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Notes: ^_______^ This the final chapter! And my birthday edition, so I put some extra care in writing this one (meaning, there's a lot). I have a couple of epilogue skits, such as Reni/Iris Kanna/Sumire double movie date and a Kasumi/Kaede confrontation, but will post them later. Please enjoy.

O_o My eyes are swirly so I will take a nap. I am a little Yoneda-ish today...

~ Jill M sept082002

Sakura Taisen (c) sega co. red co. overworks. 1996, 1998, 2001, 2002

Everything returns to the ocean
Final part


Kaede stared in disbelief as Oogami finished his movements and Kayama's body fell backwards into the reddened pool of water. He just laid there, eyes open and lifeless.

"Ka... Kayama... kun...He... He's dead..."

"Yeah he is!" Oogami chuckled, shaking the blood off his swords, "That bastard won't annoy us ever again!" He then broke out into evil laughter, even kicking Kayama's dead body a couple of times. "AHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!"

Kaede couldn't take it anymore and smacked him across the face. "Oogami-kun! You're the worst!"

Oogami stopped and glared at her. "What did you say? I soaked my hands in blood for you! There's no greater a love than this!"

"I don't want your love! Especially not like this!"


Oogami was really angry that she said this and started to move towards her. She quickly drew her sister's sword and blocked both of his - one with the sword and the other with the sheath.

"Kayama-kun is gone now... Oogami-kun! For what you've done, I cannot forgive you!"

She used every bit of her strength to break through his stance. His arms flying out, she found the opening and lodged the end of her sheath into his throat. Oogami fell to one knee, coughing up blood. "Gwaaah!"

She lifted up her sword to finish him off when a voice was heard in her head. 'Dame yo, Kaede-san.'


'Right, it's me... You mustn't go through with it. It wasn't really Oogami-kun who killed Kayama-kun...'

'I know, but...!'

'Kaede-san, your heart is hurting, but you still must use your head. Concentrate. Find the real murderer.'

'Hai... I understand, Neesan.'

Kaede looked at the kneeling Oogami in front of her, slowly gathering his strength back. She closed her eyes for a moment, focusing her spiritual power. 'She's here...!' Opening them, she could see the image of the ghost slowly become visible behind Oogami. "There you are!" she cried, slashing her with her sword.

"H-How can this be...?!" the woman gasped, backing away as the wound healed itself. "Just like before... Only you seem to be able to touch me... But I won't let you win this time!"

'Only me?' Kaede thought, 'No, it must have mistaken me for Neesan - since she was able to attack as well. Only...'

Oogami cut in, rubbing his sore head. "Eto... what's going on...?"

"Oogami-kun! Look out!!" she cried, as the ghost was about to attack him.

Oogami blindly swung back just enough to ward it off and then rushed over to Kaede. "W-What's going on? How did I get down here?! Where's Kayama??!"

"H-He's..." She looked over her shoulder at their fallen comrade. 'Kayama-kun... It's like what you wanted... Even after I asked you, somehow it still happened...'

"Kaede-san, you can see the ghost right? Maybe if you can guide me, we can defeat her together."

"I don't know if your attacks will do any good... The ghost seems to be able to heal herself. I read that Neesan dealt with this problem. She managed to injure the ghost with an exorcism attack, but for some reason didn't finish..."

"Why is that??"

"Because, Ayame-neesan..."

* * * * * * * * *

Despite bleeding in the shoulder, Ayame stood up and drew her sword. She could see the woman who was responsible for all of this. "No more. I won't allow to you hurt or kill anymore people!"

"Do you know where you are?" the ghost asked, "This is a place where someone hid while an entire village died for her. Including my love..."

"So, that's the reason for your vengeance?! Jealousy?!"

"It is a powerful feeling... But, it won't go away no matter how many I kill..." the woman uttered, gazing into her pure white hands, "It only awakens more appetite."

"If you refuse to feel remorse, then I shall have to take an extreme measure!" Ayame said, stabbing her sword into the ground. She put her hands together and started chanting.

'A Fujieda family secret... One of the most powerful exorcism spells... Only...'

Ayame stumbled forward, holding onto the sword to keep standing. Slowly by slowly her strength was swept away, but she continued to chant.

'It takes an enormous amount of power. For a person to fully go through with it, this would most like cost their life...'

"GWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!" the ghost cried, fading away, "This is not the end of it!! I shall be back and I shall take your soul next time!!!!!" With that she was gone, for the time being.

"Yokkata..." Ayame uttered, lying on the ground face covered with sweat, "I did it..."

'Neesan returned to her friends that day. But she knew it wasn't over. Someday that woman would return and cause more horror and sorrow. However...'

On the beach, Kazuma was taking care of Yoneda and Yamazaki's wounds. The three of them looked up to see her coming towards them. "Minna..." she uttered, happy to see that they were all right.

"Where have you been?" Yamazaki asked. She just ran over and hugged him. "OI!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Maa maa, Yamazaki," Yoneda sighed, "You should be grateful a girl would be willing even go near you with that attitude of yours."


Kazuma put on a bright smile. "Looks like Ayame-kun was the one who defeated the ghost by herself. Good work, Ayame-kun!"

"I guess the ghost could only be faced by another woman," she replied, "So it could have been anyone else... But, I'm really sorry to make you all worry."

"I-I wasn't worried...!" Yamazaki grumbled, while she still hung around his neck, "Anyways I've had enough of this mission. Let's go home."

"Hai!" she said, taking one last look towards the ocean. 'But next time...'

* * * * * * *

"Because Ayame-neesan had someone to return to and did not want to die just yet..."

Kaede again looked over to the dead body lying in red water. Wiping a tear from her eye, she turned back to the ghost taunting her to come. She gripped her sister's sword, ready to make a move.

'Kayama-kun is gone... I don't care what happens to me anymore...'

"Kaede-san...!?" Oogami asked, as she pushed him aside and charged at the ghost, "What are you doing?! WAIT!!"

She stopped a couple feet away, stabbing her sword into the ground. The ghost saw what she was doing and sent some attacks at her. She braced her head at the flying debris, but Oogami moved in front of her and hit away the rest of the onslaught.

"Kaede-san! I won't let you face her alone! Let me help you!"

"You can't! Oogami-kun, get out of the way!"

"No, I won't let you!"

Kaede put her hands together, beginning to chant. 'Even if you ask me, Oogami-kun... There's nothing you can do. My mind is made up...'

"Sonna..." the ghost uttered, sending more attacks - anything to mess up Kaede's concentration, "Not this again... Do you think this can do anything!? I'll be back!"

"Iie!" Kaede said, "I will banish you for good!!" As she was saying this, her legs went numb and she stumbled forward.

"Kaede-san!!!!" Oogami watched as she caught the handle of her sword, and began to chant again. "KAEDE-SAN!!!"

'Just a bit more...' she thought, her surroundings becoming blurry, 'It will be over soon...'

'What do you think you're doing, Kaede-san?'

'Kayama-kun...?! What does it look like? I'm coming to join you!'

'But what if I said no? What if the truth was you should not be with me after all...'

'Kayama-kun... demo... watashi...!'

'There are still people who want you near. I cannot be selfish - it just wouldn't be right. So, Kaede-san, please live.'

'Kayama-san...' Kaede suddenly felt a burst of power inside and opened her eyes to see that the ghost was almost finished. 'Ah?! This power...!'

"Kaede-san!!" Oogami cried, using an arm to support her, "Use some of my power too! Don't do this alone or you'll die! I'm begging you!"

"Oogami-kun... Hai! I understand!"

With the added power, she completed the spell and there was a great white blast. Moments later, she woke up and saw stardust falling all around. "Yoshi!" Oogami uttered, kneeling a couple feet away, "We did it!!"

"For a moment there it felt like Kayama-kun was fighting together with us." she sighed, staring over at the dead body again. She and Oogami walked over to him, her reaching down to touch his cold face. "Kayama-kun..."

"I can't believe it." Oogami said, "I... did this to Kayama...?!"

"No, you did not." said a voice. They turned to see a glowing woman. "Please do not blame yourself."

"Y-You are...!?"

"I am the Princess who hid away in this area as my friends all died for me. Was that not selfish of me?"

"Sonna! It wasn't your fault!"

"Sou... But they are all gone. Now that woman is gone too, I can finally leave this place. She has been keeping my soul captive here all these years. I thank you for releasing me." She turned to Kaede who still had a lowered gaze. "Is there anything I could do for you return?"

"I... I just want to go now." Kaede replied, "Please."

"I understand. You have many friends to return to. I shall help you out." The Princess lifted her hand and the rock rose for its place. "Please be on your way."

Oogami and Kaede flew up the hole, looking down at the cavern that filled with the water. The Princess smiled up at them, whispering final thanks. Kaede could see Kayama's body slowly disappear under the water.

"Kayama-kun..." she uttered, tears filling her eyes, "KAYAMA-KUN!!!!"

Oogami realized that Kaede wasn't in any shape to swim, so he took hold of her and brought her up to the surface. The two of them climbed into the raft and were silent for a long time.

"Well, it's over." he said, looking at her bowed head. "We can go home." She simply nodded. "Kaede-san... Ah! Look over there! It's a naval ship!!"

Kaede lifted her head to see the ship with members of the Tsukigumi waving to them. After being helped aboard, they were given blankets and had their wounds taken care of. "So..." uttered one of the members, "Taicho is... dead?!?"

"Un," Oogami replied, "I killed him."

As everyone stared at him in shock, Kaede said, "It wasn't really Oogami-kun... It was the ghost controlling him... But yes, Kayama-kun is... is..." Her voice drifted off as she became choked with tears.

'Kaede-san...' Oogami thought, staring at her, 'Gomen...'

"We should head back to Teito now." she started to say, but stopped to hear a beeping noise. "W-What is that?" She dug in her pocket and found the strange device they had seen everywhere. 'This is...!'

"It is just as I imagined," said a voice, everyone looking up, "A very sad story indeed! But it needs to be something dramatic like this..."

Everyone was now granted with an image: black and white Teito with the rain falling. Men in white suits were dragging the hysterical Oogami down the street towards a van.

"I killed my best friend!! Aahahahaha!!! I killed him!!!" Oogami wailed, hopping in a straight jacket, "KAYAMAAAAAAAA!!!"

"He's definitely going to stay at the asylum for a while." noted the driver. They shoved him into the van and slammed the door shut.

As they started the motor, Kaede pushed her way through the crowd. She was dressed in a black dress with a veil. "Wait!! Oogami-kun!!!" she cried, the van moving down the street, "OOGAMI-KUUUUUUUUN!!!!!!"

"S-Something like that wouldn't happen!!!!!!" Kaede exclaimed in the real world. 'Wait a minute...' She rushed to the rail and looked into the water. "Kayama-kun!!!!"

Wading there with his hand in the air, he replied, "YO! Sorry to keep you waiting, Minna!"

"Kayama!!!" Oogami gasped, "But... But... HOW?!" The Tsukigumi helped their Taicho aboard while he just kept yelling in the background. "How are you still alive!? I killed you!!!"

"Maa maa," Kayama sighed, "You make it sound like you wish I was dead. But if it concerns you so much, I'll explain."

"Please do!" Kaede exclaimed, her face just as pale as Oogami's. 'I saw with my own eyes... How could this be!'

"You do realize that that cavern was reeking with spiritual energy and very sealed off that nothing could escape. So my spirit didn't get too far and since you guys helped out the Princess she wanted to thank you. And so..."

After they left, the Princess lifted Kayama's body out of the water. As it floated in the air in front of her, she leaned over and gave him a kiss. Kayama started glowing, his wounds healed and eyes opening.

"Just like 'Sleeping Beauty'." Kayama noted, "But she is the one who was as beautiful as the stories go..."

"Ara, what exactly going on between you and the Princess??" Kaede mumbled, "She did save you twice... And it's unusual to kiss strangers..."

"Maa maa maa, we just met... Besides, she's a ghost...!"

"BUT YOU'RE DEAD!" Oogami kept yelling. Everyone decided to ignore him.

"Taicho!" said one of the Tsukigumi, "We don't care what happens now, we're just glad that you're okay!"

"Arigatou minna! Let's get the equipment together and head home!" Kayama said, going to give everyone a hug. He turned towards Oogami and Kaede who finally recovered over his revival. "Gomen... I worried you both. Either way I look at it, I would not be here if it weren't for you..."

"I-Iie... sonna...!" Kaede blushed, seeing that he was moving towards her. 'Kayama-kun... Ah?!!!'

"OI!! KAYAMAA!!!" Oogami cried, as Kayama pulled him into a tight hug. "LET ME GO, YOU MORON!!"

".........................................." A shocked Kaede was sandwiched in between them.

Kayama happily closed his eyes. "My precious friends..."

* * * * * * * * *

The first thing they did after returning to Teito was to make the report to the Navy. They also had to meet with Hanakoji. "Sou desu ka... That's what happened."

"Sumimasen!" Oogami said, wearing his mogiri outfit - Kaede and Kayama in uniform, as they stood in his office, "It won't happen again, Hakushaku!"

"Right, it would be a major lost if the Teikoku Kagekidan lost both their Commander and Vice-commander at the same time." Hanakoji replied, his eyes moving to Kaede, who quickly lowered her eyes, "Oogami-kun, I will put my faith in you that this mistake won't happen again."

"Hakushaku," Kayama stepped up to the desk, "Can I further explain the reason why Kaede-san and Oogami followed me..."

"There's no need, Kayama-kun. I understand the situation completely. Now boys, could you wait outside? I need to speak with Kaede-kun."

"H-Hai..." Oogami and Kayama uttered, looking to their female comrade. She just nodded her head, assuring them that she would be okay. Slowly they went out the room, Oogami closing the door behind him.

Kaede turned back to the desk. "Hanakoji-hakushaku... watashi..."

"Aa, I heard from Yoneda-kun that he purposely told you about this mission, knowing that you would react like that."


"It just goes to show that you think of other things, besides your job."

"I am extremely sorry. I assure you, next time will be different. Please, let me keep my position as Vice-commander..."

"Kaede-kun," Hanakoji noted, looking at her bowed head. "I have no choice. You will be punished for your actions."

"Ha... Hai..." she uttered, clenching her eyes closed.

"One more thing, Kaede-kun. There's that saying... Oh, how does it go. 'The one who chases two rabbits won't find even one.'"

"Hakushaku... R-Rabbits, you say?" she stammered, looking confused.

"Aa... something like that." he sighed, "Well you will be notified of your punishment later. You are now excused."

"Hai, shitsureishimasu." she said, leaving the room. Going into the empty hallway, she let out a sigh. 'Now what is going to happen to me... Hmm? Where did everyone go? I wanted to speak with Kayama-kun about...'

She could hear footsteps going further away from her, around the corner. She hurried over and caught the person by the arm. "Ah!? Kaede-san??" Oogami gasped, "You scared me!"

"Where were you going?"

"I was thinking I should call the Gekijou, saying that we were on our way. But since you are here now, I can borrow your kinematron."

"Where is yours?"

"Oh, Kayama is using it. He received a call from Kasumi-san with his and the battery was running low. So he used mine to call her back. After the call, he rushed out of here."

'Kasumi-san...?' Kaede lowered her head. "S-Sou ka..."

"Kaede-san??" Oogami asked, wondering why she suddenly sounded very sad. "Ah! What happened with Hanakoji?!?"

"That's not important. We have to hurry back to the theater, remember?"


* * * * * * * * * *

The crowds were already lined up for the show. In the dressing room, the Hanagumi were ready. "Still..." Iris sighed, holding onto the mogiri-Reni, "Ne! How can we go on without Kaede-oneechan?"

"We've got no choice," Kohran said, "Looks like we have to cancel the show."

"Dammit!" Kanna cried, "It's no fair! After all that hard work we did!"

They all stopped to hear evil laughter. It was coming from the changing stall. "OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!!!"

"Oh, it's just Sumire-san." Sakura sighed, "Go home already."

"N-NAN DESETTE!?" Sumire snapped, sticking her head out. "I was just thinking about saving you all, by taking Kaede-san's role in the play!" She came out, holding Kaede's costume. "Ohohohoh, look! It's a perfect fit!"

"HA!" Maria said, pointing at her, "I finally understand what's going on now! After realizing that you don't want retirement anymore, you are trying to move back in here and take Taicho away from me! It is all just as Orihime said!"

"Orihime-san??! You traitor! Aren't you my loyal vice-commander??!"

"Ara," Orihime said with a shrug, "I was thinking for what was best for the team. And we sure don't need a commander who is slightly insane."

"I am not! In fact, my sights are not on replacing Maria as the ichiban girl, but on defeating Kaede-san!"

"That explains why Sumire-san was being so nice and responsible." Sakura uttered, "Another petty rivalry..."

"Oi," Kanna noted, "I kind of like Sumire this way..."

"KANNA!" Maria cried, "You traitor!!"

Soon, the girls were arguing and throwing stuff (back to their old selves). They all stopped fighting to hear a familiar voice. "Ara ara... what is going on here??"

"Kaede-san!!?" Sumire cried, somewhere in the pile, "Sonna! You're back?!?"

"Taicho!!" Maria exclaimed, "You too!"

Oogami replied, "I'm sorry to worry you all. I will explain everything later. Come on, minna! We have a show to put on!"

"RIGHT!" they chimed, going to fix themselves up again (makeup and costumes were in great disorder).

Reni handed Kaede her costume. "Thank goodness you got here. But are you sure you will be all right without rehearsal??"

"Un! I should be fine." she replied, Sumire dying in the background.

* * * * * * * * * * *

'The Hanagumi's show was flawless and excellent in every way... And everyone was very impressed by Kaede-san's performance... She got an encore at the end of the show and the audience stayed on their feet for a very long time...'

"Honto ni!" Kohran chimed as they went backstage towards the dressing room, "Kaede-han will be the next TOP STAR!"

Sumire, who was dressed up as a stagehand (in the black tights with a head-mask) started grumbling, but dropped a bag of sand on her foot. Fortunately Kanna went to help her.

"No, that sort of thing won't happen." Kaede said as she sat down in front of the mirror. As the other girls congratulated each other, changed, and left the room, she stayed there and thought about all the things that had happened.

'So... it was Kasumi-san after all...'

"Kaede-san!" She turned to see Oogami enter the room. "So you're still here? Everyone is already gone. Is something wrong?"

"No, it's nothing..."

"I-I was wondering... Would you like to come out with me and get some fresh air? It's a nice night out and... I have something to talk to you about..."

"Oogami-kun... Sure, I guess."

"G-Great! I'll be waiting by the back entrance!"

After he left, Kaede finally went to change out of her costume. When she was coming out of the changing stall in her white top and bottom with green shirt, she saw someone come in the room. "Ano, Kaede-san," Sakura said, "This just arrived for you..."

"Eh??" She peered out and saw a bouquet of flowers. "For me?"

"Aa, hai..."

Kaede took the bouquet and looked at the card. 'Sonna!!' She took off running out of the room. 'Kayama-kun...!'

"Kaede-san! Matte kudesai!!!!"

Kaede ran right into the lobby, where there was still a crowd. Immediately, all chaos brought loose as they all went after the star for autographs. "WAAAAAAAAH!!"

Orhime was watching from the top of the stairs, shaking her head. "What an amateur... But of course Teito's next TOP STAR will have troubles with the fans and paparazzi!"

Sumire was behind her, growling. "TRAITOR!!!"

"Go home already!!!"

Fortunately, Kanna rescued Kaede and brought her to a safe area. Sakura handed her a glass of water, "I was trying to tell you... it was sent by a delivery man, so Kayama-san isn't here."

Kaede let out a sigh. 'Then... where is that guy...?'

Oogami then arrived. "Kaede-san, there you are. Let's get going."

"Where are you two going??" Sakura asked, with eyes slanted.

"A... date..." he stammered.


Sakura and Kanna became very scary, so Oogami quickly grabbed Kaede's hand and ran for the exit, but the Baragumi was there and...

"Oogami-taicho, how could you??" Kotone said tearfully, "We stopped the wedding because of you... And here you are with... with... another woman!!"

"Oogami-san, you are so cruel to break a young girl's heart!!" Kikunojou sobbed.

"Ichiro-chan!!!!!" Yokihiko cried, arms spread out, "I still love you!!!"

"WAAAAAAAH!!!" Oogami exclaimed, running away with Kaede.

When they got far enough from the theater, Oogami fell over, trying to breathe. Kaede just stood there, a depressed look in her face. 'Kasumi-san ka...'

"Kaede-san... what's wrong?"

"I guess I had dreams like everyone after all..." she sighed, "I just didn't realize it... But now... it's way out of my reach."

"Is that so? What is it then? I'll do my best to help you achieve your dream!"

"You can't do that, Oogami-kun."

"Sure I can! For Kaede-san, I'll do anything! Because I... I..." Oogami took her hands, blushing really hard, "I really like you!"


"So don't look so lonely... I'm here with you... Somehow I always end up with you and... maybe we belong together or something... Don't you think so too?"

She just lifted her eyes to the stars. "Still I..." She could see Kayama's smiling face looking back down her slowly become blurry and fade away. 'I still...'

"Hey... why are you crying? Did I say something wrong??" he asked, lifting her hands to her shoulders as she wiped her eyes. "Kaede-san...?"

"It's not you, so don't worry about it..." she said, trying to laugh, "I'm acting really silly, aren't I? I should really just forget it and cheer up, right??"


She quickly moved away from him, staring all around her. "Wah! What a nice night! I'm so glad we survived that horrible experience at Kizu Beach...!"

"Kaede-san..." he said again. He went over and caught her hand. "Let's make a promise... If in ten years, your dream hasn't come true, then... can it be me...?"

'Eh?!?' She stared into his serious face, suddenly bursting out in laughter. "Oogami-kun, don't be silly! I'm already given up on that dream... Hora, don't say such things that you will regret later!"

"B-But I'm serious! Neither of us should end up alone! We can have a happy ending together, y'know!!"

"Sou ne! But why are you saying 'ten years'?? I'll be way too old by then!" she sighed, dragging him down the street by the hand, "Come on, let's go somewhere and forget about this..."

"Waaah! Chotto, Kaede-san! Where are we going!?"

Kaede didn't even know where; she just kept running. Somehow, laughing was the only way for her to be rid of that aching feeling. And the warm feeling from holding Oogami's hand also helped. The blurry scene passed her as her feet continued to carry her down the street.

'Adios... Kayama-kun...'

* * * * * * * * * *

And then...

'As soon as the performances ended, Kaede-san had to serve the punishment issued by Hanakoji-hakushaku. We could do nothing but let her go. We are not sure when she will be coming back...'

Kaede heard a beep. She sat up in her patio chair and answered her kinematron. "Hai, Kaede desu..."

"Uwaaah! Kaede-san!" Oogami cried, his face pressed up against the screen. Kaede was wearing a purple swimsuit and sunglasses, as the sun shined behind her. Annoyed by his ogling her, she lifted her hand to disconnect him. "C-Chotto matte!!"

"What do you want??" she sighed, removing her sunglasses and reaching for her drink, "Can't you see I'm busy??"

"Please at least let me explain...!"

"Fine! Tell me what you doing backstage with Sakura??"

"W-We were cleaning... She fell down!"

"And what were you doing in Kohran's room at 3am??"

"Hanafuda of course! Ha-na-fu-da!!"

"Soshite... your conversation with Mell-kun from Paris??"

"H-Hey, how did you...?!"

"I saw everything!!"

"Saw?? Wait, that's not fair! You still have that peephole in my room!!"

"Well, because you are a lousy boyfriend!"

The two glared at each other, unable to speak for a moment. Kaede put her sunglasses back on while Oogami scratched his head. "Saa..." he uttered, "Maybe I did some wrong, but it's not worth breaking up over..."

"Is that why you called? Look, I don't want to talk to you right now, Oogami-kun. That headache is coming back again..."

"G-Gomen... When you come back, we'll talk, okay? And..." He stopped to see a man approach Kaede. "EH??"

"Fujieda-san, you're the 2 o'clock appointment, correct?"

"Ah, hai... I'll be there in a minute."

"Kaede-san!! I demand to know who is that!"

"A massage specialist."


Kaede waved her hand. "Jaa ne!" She disconnected the kinematron and sighed. 'That guy...' She turned to go, but heard her kinematron again. At the last moment she decided to answer it. "What is it now, you moron?!?"

"Heeeh? Did I call at the wrong time?"

"Ah! Kayama-kun...!"

"Yaa, Kaede-san, long time no see! I just got back to Teito. Everyone told me where you were. So, are you enjoying Hanakoji's punishment??"

"H-Hai..." she stammered, bashfully going to cover herself with a beach blanket, "But where did you go afterwards...?"

"Right, about that..." he said, switching onto the full screen, "Soon after we left, I received a call from the Kazegumi of new orders. I guess I was so excited about the mission that I left without thinking. And then the whole time we weren't allowed to make any outside contact... I'm really sorry for not letting you know. I'm a real idiot."

"S-Sonna!" she gasped, "I'm just glad everything is working out for the Tsukigumi again."

"Aa, our contract has been extended one more year. Hopefully before then, we will all have something to fall back on. And I still have many years with the navy to go. Yoshi, I'll do my best!"

"Good luck, Kayama-kun... But how is Kasumi-san doing?"

"Oh, she's fine. She and the others are working really hard at their new headquarters. I was really happy to see them again... You didn't think Kasumi-san and I were going out or anything??"

"O-OF COURSE NOT! Hahahaha!!!"

"Ahahaha, sou da sou da! That would be ridiculous! Kasumi-san deserves much better anyways! And there's already someone I like..."

"EH? Honto?"

"Aa, so how is Oogami doing??"

'Oogami-kun?! Him?!?'

"When I got back I heard all about you and Oogami... OMEDETOU~!" he chimed, giving her two thumbs up, "I'm so glad!"

"Eh?! Why?!?"

"Because it's two people I really care about..."

"Kayama-kun..." she uttered, staring into his sincere smile. "Don't be silly! We went on one date and it's not even lasted a week... Oogami-kun and I just aren't going to work out!"

"You can make it work. I'll even help!"

"No, you can't!!!!!!!!"

"I guess you're right. Besides... I've been doing some thinking about..."


He left the screen for a moment and came back with a white guitar identical to his old one, happily playing a couple of cords. "I got it replaced right away, so we can have that private lesson as planned before!"

Kaede covered her face. "No way..."

"No? Darn, I was looking forward to it. Well, I better let you go; I must be bothering you."

"Not at all... But I should be going. Take care, okay?" she replied, reaching to disconnect.

"Ah, chotto matta!" he blurted out, "Wait, Kaede-san!!"


"Actually, there's something else... something very important." he said, beads of sweat running down his face. Kaede lowered her hand from the kinematron and waited for him to continue, but he just stared back at her. "Kaede-san..."


"You look so cute just now, I forgot what I was about to say."

"EEEH?!?" she cried, her face turning bright red, "W-What is that supposed to mean?!"

"Exactly as I said, no hidden meaning. Anyways, when you get back I want to talk to you."


"I will be waiting then." he said with a smile, before the screen flickered off.

Kaede stared at the blank screen. "Kayama-kun... I'll be waiting too..." she whispered, going to close the kinematron.

Getting up, she took a look around her. It was a popular cruise as everyone was on deck, soaking in the sun. Kaede leaned against the railing and gazed out at the ocean, the deep blue surrounding her and calming her heart. When suddenly...

"Shimata!!!" Smacking herself on the head, she remembered that she was currently with Oogami. "Now what am I going to do!!"

'And when Kaede-san finishes her long-awaited vacation... I'll see her again. And we will see what happens... Until then, I wait patiently for her return...'

FIN~ ^___^

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