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These are the animal members of my family.

In Loving Memory


This is our dog Rainbow, who we lost last Sept. 2001 to kidney failure. Here she's doing what she does best: guard food! The little glutton :). We miss you!

Doo-Bee Boy

Phred is sort of a foster dog. He really belongs to my uncle, but something tells me he's not going anywhere soon! He's a silly terrier mix. He and Toto could be twins!

The Cute One!

Skittles has got to be the cutest dog in the world! She's part Shar-Pei part German Shepard. Our lives would certainly be boring without her.

Post Script: We lost Skittles to liver cancer on June 3, 2004. She will be greatly missed by all who knew her.

Just Like People

I think Skittles is trying to infiltrate us by posing as a human. Great disguise, huh? I wonder what crazy individual decided to put shoes on her dog...

Pooh Bear!

This is Pooh, a cat we adopted from a former friend of mine who moved away. He just loves to cuddle! Isn't he a goofball?


We've had Velvet ever since I can remember. She is one with nature.

Ask Her If She's Got Any Lettuce

It's my sister's guinea pig, Afena! Why do they call them guinea pigs anyway? They're not Italian, and they're not pork. One of life's great mysteries I guess.

How You Doin'?

Pooh stretches out his body as he sleeps on the couch. It's almost as if he's coming on to you.


Afena the guinea pig makes a phone call to her lettuce dealer.

My New Baby!!

Shhhhh! Don't tell anyone there's a rat in the house! I just couldn't stand not having a pet, so I broke down like the sucker I am and "adopted" this cute little girl. Her name is Venice and she loves attention! This little one will kiss you to death!

Post Script: I had to put my little baby to sleep on Christmas Eve. She had cancer and it had spread throughout her body. I will miss my Venice!

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