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This is the Mercenary headquarters for the mercenary group known as "Hanson's Howlers". We are a Traveller roleplaying mercenary force consisting of Army,Marines,Navy and Air Corps combined. A  newer breed of soldier is rising in this world and universe. If you can march,use a weapon of any type or use explosives from standard c4 to TDX..we want you.
Commanding forces on different worlds....with close air defenses, and anti aircraft and spacecraft weapons. Pay is what we get for the  tasks and jobs we accept, anything from Commando, to Security Missions, You will be paid from the tickets we recieve.

A Merc in training at Fort VanGuard
using a gauss-rifle
with heads up display on helm

the Cobra gunship, our most lethal air cav
ship that flies besides the huey.
This baby can can carry an arsenal of tacticals
that will knock out military targets or civ targets designated dangerous.
and it is good for air support and escorts.

Troops securing a perimeter on Badras IV
awaiting orders to move into the perimeter.

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