Koala Nut Extract


Used as an ingredient in topical acne treatment.
Also a source of caffeine--as if cigarette smokers need yet another stimulant.

Kola Nut Extract - "Natural extract which is beneficial to the skin for soothing and healing, especially in the case of "open" or cystic pimples where the skin needs to heal quickly and without further infection, and without additional scarring. This is SO important!

"If you have open comedone blemishes (Not the whiteheads and not rosacea but the kind that is referred to as 'cystic'), and you use a Benzoyl peroxide product which will hyper dry the skin, it will crack the lesions and more than likely end up scarring!!! So, the Kola nut extract helps heal the lesions fast without drying.

"Back to Kola Nut- Interestingly, this has been used by thousands of years by indigenous tribes of South America- when someone got a cut, they would rub ground up kola nuts INTO the cut. It is one of those 'miracle' jungle cures that people refer to when they say  'The cure for cancer is probably in the rain forest and they are cutting all the rain forests down!' Kola Nut is an amazing natural 'cure' and it works extremely well." --Acnevention

***The opinions of Acnevention should NOT be considered sound medical advice.***