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The Renaming Controversy

I will try not to get carried away with examples here. (Who me push the limit?? Never!)

Let's start with a word near and dear to my heart.
The "S" Word.

Webster says the word squaw is a taboo term meaning Indian wife or woman. The Key word there being "taboo". Why would a word meaning Indian wife or woman be taboo? Because that is not what it means in our language. There is much debate on where the word originally came is not a word known from any Native American Language, but a new comer word. Some believe it originated as another French miss pronunciation of the Iroquois word for female genitals. Others as an English word created to separate the word woman from the lesser description of an Indian woman. But it has become a word that means a woman of Native heritage who is less of a sensitive feeling woman than other races and assumes promiscuity. Let me tell you, I feel, and am as sensitive (often more so) as any other woman, and do not view myself as promiscuous. Ask my recent dates! Now that you know how it is viewed and what it really means.....look at some of the names we use for locations all over the US. Think for a minute, if we changed them to the same meaning and a different culture....perhaps your own?

Wanna ski at Chink Whore Valley?
or how about
Nigger ho Valley?


The Washington Red Skins.....humpf,

Why not
The Washington Gassed Jews?
The Washington Wet Backs?

Enough said!


BUT lets not get carried away! If the name is not derogatory....leave it alone!

For Example
The Kansas City Chiefs
What word is offensive? Chief? Another non-Indian word, but not a negative one....chief is a word meaning one in power, and translates the same from many languages. Another objection is the Indian warrior on the helmet....a negative image....not to me! The image belongs to who ever created it, and unless it is offensive is theirs to use as they see fit, we do not own those images....the artist does!


If you are of African American, Hispanic, Jewish, or Asian heritage my apologies for the offensive terms I used to make a point.
