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You Know You're in College When...

1. You get less sleep then you did in high school.

2. You start to forget people's last names.

3. The only contact you have with your parents is e-mail.

4. You shower with flip-flops on.

5. Your motto has gone from "what's the point?" to "why am i taking a class i'm never going to use?"

6. GERs piss you off.

7. The two main things you dream about doing when you get home is taking a bath and having a home cooked meal.

8. You forgot what real food tastes like.

9. Your stress level has finally broken you.

10. There's no more upperclassmen/lowerclassmen bs.

11. No more stupid cliques.

12. The people who never talked to you in high school suddenly feel a sort of bond to you because you're from the same hometown.

13. You walk 10 miles to class uphill both ways.

14. Pizza has become your staple food.

15. The microwave is your kitchen.

16. Watching movies has again become the thing to do.

17. Every story you hear in the halls begins with some variation of "I was so wasted..."

18. The weekends begin on Thursday (at least around here!).

19. You've become accustomed to annoying people screaming in the halls of the dorms.

20. Your number one phrase is, "I would, if I had money."

21. You realize how much of an impact your friends from high school had on you.

22. You have no idea what your profs name is.

23. Free time=naptime.

24. You don't have to go far to visit your friends. They're just downstairs!

25. Pictures are your life. Everywhere you go, there's usually some sort of recording device attached to your hand.

26. Your thought that maybe high school guys will mature in college has been proven wrong.

27. No more high school squashmores having sex in the halls!

28. You think you're done, but then you realize you have 4+ more years of school ahead of you...some of us 8 (like me).

29. You see new levels of stupidity in the dorms that you had never thought existed.

Thanks to Weston Kane for his input.

Anything else to add? Drop me a line!

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