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Hi, my name is RUFUS.

On December 30, 2005, my Mom and Dad found me at a wonderful Dog Rescue Facility called "Furbaby Rescue". I showed them I could be a good dog, so they adopted me and took me home that day.

At that time they had another miniture Schnauzer, Buddy.

We were the best of pals and he taught me a lot.

But one day in June 2010 our Buddy left us and "Crossed the Rainbow Bridge". We sure miss him.

I get very lonsome at times, but with help from Mom and Dad, I am feeling better. They even bought me my own Doggle Sunglasses. Makes me feel like a Rock Star!

I was so happy it was Halloween and then.............

Why do they have to put me in this stupid costume BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

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