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These are the friends I met while becoming edumicated in the good ole land-of-wheat: Pullman!!! Go Cougs!


Cassie Wannamaker and Jessica Silva take a time out from doing...homework!!! Good thing there's photo documentation of this rare event.

Strike A Pose

Jessica, Cassie, Libby, Michelle, and Weston stop their mad ice skating to get a way cool group shot.

Three Men and A Little Cassie

At her birthday party, Cassie's good friends asked three guys to pose with her. She was so embarrassed! It wasn't my idea, I swear...

What's So Funny?

Me and my boy, Chase, take a "time-out" to laugh at some of Jessica Silva's antics.

A Little Too Old?

We knew Jessica always went for older guys, but Prehistoric? Maybe she should just move on...

Too Much Sugar?

Sadly, no. It's just Cassie being a goofball. Good thing I was able to capture her in her natural state.

Fouled Hair-Dye?

No, sadly there is no excuse for the blueness on our heads. It was ribbon stuff from one of my birthday presents. I like Jessica's expression the best!

Say Cheese!

So, we were bored one day and decided to throw a findue party! Of course there was wine involved...hey, its cheese's partner!


Look, for once I am the only one presentable to the camera. Too bad Ryan's not paying attention and Jill looks like she's gonna throw up.


I think everyone would agree with me when I say that Jessica had way too much to drink that night! Tsk, tsk.

Merlot Anyone?

Yum, yum...gotta love that blackberry merlot. I promise I did not have too much to drink. But I did have a few cups of that yummy stuff.

I'm Ready For My Close-Up

Who can resist a great pretend-I-have-two-heads shot. I just wish I could keep my big mouth shut.

Cassie's 21 Run

The gang has a bite to eat before heading out to Rancho Viejo to watch Cassie get drunk on shots we buy for her.

How Much Have You Had?

Cassie has a "wet dream" on her 21 run. She also had an orgasm, blow job, duck fart, scooby snack, and a flaming Mexican. Don't worry, they're all drinks ;)

Is She...?

It's not what you think, really! Cassie eats the whipped cream off the "blow job" in between Pete's legs. She's so naughty. Of course, this moment was the talk of the week.

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