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Thought Of the Day


Okay, so I decided to get a little adventurous and dye my hair red; not fire engine red, but a natural looking red. I really like it and people compliment me on how good it looks all the time. Being a red-head is quite a different experience. After people tell me how good it looks, they always say, "I've always wanted to dye my hair red, but I'm not daring enough," followed by, "You're so brave!" I've also noticed people checking me out more. Is there something hypnotic about the red color? Or is the artifical dye emitting a pheromone? The red color has also made me feel more outgoing than I really am. I feel more firey and exuberant. Has the dye gotten to my brain? Have the natural red-heads tapped into some sort of power that they're keeping a secret from all us non-reds? What is it about red? Only the naturals know for sure.


It's that lovely week we like to call finals, and the stress levels are higher than ever. Which brings me to this thought: why do the finals gods torture us by giving us more than one final a day? Seriously, I know people who have had three to four finals scheduled on the same day! How crazy is that? As if we don't have enough stress with having to move out and get all our crap together. At least most teachers are pretty good about changing finals so people are so bogged down. But still...The worst part is when you have finals that don't end until Friday evening. You're stuck here all by yourself worrying about getting out of here before the dorms close, which is another point of contention since they usually close way too early on Saturday morning. This school needs to start thinking about the students and not where they can get an extra buck.


I made an interesting discovery this weekend: I am incredibly productive when I'm bored! Usually on the weekends I go up to Tekoa to visit Chase, but I could not do that because he was at work all weekend. So, I'm sitting around my room wondering what the heck I'm gonna do when suddenly it hit me: I have a ton of homework, maybe I should start it. I worked on a take-home exam and finished it. I was like, "Wow! I was pretty productive. Now what?" So I did other homework not due until later. It was a whole new outlook on life without procrastination! I have nothing to do during the week because I finished it all! Yeah! Now I'm bored again...


Why are people protesting when we're already at war? Yes, it is their right, but it made more sense when it hadn't actually started yet. Now that it has, what are they thinking? "Oh, someone in Pullman is protesting. Maybe we should stop the war now." Seriously, it's nice that you have an opinion, but having it in the middle of everything when I'm trying to go to class is annoying. Plus, I think people who walked out of class in protest are even more stupid. They aren't making much of a point. No one is going to stop bombing Baghdad because you missed biology. You're only hurting yourself. If you're going to pointlessly protest, do it on the weekend out of the way so you don't bother the rest of us.


Isn't it true that lesbians have a sixth sense that tells them if someone was straight or gay? I always thought that was true, but now I'm not so sure. There's this Russian chick that lives down the hall from me, and I swear she's stalking me. Everywhere I go in the hall, she's there. She always says hi to me; and not a regular "hi" but a "hi, I wanna see you naked" accompanied by a creepy little grin that I think is supposed to be seductive. In the morning, she brushes her teeth at the same time as me and she is constantly staring. Plus, I swear the other day she looked at my chest. I admit, she freaks me out. It's not the fact that she might be a lesbian, it's that I'm not and she doesn't seem to understand that. I just want to go to her room, knock on her door, and yell at her that I like men!!! So, if you're a lesbian who is interested in someone, more power to you...if that person feels the same. If they don't, please move on.


It's officially happened: I have gone crazy. The first clue was the weird dreams I have been having. We're not talking "Trent and the violin dream," (which I'm sure no one remembers...heck, I didn't until just now), but disturbing and bizarre dreams that I won't even go into. Plus, I haven't been sleeping well, which usually is not so unusual, but I cannot fall asleep and when I finally do, I wake up at all hours. It's as if time does not exist. In fact, I have taken to writting the date as 2005 for some odd reason. To top it off, it's pretty much winter over here, and I have been getting overheated. Now, I am a scientific person who looks at all the facts before drawing a conclusion. From these facts, I can conclude that I have finally lost it. Just in time for Spring Break...This is a warning to all those just on the brink: seek help while you still can!


Why do some people have trouble taking a hint? So, this chick I know used to be my friend and then she messed around on her boyfriend and since I don't associate myself with liers and decievers, I stopped actively hanging out with her, especially since she's with the guy she screwed around with (who I happen to despise). Whenever I see her and she tries to be friendly, I'm distant and pissy. When she unexpectedly knocks on my door and barges in, I ignore her. When she IMs me, I tell her how stupid she is for what she did. But does she get it? NO! She still thinks I'm her friend. She can't seem to understand that no one likes her! These people need serious therapy...We should collect them up, put them in a room, and all yell at them for being fools.


Why do we have to buy bottled water? Water is the most plentiful resource on the planet and we have to pay money to drink it! Some evil corporate people are making a profit by selling us something we can get for free. And we buy it! Are they really mean, or genuises? I think water should just be sitting at the front of the store for anyone to come along and take. I might be thirsty, but I'm cheap.


Have people no concept of others people's stuff? So, I get home today and I am already late to put my laundry in. I get in there and some inconsiderate person has put her crap in the washer during my time. Needless to say, I was pissed! Taking other people's laundry times is a big no-no around here, so i wrote her a dirty note. Hopefully, I'll be able to get everything done. I also want to know what is up with me having an exam every single week?! AHHHHHHH! It's gonna be stressful from here on out. Why do profs have exams on Mondays? Do they really enjoy ruining our weekends? Probably...


Okay, even though I have a boyfriend, I still think Valentine's Day is the lamest holiday ever. Here's why: the concept is all wrong. V-Day is supposed to be the day set aside to show your loved ones how much you care, right? Well, shouldn't you do that every day? In my opinion, you don't need a heart-shaped box of chocolates and a cutesy teddy bear to do that. Sometimes, all it takes is a hug. V-Day is simply a holiday created by Hallmark in order to make them more money. Plus, seeing all those lovey-dovey couples exhibiting way too much PDA makes those without just feel all left out and lonely. Don't wait until V-Day to show people how much you love them; appreciate them every day.


Why is it that people feel the need to share their most private moments on the internet and feel proud of it? The other day I was on and one of the hotlinks was some chick's on-line diary. Now, the concept of having a diary is not the issue here. I personally believe that diaries can be helpful, however, they are private for a reason. No one wants to read your e-mail sex conversation with another dude! Especially when you have a boyfriend! I wonder if it has ever occured to this person that her boyfriend probably reads her website...hmmmm...Anyway, to sum up, if you keep a diary on your website, for the sake of all sane people everywhere, just write "I had a weird day" and leave it at that.

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