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Updated the URL to Marcus' official web site, which has a new look to it.
It also features a Photo Gallery of Marcus with updated photos.
You can find the link in the Links section.

Added new personal info on Marcus, to the Miscellaneous Files page.
Also added new info to the Main Index page, and changed the wording to my acknowledgment
to Marcus and his talent agency.

Put the press release from 42nd Street Moon theatre group, on a separate page.
I provided a link to it below the news I posted about Marcus performing in their
gala concert.

Made changes to the Main Index page, including adding a link to the website
of the 42nd Street Moon theater group.

Posted the press release from San Francisco's 42nd Street Moon theater group,
about their fund-raising gala concert that Marcus will be performing in,
on the Main Index page under 'News'.

Added a new hit counter from Ultimate Counter.

Updated information on both main index pages, and deleted some old ones.

Message Forum was deleted due to not enough visitors posting.

Added a new subscribe box for my new Marcus Lovett Group, to the Main Index page.

Added a new site counter and a Trivia Game to the Main Index.
Added a link to, to the Links section.

Added sub-headings to the Index pages, including ones made for navigational buttons.

Added new headings to each of the Index pages.
Added a new poll to the Polls page.

Added an updated photo of Marcus to the Main Index page, and to the Message Board main page.
Moved the Main Index page to a second one, inorder to use the first one for the Enter page. (huh?)
Added new info to the Voiceovers page.

Added a link to a new page for old news - News Archive - to the Main Index where I post Other News

Made some changes to the Main Index page.

Created new pages for Links and Polls.
Added new navigational buttons for those pages and one for the Updates page, to the Main Index.

Created a 2nd Updates Archive page.

Changed the word MENU to INDEX on the index pages.
Added new graphics to the Soap Opera section.
Added new info to the Main Index, the Film and Off-Broadway sections.

  • Updates Archive #1
  • Updates Archive #2

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