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st1 1996; st2 1998; st3 2001 (c) all rights reserved to Red Company & Sega
fanfiction series by JillM; original post: August 7, 2001
notes: sorry sorry! my computer has crashed so my means is the school lab. please enjoy this chapter! keep sending comments.

Smite the enemy: Oogami-san, fight for tomorrow
Part 9: "At Your Side"

Sumire gazed at the ceiling. 'How tasteless...' she thought, folding her arms behind her head, 'What was she thinking?' Having been booted out of her own room, Sumire had been forced to stay the night in Sakura's room. Still, she just couldn't get over the rural wallpaper and red hearts motif. Not to mention, the miny shrine of Oogami on the dresser.

"Aaan, I've been zapped into the fields..." she moaned, covering her face with the heart-shaped pillow, "Sakura-san, you are so cruel!"

Just then, the door flew open. "Sakura-kun?! Are you here!!?" Oogami called. He stepped inside and closed the door behind him, approaching the bed, "Sakura-kun...?"

"ARA!" Sumire exclaimed, clobbering him with the pillow. As he fell over with stars for eyes, Sumire got up and put on her robe to cover her revealing nighty. "How dare you just barge in here like that! Have you no manners, Chuu'i?! Is this how you behave when Sakura-san is around?!"

"Gomen!" he cried, rubbing the sore on his face, "It's just... Sakura-kun is missing... when I woke up, she was gone from the medical room...!"

"Heeeh??" Sumire gave him the evil eye, "You mean you stayed in the medical room with her all night, unsupervised?? Chuui, I surely hope you didn't take advantage Sakura-san in her state! We all know what a pervert you are!"

"Uwah, Sumire-kun, chigau yo! That's not the case!!" he frantically exclaimed, "Besides, all I want is for her to get better, but she's gone! You've got to help me find her!"

"Hai hai..." she sighed, muffling a yawn, "Mattaku, so much for my morning..."

* * *
"Sakura-han is missing?" Kouran gasped. She and the other girls were in the cafeteria, startled to hear this news.

Lifting her steaming coffee, Glycine uttered, "That can't be good, especially in the condition she's in."

"Sou yo!" Kanna said, waving her fork in the air, "Better find her and get her back into bed!"

"We've already checked all around the Teigeki." Sumire sighed, "Chuui is absolutely worried sick!"

Lobelia crossed her arms. "She might've left... but where could she have gone?"

"To the grocery store?" Coquelicot suggested. Everyone just became quiet, both troubled about the situation, as well as trying to come up with ideas.

Clenching his fists, Oogami knew he had to get everyone into action. "Minna, let's split up and look for her outside. If we work together, surely we'll find her!"

"Ryokai!" the girls said in unison.

As they scattered out the room, Oogami noticed that someone was in the lobby. "Ano sa...!" he called, running up to him. He couldn't see his face because of the two large bundles of roses he was holding. "Could you bring those to the business office. We're in the middle of an emergency." Oogami explained, thinking that he was a delivery boy.

"Oogami!" chimed the person in a blue suit and hat, "Boku da! Don't you remember me??"

"Hah?! Takeshi-kun?! W-What are you doing here?!"

Takeshi grinned. "In my last letter from Orihime-san, she said Sakura had been hurt. Just came to check up on her. Maybe I can help; I am a doctor in training. Let me take a look at the little trouble-maker." He saw Oogami's face sadden. "M-Masaka... the emergency is...?"

"Iya, it's not like that. You see, Sakura-kun disappeared from the medical room today and we're all still looking for her. If it's not any trouble, could you possibly help us look for her?"

"Sure will! Sakura's been my friend since childhood. If anything would happen to her, her family and I'd be devestated." Takeshi insisted, "Let's go right away."

"Aa, these roses..." Oogami uttered, taking them from him, "I'll have someone put them in some water until the girls get back..." He turned for the kitchen. "Ano! Jiru-kun, Kurisu-kun!! Could you come out here?!"

"Hai~!" Jiru came running out. But at the sight of the bouquets, she turned pale. "KYAA!!!" she screamed and turned the other way, running down the hall. The guys just stared in shock.

"Soeba..." Kurisu said, thoughtfully pounding his fist onto an open palm as a light bulb went over his head, "Jiru-san has a terrible fear of red roses... better keep those away from her."

"Red roses...?" Oogami uttered, "It's a good thing the Baragumi isn't here..."

* * *
"Ma~a, where could Sakura-san have gone." Orihime sighed, she and Hanabi walking down the sidewalk, "It's 8 am in the morning, she should just go back to bed. I know I want to. I only had about three hours worth of sleep..."

"Datte, you and minna-san were all rehearsing till late?" Hanabi asked, turning in her direction, "Preparation for your shows is much different from our shows in France. I guess I'm not cut out for it."

"Nani desu ka~?" Orihime asked, eying her over, "You've only been here a good month, don't think you can just pick up the trade so easily! I've been a musician all my life, but when I came here, I actually had to learn lines and dance! I didn't get a star role until later... it's hard work, but still it's fun because of everyone."

"Tanoshii...?" Hanabi uttered, "Demo... it's still different and I don't know if I can get used to it..." She lifted her eyes into the sky and let out a sigh, "Dakara, back home... Oogami-san..."

"Oh??" Orihime leaned in, noting, "Did he play around as I suggested? I knew once we got our eye off him, he'd be back to his days of indecision. Kono Japanese guy is such a...!"

Hanabi blushed. "I thought he liked me... and I really liked him. I had no idea about him and Sakura-san... nor that he was just being kind to me as he is to everyone..."

"That's how he is." Orihime replied, "I think he's trying too hard to please everyone so that we will feel good and do our best in battle and on stage. It's his burden as Taichou to take care of us all... no matter how many there are of us. Demo, even Chuui-san deserves someone doing the same for him..."

Hanabi nodded her head, a determined look on her face. 'There is something I must do...'

* * *
"Oi Maria," Kanna said, patting her friend on the shoulder. They were riding the street car into the next district, "You feeling better today? Tell me the truth now."

Maria insisted, "Daijoubu yo. Don't worry about me, Kanna. Thanks to you, I have my confidence back. Let's find Sakura ne?"

"What are you two chatting about?" Glycine asked. She had been brought along in their group because she shocked them by saying she had never riden a street car before. "Tokyo isn't a huge city like Paris, but still it's big and that woman could have gone anywhere."

"I still think that Sakura would just come home on her own." Maria replied, leaning against the railing, "Sakura is a grown up and knows how to take care of herself. Soushite, sometimes people need to be away from others."

"Demo!" Kanna gasped, "She used the Majinki... her injuries... we don't even know what they are. It could be physical or even emotional..."

"What you say is true, but I agree with Maria-san." Glycine cut in, tossing her hair over her shoulder, "You have to trust your team-mate. If they want to solve a problem on their own, it's their decision and you must cope with it." She then lowered her head. "Shikashi... after all that's said and done, I too am a little worried..."

Maria and Kanna exchanged glances. After a long pause, they shrugged it off and went back to gazing the street. At the next stop they got off, but Kanna elbowed Maria and whispered, "(Looks like they care about us after all.)"

Maria smiled. "Because we are all Hanagumi."

* * *
Meanwhile, Lobelia, Kouran, and Coquelicot were cruising down the street in Kouran's newest model of her steam motor bike that had a bucket side seat. "WOOOOOOOOO!" they chimed, having so much fun that they forgot about their search.

"Aaaan!!" Airisu sighed, holding Reni's hand as they stood at the crosswalk, "Airisu didn't get to eat breakfast - Airisu is hungry!"

"Jaa, let's stop and get something to eat then." Reni said calmly. She then spotted an outdoor cafe not too far. But two people she recognize made her lose her calm. "What are you two two doing here??!"

Erica put down her teacup and nervously laughed, "Sumire-san suggested we stop for some tea and cookies, since we been looking for such a long time. Care to join us?"

"Airisu is going to tell on you!" Airisu snapped, but dragging Reni along to the table and glancing at the menu, "No sign of Sakura-oneechan, ne? Airisu is very worried..."

Sumire frowned slightly, reading a review of the play last night. "This is all Sakura-san's fault! We have to find her right away and make her apologize! She knows she has responsiblities. She can't hide forever!"

"Sou desu ne." Erica sighed, "Sakura-san has to play her role, only she can do it. Seeing how everyone was worried about her, I understand how important she is to the team. Although you won't admit it, I know she's a very close person to you, Sumire-san."

Sumire spat out her tea. She was about to counter the accusation, but slowly relaxed. "Sou desu wa... watakushi to Sakura-san... we've become friends after all."

Erica blushed and lowered her face, "Sumire-san, you've also been very kind to me... is it because you want to be my friend after all?"

"Maa, I thought about it for a while... but the truth is that you and the Paris Hanagumi coming here resembled the time Sakura-san arrived. What a load of trouble that little hick created for us... not only on stage, but in battle. Demo, in the end, Sakura-san has become one of our most valuable assets. We were all apart before she came."

"Sumire..." Reni uttered, she and Airisu a little surprised by her comments.

"If I had a way, I would've treated her differently when she got here. Perhaps we would've been stronger friends earlier on and wouldn't have wasted so much time. Demo, now I have a chance to do what I didn't do years ago." Sumire then smiled towards Erica. "Besides, didn't you pray that we become friends?"

Erica happily nodded, as Reni leaned to Airisu and whispered, "(Can you say another Kanzaki groupie?? I bet she'll be stuck serving her instead.)"

"(Either that, Sumire would try to brainwash her with her outlandish behavior. Kowaii! Airisu don't want to think about it!")

In the background, Sumire waved about her fists, "URESAI YO, FUTARI-SAN!"

* * *
Oogami and Takeshi were still searching when Oogami got a bad ringing in his head. He fell over, clutching his head. "YOOOO OOGAMI!" the voice boomed.

"KAYAMA!?" he exclaimed as Takeshi frantically tried to help him up.

"Gomen gomen, I had the volumn too high. Why don't you stop by my place. There's something here you might be looking for. Hayaku na!"

"All right, but you better give a good explanation when I get there!" Oogami demanded. He then turned to Takeshi, "I think we've found Sakura-kun!"

"Yokkata." he replied, "Look, I'll head back to the Gekijou and wait. You can approach her on your own." Oogami stared at him, as if to ask why. Takeshi blushed. "I know you can handle her; I just want to meet up with Orihime-san..."

Oogami smiled. "Aa, I'll go then. See you later!" He then sped down the street towards the apartment building where Kayama and Kaede lived. Ringing the bell, he saw that Kayama was waiting for him at the gate. "Long time no see, old friend! I thought you were a goner!"

"Heheh, takes more to kill me off." Kayama replied as they walked into the building, "Truth is we got out at the last minute. In our escape pod we were able to board the underwater facilities, but had to lay low until we got all the info we needed. Sakura-kun's arrival only gave us a chance to break out."

"Sou ka." Oogami uttered as they now stood outside his door, "What happened to Sakura-kun when she was there? Did they do anything to her?"

"They tested the proto-majinki and unleashed kouma from pods they made. A grueling battle, but Sakura-kun seemed to overpower it..." Kayama then put his hand on his shoulder, "Oogami, she's been through a lot. Please go to her."

Oogami nodded and reached for the knob. Opening the door, he stepped inside and slipped off his shoes. "Ano..." He saw the door to the bedroom slightly open. He peered in and saw Sakura sitting at Kaede's bedside, taking her temperature.

"Arigatou." Kaede said cheerfully, "Looks like I'm getting better. Maybe I'll go to work tomorrow. Demo, Sakura-kun, you should head back now."

"Demo... atashi..." She stared to the floor. "I still..."

"No, Sakura-kun, you must go back. It's something you cannot avoid; it's something you know you can't fight." Kaede replied, lifting her chin to stare into her face, "It is where you belong. The Hanagumi is waiting for you."

Sakura slowly got up. She was wearing her kimono and carrying her sword, her red ribbon had a tear from the battle. She stopped at the door in surprise. "Oogami-san..."

"Found you." he said with a warm smile.

* * *
The two of them walked into the deserted Teigeki. Oogami looked at her side-profile. She looked healthy and also very thoughtful over something. She hadn't said a word to him since they left. "Sakura-kun," he said, taking her hand, "I need to speak to you."

She nodded as he took her into the central garden. Being November, the leaves had turned red and fallen from the trees and all the flowers had died. Oogami leaned against a tree truck, putting his hands on her shoulders, gazing at the tear in her ribbon.

"Sakura-kun," he said softly, "Look at me, please." Slowly, she lifted her face, the red eyes surprising him. "Sa... Sakura... kun..."

"Oogami-san," she uttered, sadness creeping in her voice, "I truly think that we shouldn't be together anymore. For the sake of the Hanagumi, please understand..."

Oogami's fiercely shook his head. "Sonna! You know I can't do that, Sakura-kun! After all that we've said and been through, how can you want that?!"

"Dakara... the Hanagumi needs their Taichou... Oogami-san is important to me, but so is everyone..." she explained, her fists curling at her side, "Everyone needs you... not just me. For you just to love only me would be selfish... soshite I cannot love you anymore..."

"Sakura-kun, why?!" he cried, looking concerned, "What did those bastards do to you on that sub?! Why are you acting like this?!"

She just opened her hands and lifted them, gazing at them. "Atashi wa Shinguji Sakura... sucessor to the Haja Blood... I can't ignore that anymore."

"SAKURA!" Oogami exclaimed, giving her a good shake, "You know I don't care about thatI I don't care about anything else! I just want us to be together!"

Sakura paused and stared at him. She then lifted one hand to his. "Oogami-san, let's just be friends. Please become happy." Oogami couldn't even look at her. He broke away and stormed inside. Sakura remained standing in the garden, tears falling from her red eyes.

* * *
The others returned to the Teigeki to see that Sakura was in the cafeteria, chatting with Takeshi. "Aa, my beloved Takeshi-san!!" Orihime cried running up to him and giving him a big hug and kiss, "I'm so glad to see you!!" Everyone else coughed and looked away.

"I was worried about you all." he explained, managing to break away, "Especially this gal. She's made the town of Sendai in panic with her accident history. I just came to ease their fears and make sure she's all right."

"Arigatou." Maria said, "We could use someone trained on sight. Demo, it's becoming more and more dangerous here in this part of the city."

"Daijoubu de-su!" Orihime exclaimed, going to dangle on his arm, "I'll protect Takeshi-san no matter what!" Again, the rolling of eyes went around the room.

Sumire crossed her arms and approached the girl. "Ara, Sakura-san! Don't you have something to say to us all, after disappearing and leaving us to fend without you!"

Sakura smiled up at her. "Gomen nasai, Sumire-san... for making you worried."

Sumire went red. "Chotto! That's not what you need to apologize for! And I was not worried!" Everyone just laughed at her and moved onto lunch. "Minna-san is having a good time now, but wait till tonight when another hellish play to battle."

"I'll be ready for my part then." Sakura blurted out.

"Jaa... are you really up to it?" Lobelia asked, she and Kouran looking her over, "Although you seem healthy, I think you might've hit your head or something..."

"By the way," Glycine cut in, "Why on earth are you two's clothes blackened??"

Coquelicot, also fried, exclaimed, "That crazy lady, Kouran, had her bike blow up!!"

Lobelia smiled. "It was fun."

Hanabi turned to Sakura. "I'm glad you're back. I just want you to know, Oogami-san has been a great Taichou and kept us from falling apart without you. He helped us through the disaster play last night and he also got us back to talking by having us work together to look for you."

"Sou desu ka..." Sakura uttered, gazing into her teacup, "I know about it, because I was never unconscious."

"NANI!?!?!" everyone exclaimed, surrounding her with the scariest looks on their faces.

Sakura smiled innocently. "Maa maa, I was exhausted and couldn't move for a while and I just wanted to rest my eyes. Gomen nasai Minna-san, that you went through a hard time."

Sumire was rolling up her sleeves, "ARA, You sneaky little country girl put us in a bad situation! What did I tell you about 'pretending to be out'! Let me teach a lesson!!"

While Kanna restrained Sumire from attacking her, Sakura couldn't help but giggle. She then lifted her head to see Yoneda at the hallway. She could tell he was relieved that she was all right. Everyone else also started to go on as if before, now excited for the play tonight. Sakura gazed around, taking in as much as she could. 'Where I belong....'

* * *
That night, the San'in Musume went out and tried to convince people to come again and buy tickets. "This time will be different!" Yuri chimed over the crowds as they offered free give aways from the Baiten's storage, "Tonight will be like the opening that never happened!"

"Shinguji Sakura is back!" Tsubaki added. At the mention of that name, many fans rushed the ticket lines. "Heheheh, worked like a charm."

Oogami stood on the terace watching the lines. He didn't feel like working, but he knew he had to. 'Sakura doesn't need me...?' Sighing, he closed his eyes and remembered her red eyes. 'What happened...?'

"Oogami," said a voice. He turned and saw Takeshi. "I have an inkling what's going on between you two. Please hear me out."

"Nani da? I'll listen to anything right now that'll make my chest stop aching."

Takeshi looked up into the sky. "You see, since we were little, Sakura's been afraid of hurting others. Her power, whatever it is, is something she herself doesn't understand. Even that time when I almost died from being hit by lightning, Sakura has never gotten over it. She thinks that it was her own fault."

"Sou ka... Sakura-kun's fear of thunder has never gone away. Even I can't ease that fear sometimes. But it isn't Sakura-kun's fault."

"I remember on some occassions Sakura would say that no one would ever want to marry her, because of who she is... that she is the successor to the Haja blood... that she will destroy everything she touches... that she isn't any good to anyone."

Oogami lowered his head and leaned against the railing, "Sakura-kun..."

"Oogami-saaan!!" Tsubaki called from the door, rushing over and taking his arm, "Please hurry! We're about to open the doors and there's a great big line outside!! Hayaku!!"

"Aa!" he stammered as she dragged him off. He then looked over to Takeshi, "I know what I have to do... Arigatou."

Takeshi smiled and nodded his head, as Oogami left with Tsubaki. Takeshi turned and gazed at the street below. "Ganbaro, Oogami..."

* * *
Oogami arrived in time to take in tickets and direct people to their seats. When the lobby had cleared, he took a deep breath and paused to fix his tie. "The play will start soon..." He then stopped and gazed into the hallway. "Sakura-kun..."

Sakura was in costume, a sky blue dress her hair down and bangs combed to the side. Her glassy eyes focused on him as her footsteps ceased and she held out her open hand. "Onegaishimasu..."

Oogami gazed into that saddened face, his mind already made up. She silently watched as he approached her, his own hand reaching out to clasp hers. Staring down at their links hands, Sakura sadly smiled, going to shake, but suddenly Oogami pulled her into hug.

"Iya, I can't let it end like this." he whispered in her ear as his arms tightened around her, "Not now... now when I finally..."

"Demo...!" she gasped, "I cannot... it cannot work, Oogami-san!"

"It will, it has to." he replied, holding her hand to his chest, "I'm scared too, Sakura-kun. You feel my heart beat uncontrably, it's because I don't want everything I love to disappear... I know that's how you feel too..."

She tearfully nodded, going to leaned her forehead against his shoulder. "Oogami-san..."

"I won't give up. With everyone and Sakura-kun at my side... I won't ever give up." he said softly, lifting her chin and cupping her face with both hands, "I'll protect Teito, the Hanagumi... everything that we both love... I promise!"

"De-demo! Atashi... the Haja blood... I know I've ignored it up until now... demo... this time, I cannot run from it... we cannot be together as long as I have this Haja blood boiling inside me... sooner or later, I must...!"

"Sakura-kun, listen to me! I don't care about the Haja blood or destiny! I'll break the majinki again, fight every demon if I have to, but I won't give you up! Never!"

She stared at him in surprise, the tears still in her widened eyes. He gently went to wipe them away. After a long moment of just gazing at each other, Sakura lifted her face.

"Gomen nasai, I was so scared of what will come, that I lost faith... in myself, in the team, in you... demo, I won't be afraid anymore! Because everyone is with me... what I treasure most..." She stopped and happily exclaimed, "Oogami-san, I won't give either!"

Oogami just put his arms around her, hugging her once again. "Let's do our best, Sakura-kun." he said softly as he released her. Sakura nodded her head, then turned for the hallway. They looked at each one last time, before smiling and parting.

* * *
'The 3rd performance of 'San Kagetsu' was a sucess with Sakura-kun back in her role. Also, there were a lot of praise towards the acting of Erica-kun and Hanabi-kun, who seemed to shine that night. But Hanabi-kun claims that it was Sakura-kun who had brought out this sparkle in them. I admit, that even I was a little nervous whether or not the Paris and the Teito troops would get along, but now I see we are a fluid team.'

Oogami stopped in front of his mirror, fixing his blue necktie. He was getting ready to go out for the night. Going to run a hand through his hair, he picked up his dinner jacket and turned for the door.

'Tonight is the dinner I had planned with Nanase-san. There's no way I can be late, it would be absolutely rude. After all, we're trying to make a good impression...'

"Konbawa, Ichirou-san!" Nanase chimed when he had entered the restaurant. She stopped and looked a little bewildered. "A-Ano... this is...??"

Oogami smiled innocently. "Jaa... everyone was hungry, so..." Behind him the entire Hanagumi were gawking around the restaurant, "Hope you don't mind, Nanase-san."

"Wowowow! Hot digs, Lady!" Coquelicot gasped, "Do they allow animals in here??"

"Ara, how do you supposed Kanna-san was allowed in??" Sumire chuckled, whipping out her fan, "OHOHOHOHO!!"

Kanna had ignored her and was drooling. "Uwah, look at the buffet! Let's not waste any time and get started!!"

"C-chotto!" Maria cried, trying to restrain her friend. She nervously turned to Nanase. "Since we all came uninvited, we'll treat the dinner ne?"

The owner of the restaurant shook his head. "Iyada! We're more than honored to serve Teito's top actresses! Consider this meal on us!"

"Cool." Lobelia grinned, shining her glasses. "Let's hit the bar. Where's the good liqueor??"

"Maa, not a bad place." Glycine said, crossing her arms, "Guess you guys have some class after all."

"Reniii~!" Airisu chimed, pulling the girl over by the arm and reserving a seat for herself, for Reni, and Jean-Paul, "Nee nee, let's share a milkshake!"

"Hoh! Look at this menu!" Kouran gasped, "A salad would cost us an arm and a leg ya!"

"Sou desu!" Orihime sighed, "I haven't eatten some good pasta for a long time!"

"Pasta sounds really good." Hanabi said cheerfully, "What are you going to order, Erica-san?"

"I don't know... never ate in a place like this before." Erica stammered, "Wah, lemme think..."

"Honto ni!" Sakura chimed, happily going to tuck her napkin in her collar, "Minna-san is really excited over this dinner!"

As orders were being decided, Oogami gazed around the table, at everyone's face. 'With everyone at my side...'

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Lobelia: Don't get comfortable. There's still a war going on. With some help from other divisions of the Teikoku Kagekidan, no doubt we'll have an explosive counter.

Coquelicot: The Tsukigumi, Kazegumi, Hoshigumi... soushite the infamous Yukigumi and Yumegumi join the act as we prepare for the fight of our lives.

Lobelia: "Steel and Fire" next time on Sakura Taisen. A storm of romance in Taishou cherry blossoms!

Coquelicot: Warm and fuzzy feelings continue despite what the future holds...

onto part 10
back to part 8