.:||WAM BOO YA||:.
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News and Updates

.:|| July 27, 2002 ||:.

Grand Opening of the News and Updates thing!! yeah!!

Ok, yeah, so I'm a slacker and I know that a lot of you have been waiting for some freakin' content on this site...WELL IT'S COMING, gosh darn you (can't cuss on here it's against my zen buddhist way of life. Gotta be patient; I've been giving this site a whole new look and have been seriously trying to get all of the cool sheiza loaded again amidst the chaos of getting ready for SENIOR YEAR woot woot! In the meantime have a look around and keep checking back for updates.

.:|| June 22-July 26, 2002 ||:.

List of things that were updated since 2 years ago when I last worked on this site:

    Menu (twice aye aye AYE)
    home page design/layout/content
    other stuff, it's like 1 am right now and i'm too tired/lazy to type anymore. Later all.

There is currently nothing here right now because currently, nothing is old news. Get it? Got it? good. bye all :) sk8 up O-/-<]:
Upcoming Events

.:|| July 28, 2002 ||:.

Pretty soon a comprehensive listing of upcoming music/skate/surf shows and contests will be shown here. have a nice day.

Local Shows (San Diego/LA)
[to be updated]

Skate Contests
[to be updated]

Surf Contests
[to be updated]

Local Shows (San Diego/LA)
[to be updated]

Skate Contests
[to be updated]

Surf Contests
[to be updated]

There is currently nothing here right now because currently, nothing is old news. Get it? Got it? good. bye all :) sk8 up O-/-<]:
There is currently nothing here right now because currently, nothing is old news. Get it? Got it? good. bye all :) sk8 up O-/-<]:
There is currently nothing here right now because currently, nothing is old news. Get it? Got it? good. bye all :) sk8 up O-/-<]:
There is currently nothing here right now because currently, nothing is old news. Get it? Got it? good. bye all :) sk8 up O-/-<]:
There is currently nothing here right now because currently, nothing is old news. Get it? Got it? good. bye all :) sk8 up O-/-<]:
There is currently nothing here right now because currently, nothing is old news. Get it? Got it? good. bye all :) sk8 up O-/-<]:

Copyright © 2002 .:|| Tim ||:.
All Rights Reserved