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Spring Break 2005-Long Beach

Chase and I traveled to Long Beach, WA for Spring Break this year to check out our prospective new home!

Cape Disappointment

We camped at Cape Disappointment State Park, which is right next to the ocean! Our campsite was only a few feet from the beach. So, the weather was supposed to be in the high 50's/low 60' can tell by my garb that it was quite cold and windy. Plus, since it was the off-season, we were practically the only ones there!

North Head Lighthouse

The lighthouse that you see behind me. A week after we got home, a barge ran aground right underneath. We never knew how dangerous the mouth of the Columnia River was, but apparently thousands of ships have gone down there.

Cape Disappointment Lighthouse

The distinguishing Cape Disappointment Lighthouse. In the summer season, they actually do tours, but we just went up to check it out. There is an awesome view where you can watch whales migrate.

Our Little Visitors

We got a visit from masked bandits at our campsite. It was either the oysters or s'mores that brought the curious critters...not sure. Either way, these guys were hilarious! First, there was only one that came on the outskirts. Then another one came really close and Chase was a little afraid of getting attacked! Then two showed up and kept coming back! I swore they were getting organized...I told Chase that I wouldn't be surprised if three showed up the next night. And guess what happened....:)

Welcome to the World's Longest Beach

Even though most of the shops were closed for the off-season, I really enjoined my stay at Long Beach. I definately wouldn't mind living there! Chase and I took a tour of the quaint little town and made ourselves quite at home. Here's hoping Chase gets the job he wants there.

Gray Whale Skeleton

This is a skeleton of a Gray Whale that washed up on the beach. It was originally burried where it was found, but then it was dug up to display for the public. Gray Whale's often migrate along the coast of Washington on their way to the calving grounds in Baja California.

Skipper's Ride on the Beach

Before we left, the weather was actually really nice! Thankfully, because we had a 2 hour ride scheduled with a place called Skipper's. The ride on the beach was great, especially since we were able to actually ride and not walk in a straight line like most trail rides. My horse's name was Flash and Chase's horse was Bucko. The people were awesome! They even offered me a job!

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