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MY 86 Merkur XR4TI

This is my second merk now. I am growing into a love hate (mostly love) relationship with it. I bought it in Victoria, BC (Canada). I got it for $800 U.S. All this one needed or was suposed to need was a new windshield and power window switch.

Whant to know what ended up REALLY being wrong with it??

1. if the car is off (no key) and you press the brakes, one of two things will happen A. the markers will light up B. the heater/ac comes on 2. when blinker is on the front left or right will blink but both in the rear will blink faded simultaniously. 3 when blinker is on and you apply brakes, blinking stopps. 4. dpending on the day either the drivers isde window or the pass. side window will work, (never the same day) 5. the heater will only blow, if car is in motion. car stops....heat stops.. 6. the clock does not work. 7. seat heaters are questionable 8. sometimes the headlight switch will not turn the headlamps on The diagram in the center of the dash of the car that tells you when something is on.. 9. claims the hatch is open at all times. 10. triangle and ice? in center of car? 11. illistrates tail lamp issues when theey work dumby lights above the clock 12. is lit saying low coolent...when it is toped 13. is lit saying low gas... even though it is full. 14. is lit saying low washer fluid... when full 15. is lit saying low oil....when full 12-15 come on and off for no particular season inst lights work, but no map lights, domme light, kick pannel lights, or rear hatch light 16. oh and gas guage does not work 17. tack does not work 18. pass. side wiper does not work. 19. the rotors are so warped the shook my watch loose 20. needs allignment 21. needs tire balance 22. fuel injectors leak 23. BAD valve cover gasket leak. 24. rotted muffler 25. Cracked up dash

I know the car looks great!! But i still had a lot of work ahead of me.

Project update.

* i replaced the cracked dash
* replaced all bad inst. clust lights
* i merged my 2 inst. cluster together so my gas guage and tack now work
* i have working interior lights now
* all 3 wipers work now
* i replaced the 3 computers with the the 3 out of the 87 merk
* clock works now
* have working heater/ac blower
* replaced leaking and bad fuel injectors (no more gas smell )
* replaced valve cover gasket {leaked really bad)
* new valve cover (will get pics later :D)
* replaced all intake manifold gaskets
* got all the interior back together
* both window swithes work now!
* new plugs, cap, rotor,
* just got done making my Taylor 8mm wires
* odered gillis adj boost valve
* new brembo rotors
* bendex pads & shoes

Still working away on this thing. I just ordered some cossie parts. not going to say what just yet but they are on there way. i also aquired a new flywhell, clutch, pressure plate, and WC T-5, along with the hardware to convert it over to rear disk.

these are the cossie style wheels with locking center caps i have 4 complete and 1 extra (missing center cap)

the beloved cossie spoiler (imported from germany) this is new and just waiting to be installed

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