Ettiquite and Norms

The Furry Diverse Mob
Small Groups at BCC

Norms and etiquette are the informal rules that are enforced by peer pressure within a group. These rules are basically the guidelines for how people should act while working with others. Norms and etiquette should be established by members of the group, because what is ok with one group may not necessarily be ok in another. For instance it may be ok to use curse words when talking with friends at a bar; however, you might not curse while at the dinner table with your grandmother. Established norms and etiquette allow groups to create an environment in which all members feel comfortable. Norms and etiquette are extremely important to group success. Members within a group who are having conversations about their bowel movements may make other members inside a group hesitant to interact with the other members. On the other hand if a group is too nice it may make other members scared to speak for fear of offending someone. The goal of any group should be to utilize all members and their unique skills. If an environment is created which does not promote participation it is not an effective environment. Norms and etiquette are not just our manners while in a group. Norms and etiquette can also be used for team building. For example a group’s norm could be to give a certain cheer to members who have done a good job, or had a good idea. A norm could also be punishment for those who break the rules. For instance, a group norm could be if a member is late they have to buy everyone donuts. Groups must be cautious when establishing and enforcing norms and etiquette. It can be extremely un-motivating for members who feel they must watch everything they do and say in fear of breaking a rule that is too strict, or facing a punishment that is too severe. An effective way to combat this is to establish norms and etiquette as a group. Agree on punishments for breaking the rules, and have all members sign it. That way none of the members can say they are being treated unfairly, nor can they say the rules are silly or ridiculous. It is possible to have too many norms. It is also possible to have too few. It is important to feel that you can creatively express yourself in a group, and it’s also important to feel safe in a group. There are many different ways to establish norms. Here is an example of a group’s process to create their norms. Members should attend all group meetings, and should also be on time. Ensure that all members understand why it is important to attend, and ensure that all group members agree on the definition of “on time”. Next have the group decide what will be the consequence of breaking this norm. Some people believe that when creating rules it is best to use great detail so there is no room for argument, or misunderstanding.