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st1 1996; st2 1998; st3 2001 (c) all rights reserved to Red Company & Sega
notes: I read about the existence of the Yumegumi and Yukigumi from the ST Character Guide. But I'm not sure about their functions so correct me if you believe me otherwise. Also, we mention Adia from smite2 who stole Oogami's journal and made him look like a traitor. Oh yeah, a little surprise. as to why Sakura's grandmother hates Oogami, that's in a fic to come. ja ne! jill 8/15/1

Smite the enemy: Oogami-san, fight for tomorrow
Part 10: "Steel and Fire"

The Hanagumi celebrated their final performance of their November play, "San Kagetsu" with a great party. Food and sake was spread out on the large table in the dressing room, music playing loud in the background. Yoneda and Sumire were drunk, Takeshi and Orihime were lovey dovey, and Airisu happily glomped onto an embarrassed Reni. The others were playing 'truth or dare'; every once in a while, bursting in laughter.

"W-What's so funny?!" Glycine exclaimed, as it was her turn, "It's the truth! I don't see what's the big commotion abou! HMP!"

"Datte," Maria chuckled, trying to calm down Kanna and Kouran who were bawling, pounding their fists on the floor and on the verge of tears, "You really surprised us... saying such... unusual things..."

"N-Nani?!? Unusual??! Why I ought to...!!" she argued, but saw Hanabi and Coquelicot tearfully failed to control their giggles. "You traitors!!!"

Sakura left the game to check on Oogami, who was stumbling towards the door. "Ano... daijoubu?" she asked, taking his arm.

"...uhggg..." he uttered, losing his footing the bottle dropping out of his hand.

"Ch-chotto, could someone help...?" she started to say, but no one was listening. So she supported him and walked out of the rowdy party, bringing him up the stairs to his room. "Yoshi!" she said, putting him down on the bed and taking off his shoes. "You shouldn't drink so much, Oogami-san."

"....u...uhn..." he murmured, his mind a blur, "Demo saa... (hic) Shihainin said so... ahahahahah!!" He refrained from laughter when Sakura's face came into view. He watched as she took off his tie and left his collar unbuttoned. " Sakura...." She gave him her attention, but he became tongue-tied. "Nani mo nai kedo..."

"Oyasumi nasai, Oogami-san." she said as she pulled the blankets over him. She leaned in and whispered, "Dream of peace in Teito." She then drew away to see that he had already fallen asleep. Touching his face, she moved away and went out the door.

* * *
The next morning, Sumire slowly opened her eyes. "Hmmm...??" She was face to face with Kanna. "EH?!" she exclaimed sitting up in the bed, "NAN DESUTTE?!"

Kanna stopped snoring and woke up from the screaming. "Heh? Sumire no yatsu... why are you being so loud...?" she asked, sleepily rubbing her eyes.

"You tell me!" Sumire cried, sweat-beads running down her face, "How did you end up here, in my room??!" Just then, she heard stirring behind her. "N-Nani?!?"

"Fuuaa...." Erica yawned, coming out of the blanket. She stretched her arms and gazed around the room. "Ohayou~!" she said cheerfully.

"KIIIIII!?" Sumire screamed, kicking the two out of her bed, "GET OUT!! NOW!!"

"Oi oi oi!" Kanna pointed at her, her eyes slant, "Don't you remember? I had to lend my room to that Sendai guy, and you were so drunk that we had to make sure you didn't vomit or something."

"Sou ne!" Erica cried, "Sumire-san, you shouldn't drink so much. It isn't good for your health at all! It is as the Lord says that..."

Sumire just angrily threw her pillows at them, only stopping when a hangover caught up with her. Luckily the door went flying and Maria peered in. "You three, get ready. We're leaving on the bus in an hour."

"HAI!" Kanna and Erica said enthusiastically as Sumire fell out of bed.

* * *
"Sou ka..." Tsubaki uttered, she and the other staff chatting in the business office with the morning filing. "The new koubu is ready so the Hanagumi will be going to the practice field to test them out."

"Everyone but Oogami-san." Kasumi explained, "He has a special meeting to attend with Yoneda-shihainin and Kaede-san."

"Soeba... I wonder what kind of meeting they're having." Tsubomi uttered, tapping her chin.

"I bet I can find out!" Yuri chimed, unrolling her gloves, "Leave it to me! I don't let any news slip past me! Give me until lunchtime ne!"

Kurisu leaned in the huddle and chuckled, "Daijoubu desu! Jiru-san is also going to the meeting. I'm sure she can tell us what it's about."

The group then turned around to the starry-eyed girl. "Wah, the new koubu are here! Subarashii ne! I wanna ride one! Brrrm! Rrrm!! Aahahahahahah~!" Sighing, they turned away.

"Aa, Oogami-san!" Tsubaki called, as the man stumbled into the lobby, "Aren't you going to get ready? You have a meeting to go to."

"Hah?" he stammered, rubbing his aching head, "Oh! I forgot!" He instantly started running for the stairs, "got to take shower and wake up! Don't let them leave without me!"

Tsubomi tilted her head to the side. "Somebody should tell him he has an entire hour to get ready." The others just shrugged.

"Maa ne, we got this work to do as usual." Kasumi replied, placing a giant pile in front of them, "Better get started if we want to finish by lunch. Saa, let's go!" A round of groans went then surrender, as they finally got to work.

* * *
On the bus, Maria took roll. She noticed that she was missing one person. "Hmm... has anyone seen Orihime this morning?" she asked the group, standing in the aisle.

"Aa! Look!!" Coquelicot cried, pointing out the window, "There she is! Smooching with that fellow!!" Everyone piled at the windows, gawking with big eyes.

"Ma... masaka...!" Kouran gasped, her face as red as her outfit, "In a public street too! She sure isn't shy at all!"

"I'm not shocked. Couples are like this back home." Glycine insisted, "You'd see a similar scene all the time in Paris. If you ask me, Japanese couples are boring."

Orihime then got on the bus with Takeshi. "What are you doing?" Maria asking, eying her over, "What is he doing here??"

"Dakara~! We might need first aid just in case something goes wrong." Orihime reasoned, holding his hand tightly, "Soshite, Takeshi-san said he'll buy everyone lunch!"

"Oh! Bring him along!" Kanna chimed, "Nothing like a free lunch!" Maria shrugged and let it go, signaling to the bus driver to start moving.

* * *
In the bathroom, Oogami relaxed in a steamy onsen. After he realized he didn't have to rush, he decided to take it easy. This his only time alone, he cleared his voice and rested his head back, singing, "Tsu yo ku hage shiku yasa shiku sakura~! Saa itte misei mo su, Sakura, Sakura... Sakura iro~!"

The sound of footsteps caught him off guard. His eyes big, he saw three shadows forming in the steam. "The butai of Love and Beauty, the Baragumi has arrived!!"

"UWAH!" Oogami cried, as he lost his balance and fell into the water. After splashing for a bit, he finally came up in time to see they coming towards him, "What the hell are you doing here?!"

Kotone smiled, holding up a rose. "We too are going to the special meeting. Might as well go together, ne Oogami-taichou?"

Yokohiko folded his hands and cried happily, "Aah, Ichirou-chan is so kawaii! He also has a lovely singing voice too~!"

Kikunojou just clutched his face, blushing hard. "Oh my gosh, Oogami-san is... naked!"

Oogami dropped his head and sighed. "I'm in the middle of a bath here, so could you please just leave me alone..." He lifted his head to angrily face the flashing. "And please stop taking pictures!!!"

"Sumimasen!" Kotone said, waving his hands, "We'll be out of here soon. Just one question, Oogami-taichou. Tell us the truth now." He snapped his fingers and music burst out of nowhere, the three of them starting their dance routine.

"GET OUT NOW!!" Oogami hollered and they fearfully scurried out, bringing along the giddy samba music. He then thoughtfully gazed up into the ceiling. 'If the Baragumi is going, who else is going to be there... and what exactly is going to be discussed?'

* * *
The girls arrived at the practice field. Already all the koubu had been brought on trucks. The Paris koubu were still the same, but the Tokyo koubu had to be remodeled after all the malfunctions that happened in the past month.

"Sugoi da!" Reni uttered, "It really has been upgraded. I'm impressed."

"Looks very similar to ours." Hanabi noted, "Perhaps it has the same power, or even stronger."

"Wai wai!" Airisu chimed, happily jumping up and down, "With these, Airisu knows we can win the next battle!"

"Still," Maria said, gazing at the sparkling new koubu, "We better train hard and be ready for anything that comes." Everyone nodded, looking ready for work. "Let the training begin!"

Everyone got into their koubu and activated the power, all except Sakura. "N-Nani?" she uttered, "Mine isn't responding to me."

Kouran came running to check it out. "Hooh? This is odd. Minna-han, go on ahead! I'll take a look at Sakura-han's koubu ya!"

"What's going on?" Takeshi asked, running over. "Heh, Sakura did you break yours already?"

She pointed her sword at him. "Ne, that's not funny. I didn't do anything at all!"

They turned around to see Kouran climb inside, her legs sticking out of the front. "OH! That's it!!" she exclaimed, falling all the way in and then looking down at them. "I did go some adjustments. Sakura-han, give it a whirl!"

"H-Hai!" Sakura said, climbing in. Instantly the sockets locked in and the koubu activated. "Yatta! It works now!"

"Sou ya..." Kouran uttered, rubbing her chin, "All I did was increase the power intake. Sakura-han's power level was too high for the default factors and it scrambled and couldn't function. Shikashi, I'm not sure if this will fix it completely..."

"Hm..." Takeshi said, crossing his arms, "Does it has anything to do with her red eyes? Orihime-san said that every since she tried using that Majinki method."

"Orihime-han tells you everything doesn't she??"

"Ehehe, sou yo!" he laughed, rubbing his head bashfully, "I think being honest with each other is important in a relationship."

"Someone should tell that to Oogami-han." Kouran sighed, turning to the pink koubu that had gotten in the crossfire of a sparring match between Kanna and Lobelia.

"Kyaa! Minna-san!!" Sakura exclaimed, dodging the assault, "Why are you fighting each other?!"

"Ehehe! It's all fun!" Kanna insisted, "Just don't get in the way. I'm saving this big punch to put a dent in that tin can over there!"

"Big words! Let's see you try some damage!!" Lobelia chuckled in the intercom. "Saa, come on already!!"

Coquelicot appeared on the screen. "Calm down! Don't be acting like kids!" It was then a blast coming across the field hit her. "HEEY! What's the big idea!!" she exclaimed, going to tackle down Airisu. Those two got into a little catfight as Reni sighed and turned away.

Maria called through the intercom, "Minna, keep up the good work! The enemy will be as strong as we are, so we must be prepared!"

"RYOKAI!" Orihime and Glycine chimed, bashing Sumire at the same time. Her purple koubu crumbled to the ground as they laughed and ran away.


* * *
Oogami paused to fix his tie as Kaede snagged him by the arm and started to pull him towards the doors. "We're going to be late." she cried, wearing her military ware, "Yoneda-shihainin is trying to catch a taxi, but... aaah-choo!"

Oogami took out his handkerchief and wiped the mess she made on his suit. "Kaede-san, you're not over your cold are you?"

"Iie," she sighed, holding her finger to her nose to stop the dripping, "But even I have to be at this meeting."

"What's it about..." he started to say as they walked outside. He heard the sounds of horns honking and breaks screeching as cars struggled to not hit the person standing in the street, as well as each other. "Uwah, n-nani?!"

Jiru happily waved her hands, standing in the middle of the mess. "I got us a taxi! Minna, hayaku~!"

"Why is Jiru-kun coming with us...?" he asked, turning to Kaede for answers as Yoneda and Jiru boarded the cab. "Isn't she just a cadet..."

"Saa, ikimashou?" she replied, dragging him along by the hand. Oogami suddenly went red. "N-Nan yo?? What is with that face, Oogami-kun??"

"Iya, bezuni kedo..."

"OI, YOU TWO!" Yoneda hollered out the window. "Let's go! We'll be late!!"

The cab ride took them across town to a fancy-looking statehouse. Oogami trailed behind, gazing up and down the place, while trying to look dignified. 'I have a strange feeling inside...'

"Welcome, Minna-san." Kikunojou said and led them inside, through the lobby and up the stairs, to the top floor. He opened the door for them as they entered the meeting room, which had a glass ceiling.

Oogami stopped and looked around the large table. "Yo Oogami!" Kayama chimed, wearing his naval suit and sitting next to Hanakoji and Yamaguchi, "Looks like everyone is here!"

"Let's begin the meeting then." said another man at the other end of the table. He had long brown hair and a different navel uniform, as he was with the airforce. Putting out his cigarette, he held out his gloved hand, "We finally meet, Oogami Ichirou. My name is Kazukawa, Taichou of the Yukigumi."

"Yu...Yukigumi?!" Oogami gasped, absolutely confused. He reluctantly shook his hand then took his seat next to Kaede, his face begging her for answers.

"Since the situation is grave for Teito, the more secretive divisions of Teikoku Kagekidan, the Yukigumi and Yumegumi have decided to help out." Kaede explained, pouring him some tea. Meanwhile, Yoneda was getting drunk with Yamaguchi.

"I had no idea about these other groups. It was enough shock to learn about the Tsukigumi, Kazegumi and Baragumi." Oogami stammered, rubbing his head, "You knew about them all along, Kaede-san??"

"Of course," she replied, "Demo, it's very difficult to let the entire Hanagumi know about them, since you work with the public so much. It's very important to keep secrets secrets, ne?"

Oogami went red. "D-Demo... it was an accident... I didn't mean to spread out secrets like that... I mean, I didn't know Adia-san was a spy and that she'd sell my journal..."

"Daijoubu!" Kazu insisted, "As Taichou of the Yukigumi, I'm in charge with foreign affairs. We got rid of those black-market copies and silenced those who were yapping. Although, not all of the info came from your hand - it seems we had a leak at the Hana-Yashiki regarding the models of the koubu."

"That's what I came here to investigate." said a stern voice.

Oogami slowly turned around and saw Jiru at the other end of the table, wearing a feminine version of the navy military uniform in blue. "M-Masaka..."

"Oogami-kun," Hanakoji said, "I'd like to introduce you to the Taichou of the Yumegumi - our nation's research division." Jiru smiled at him, giving him a salute. Oogami fell out his chair, a little more than shocked.

"Now that we've got this settled, let's move onto business." Jiru said, passing out files, "Since the tampering of the kinematron network, we've been working on a way to prevent any outside interfere with an upgraded model from Ri-san's original work. Although, before I can initiate its use, I'd like to be rid of any traitors." Her gray eyes turned cold as she curled her fists at her side. "This person is amongst us."

Oogami looked back and forth. He could see the other faces turn pale at the thought of someone betraying their own. But Jiru was walking his way. "Aa?! N-Nan de?!" he stammered, as she drew a dagger from her breast pocket, "J-Jotto, Jiru-kun!" The blade went flying and he couldn't help but scream, "UWAAAAH!!"

The blade stopped inches away from Kazu's neck. "Why'd you do it?" Jiru snapped, looking deadly with her hand ready to proceed, "Answer me!"

Kazu innocently looked up at her, "This is insane! Why would I do such a thing! Come on, we're all friends - why are you accusing me!"

"Dakara... last night, I intercepted some interesting phones that I can play for the count right now... soushite, what were you doing at the Hana-Yashiki, while that time the network crashed?? That's out of your regulations, you know... of course, if you didn't went to pick up that brief case you have there that you plan to give to the enemy for the amount stashed away at a Swedish bank, I'd let you off."

Kazu widened his eyes, his foot pushing the briefcase between his legs. "I-I don't know what you're talking about..."

Jiru slammed her fist on the table. "Don't lie to me!" In that split second, he started to reach for his gun, but she grabbed his arm and threw him across the room, then throwing the dagger after him, pinning him to the wall by his collar. "I ought to just KILL you... what you've done has cost people their lives..."

"Heh, I would have done anything for that woman... to see Teito burst into flames and rot in Hell... Ahahahahaaha!!" Kazu insanely laughed as the other watched in astonishment.

"URESAI!!" Jiru yelled, picking up a chair and hurling it at him. After the chair broken into pieces from impact, Kazu silenced and passed out. Jiru then stormed back to the table as Kotone and Yokohiko came to retrieve him. "Now, let's go back to the meeting..."

Oogami blinked, very startled by these scenes. 'Uwah, what a totally different person!!'

* * *
After watching a film of the new koubu testing and footage of enemy koubu, they looked over some diagrams. "We've increased the power intake to over 75% more. That means the girls can go all out, but will have little if not insufficient restraint. This could lower their defenses, but we're working on a method to create a strong spirit shield." Jiru explained, using a pointer as she slowed the video down, "Like this!"

"Sore wa...!" Oogami stammered, seeing that Sakura was on the screen, kouma leaping at her from all directions, then being imploded but a blast that erupted from her. "That power... I've seen it before...!"

"We've been researching it for a while." Jiru replied, "Seems all who have spiritual powers can have that ability, but I've only seen Sakura-san use it been. I've thought about how we can use a similar method with our soldiers... as well as Teito itself."

Kayama put down his teacup. "You see, the enemy has decided to advance in 72 hours. We don't have much time to prepare, but we know they will emerge from the bay with doubled soldiers from before and a count of 50 pods of kouma. If Teito is ignited in flames - the kouma can grow on their own without the pods... to burn and destroy Tokyo - that's what they're planning."

Kaede crossed her arms and uttered, "We've worked out a plan. We've decided the only way to get passed their outer defenses is to use the majinki they created against them."

"D-demo!" Oogami gasped, staring as Yamaguchi place the precious treasures Kayama had taken from the sub onto the table, "To use the majinki... who do you plan to use?!"

Yoneda bowed his head. "Sakura."

"USOU!" Oogami angrily stood and looked around the room. "Sonna baka na... I can't believe you all for considering...!!"

Jiru switched off the projector. "If my theory is correct - Sakura-san can disable the defenses to the sub that networks energy to all of their soldiers... by using the majinki to network her power to it from a distance. These majinki are not the real things - although they have been created identical to a fault - they do not contain any spiritual power to them whatsoever... however; they act as 'magnifiers', reflecting ones power and emitting something greater. If Sakura-san uses her ultimate power, the Teikoku Kagekidan has a better chance destroying the enemy upfront."

Yoneda replied, "We have to believe in the Yumegumi's research... it's our only chance. Sakura won't die, we won't allow it - but we cannot allow others to die either. The Hanagumi and Tsukigumi need to fight an enemy that is ten times bigger and stronger because of borrowed power. If we use our real power - no doubt we will overcome them. But you must believe in it."

Oogami clenched his fists, staring down at the table. Not knowing what to say, he knew the decision was out of his hands.

* * *
That night, a cab wasn't to be caught. Oogami and the others walked back to the Teigeki in the cold night air. Sighing, he trailed behind the others. 'To face the fire, to beat them with steel... to give it all we have...?' Kaede walked ahead of him, her hair blowing in the breeze. 'Ayame-san died protecting us... protecting the Teito she loved... will we lose Sakura the same way?'

Kayama suddenly patted him on the back. "Oogami! Ii na?? This is the best view!" he sighed, gazing up ahead, "My Kaede is the hottest woman to look at in Teito, ne~??"

"T-That's not what I was doing..." Oogami stammered, turning red as now it was what he was doing. 'Oh, not good. I'm getting dizzy...'

"What are you two doing??" Kaede snapped, glaring at them over her shoulder. "Keep your minds on business."

Kayama just chuckled and pulled his friend closer. "It's a matter of time, Oogami, before you will be promoted or transferred... you're such a great guy, how could they not?? Demo na, do you want to live this way? Fighting everyday; a new town, a new girl??" Oogami slowly shook his head. "It's time for you to think about settling down then, Oogami. While time is slipping from your hands."

"Marriage...?! Ore?!?"

"Why not? You currently have one girlfriend at the moment, and you love her. Why not take the chance. After all, single men without relatives or ties can be sent overseas to practically anywhere, where a man with a wife and family is guarenteed to stay in the country. Heh, as Taichou of Tsukigumi, I spend all my time either in Teito fighting or at my office in Sendai doing paper work. I never have to worry about being separated from my loved one!"

"Demo..." Oogami stammered, "It won't work if Sakura-kun and I got married. I mean, her grandmother hates me and I'd have to go through the entire Shinguji traditional ceremony... and lose my name... and she'd want to raise a family in the country while still acting, and I'd still have to work for Teito and have girls after me... and she'll get jealous, I'll drink... we'll argue... it won't work at all..."

"Oogami, Oogami! You're looking at all the bad things! Think about being with her day and night - seeing her face when you wake up and when you sleep... it's the greatest feeling in the world to share your life with someone!" Kayama chimed, "Oh, I feel a song coming up~!"

'To share your life with someone...' Oogami thought as they arrived right outside the Teigeki. He saw that the bus had already arrived with the girls, who were all going inside. Oogami stood to the side, watching them, wondering what kind of life he would have led if he didn't became part of the Hanagumi. 'This is my life... how could it possibly change?'

"Oogami-saaan!!" Sakura exclaimed, leaping at him and giving him a hug. "Okaeri nasai! I haven't seen you all day; I've missed you!" she stammered, hanging around his neck.

"Sa-Sakura-kun..." he stammered, "Have you been drinking??"

"Aa!" she gasped, going to cover her mouth, "You smell it on my breath, don't you? I only had so much... Maria-san said it was okay for everyone to celebrate the new koubu. I guess I did get a little drunk. Do you mind?"

"Iya..." he said, putting his hands on her shoulders, "Sakura-kun... I..." She stared at him, the wind blowing her hair all around her face. Oogami was lost for words so he moved in and kissed her, tasting the sake that was left in her breath.

The other Hanagumi members were watching from around the corner. Erica, Hanabi, and Reni were blushing, as Kanna and Maria restrained an angry Yoneda. Glycine crossed her arms, chuckling. "Guess Japanese couples aren't so boring after all..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Kasumi: With Sakura-san going to attempt the Majinki method and the enemy about to enter Teito, everyone is a little more than nervous. Can the Taichou calm everyone's fears, as well as his own?

Yuri: Demo ne, feelings cannot be turned off as confessions cause tension in the team. Can a person's heart withstand the latest gossip, or is it better never finding out the truth?

Teigeki San'nin Musume: "Whatever Happens" next time on Sakura Taisen. A storm of romance in Taishou cherry blossoms!

Tsubaki: What would've been or what's to come... Oogami-san, only you can determine.

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