frantically turned to Kaede. "You know I would never purposely try to hurt you! Kaede-san, you know me better than anyone!"

She just crossed her arms. "For the things you did to me, I ought to resign..."


She watched him collapsed in the raft, at the thought her leaving the Teigeki. 'It's no mistake... This is the real Oogami-kun. The one who was trying to strangle me before was something else possessing his body...'

Kayama stopped rowing the oars. "We're here. Now, who is coming down with me to the cavern? There are only two air masks."

"I will!" Oogami and Kaede said at the same time.

"Hmm, a difficult decision... Ah, I know! I'll take Oogami, since I know we both took the same swimming training in the academy."

Kaede protested, "Hey! I'm also well trained! And I wanted to investigate the cavern myself!"

He put his hands on her shoulders. "Gomen na, Kaede-san. It's just too dangerous, and more important that you survive. It's really okay for two guys like us to be killed, but you... No, I won't let it happen!"


"Everyone in Teitp is awaiting your next performance! Remember: Shi-n-ji-ru-wa-la-la-la-la-la~! Ahahahahaha!!!!!"

Kaede's face went teary. 'Why am I in love with such a stupid man???'

"Oi..." Oogami cut in, "I actually don't feel so well..."

"Oogami-kun, daijoubu??" she asked, "You were fine just a minute ago. What happened?"

"I think all those shots to the head are taking its toll, and those open cuts on me aren't fairing well with the salty air. Maybe it's better that you go instead of me."

"I understand. Please take care of yourself."

"Oogami, sorry about that." Kayama said, "Please look after the air tank for us. A tug on the cord will mean to help pull us back up."

"Got it. Be careful you two."

So, Kayama and Kaede put on the scuba gear and air masks and leapt in. Oogami kept unwinding the cords as they went deeper below the surface. Kayama had a light and led the way to the place he remembered the woman had showed him. When they were almost there, Kaede's air stopped coming.

'What happened?! I can't breath...!' she thought, feeling her head become light. Through her mask she saw Kayama finally turn towards her, but then everything went blank.

* * * * * * * * *

Ayame woke up on the beach. She had fainted when she saw Yoneda and Yamazaki repeatedly stab each other at the same time. She looked around and once again she was alone. Standing, she gazed towards the ocean. 'Shirei... Yamazaki-shousa...'

She then saw that she was standing in reddened water. Not surprised by it anymore, she quickly turned around and looked at the beach shed in the distance. Walking towards it, she picked up her sword and dropped the sheath. She felt a strong power coming from there.

'Another presence is near... I may be alone, but I have to put an end to this right away! I can't stand to have another person suffer!'

With one slash of her sword, Ayame slashed through the door. As it fell in two pieces, she limped into the dark room. Breathing hard, she frantically looked from side to side, but did not see anyone.

"Everyone..." she said, dizzily moving forward. She suddenly lost grip of her sword and fell to her knees. 'There's a force in here... it's taking my strength away...'

Not too far from her was Arataka. "Ta... Taisa..." She held up the sword, her hand becoming covering with blood. "Haaa...?! Taisa!! Everyone, where are you!!"

Just then, something collided with her. She hit the wall and fell to the ground. "KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" she screamed in agony as a hand with 12inch nails stuck into her shoulder. The hand with the stretched out arm grabbed her and pulled her into the depths of the ocean...

* * * * * * * * *

Kaede slowly opened her eyes. Above her, Kayama's face shined with relief. "Yokkata! Thank goodness you're okay!"

"What... happened...?" she uttered, her head resting on his lap, "Where am I...?"

"Well, you passed out and I brought you the rest of the way. Then I had to resuscitate you with CPR..."

She quickly sat up and touched her lips. 'Sonna!' she thought, face all red, 'Our first kiss and I wasn't even conscious!! It's no fair!'

"Ne, Kaede-san," he said, patting her on the shoulder, "You ran out of air, so I'm thinking something happened up there. Maybe Oogami is in trouble..."

"Maybe. Unless Oogami-kun is trying to kill me again."

"Heeh? Do you seriously think Oogami would let a ghost possess him??"

"Why not? It happened before..." Before she could say anymore, she lost her strength and collapsed.

Fortunately Kayama caught her. "Kaede-san, you better rest. You almost drowned, you know... Perhaps it would have been better if you stayed behind in Teito after all..."

"What are you saying...? You don't want me with you anymore?"

"That's not it. I just thought it would be better because I'm not doing a good job of protecting you." He then smiled. "Silly Kaede-san... how could you suggest that?"

Kaede bashfully hid into his shoulder. "Gomen... I'm not really good with these emotions..."

"Aa, it's okay. Take your time and don't rush. That's a piece of advice I think will help."

"Kayama-kun..." She lifted her face to his, but he was staring straight up at the stone ceiling. "What is it??"

"Just checking on the door. That's the only way in and out of here. It somehow keeps the water from coming in. I'm still not sure how it works so efficiently."

"This place..." She finally took a look around, "It's odd that its here under water and that there is breathing air in here."

"I don't know how it's possible, but I'm thinking that this place has been here for a very long time. Look at the engravings on the wall."

Kaede stood up and took the flashlight to see what he was talking about. "You're right. I think it's trying to tell a story..." Examining the pictures, she narrowed her eyes. 'So that's what happened...'

Suddenly a large rock broke through the door above them. It fell between them, water pouring in. "OI!" Kayama cried, "What are you doing here, Oogami?!"

Oogami stood on the rock with his swords. He leapt down and the rock automatically flew back up and clogged the hole he had made. "You think you could just leave me behind???"

"What are you talking about? You asked to stay."

"Kayama-kun!" Kaede cried, "Don't get any closer to him...!"

But it was too late. Oogami already drew his sword and stabbed Kayama in the thigh. Kayama crumbled to the ground, the water around him turning red. "That's what you get for ruining my happy ending!"

"Wha... What are you talking about, Oogami...?"

Oogami put both swords on either side of Kayama's neck. "You know what I mean! The price of it is DEATH!!" He slowly moved the swords together, the blades breaking the skin.

"Oogami! What are you doing?!" he exclaimed, lifting his hands to pull the swords away, cutting his hands in the process, "Aren't I your friend!"

"Ha! Someone who dares to steal my woman away is not a friend of mine! I will destroy you, Kayama Yuuichi!"

Oogami lifted his swords to finish him off, when Kaede's voice stopped him. "NOOOOOO! DON'T DO IT!!!!!"

"Why not?"

She felt to her knees, holding onto one of his arms. "Shirei! Don't hurt him, please! I beg of you! I'll do anything!"

He smiled down at her. "You are really cute when you succumb, but I must kill him so that he doesn't come between us ever again. Because I love you, Kaede-san."


Oogami turned back to Kayama, who had lost quite an amount of blood already; the three of them were standing in an ankle deep reddened pool. "Now you die..." he said, sending the swords down.

Kaede watched in horror. "KAYAMAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!"

* end of part 5 *

back to part4