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Updates/What's New


Wow, has it really been that long? I dont know if anyone still checks in here, but I guess this website has become a sort of virtual scrapbook for me, so I'll continue. Update: got married in July, have puppy, congrats to Anna and Peter who got married in November, working ass off! We're still in Long Beach and bought a house. At some point, I will put more pictures up, but as it is I have no internet at home, so who knows it may be another year before then! Hope all is well.


I have done a little spring cleaning! Though you wouldn't know it was spring around here since it snowed today...Anyway, I took out a lot of pictures, no offence to anyone, you know I love you, I just needed to make way for new things! I will be adding a new page soon called "Horsing Around" so look for it soon. Other than that it's been all about planning for the big day!


Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year! Again, no internet access, so no updates. Just wanted to let everyone know that I am engaged!!! Who knows when I'll add pictures, but I do have some to add. Later.


Here's the update: graduated, moved, working ass off! Chase and I have moved to Long Beach, WA after graduating from WSU in May. I am working as a wrangler for Skipper's Horse Rentals. Basically, I take people on guided rides on the beach and make sure they dont screw up! It can be great fun when you have a good group. I dont know when I'll be adding any pictures because I don't have internet access at home and so have no way of downloading pictures. I hope everyone is having a good life and look me up if you're ever down south!


A new photo section under Other was added called Long Beach, WA. Chase and I might end up moving there after graduation. It depends on whether or not he gets the job he wants. A little note was also added in the Pets section. Right now I'm counting down the days until graduation. 3 weeks from Saturday!!!


Three pictures were added to the Wildlife Experience page. Please click on the Raptor Club link on the homepage and read about how you can help! Thanks!


Okay, I seriously updated way before this but I just realized that I must not have saved the updates page after I wrote it. Oh, well...four pictures were added to the Wildlife Experience page as well as some updates on some of the animals. Happy Anniversary Me & Chase on the 23rd!!! Three years together and going strong...:)


I know, but it's my senior year...I'm a little busy! Meanwhile, I have had my golden b-day! 22! I'm so old...I added some updates for a few animals on the Wildlife Experience page. My days are mostly spent studying for exams, which I usually have at least one every week, doing homework, writing papers...the usual suspects. When I'm not doing anything school related I'm counting down the days until breaks, which could include weekends, holidays, and the end of the semester. I can't believe I'm graduating in May!! And I thought the senioritis I had in high school was bad...


Nine pictures were added to the Wildlife Experience page. I also added some updates about some of the animals. The first week of school is complete! This semester doesn't look too bad, yet. I am taking only 4 classes at 14 credits, so my senior year is starting out pretty laid back.


Eighteen pictures were added to the Wildlife Experience page. I also included updates on what has become of certain animals.


Look, look, look! I have updated in less than two weeks! Thats a record I think...Anyway, since I am interning at Sarvey, I will probably have lots of updates because I'm always taking pictures. Eleven were added to the Wildlife Experience page.


Yeah, yeah, yeah I know its been a few months since I've updated, but I really didn't have anything exciting going on. Its summer now, but it doesn't feel like it since I have no weekends! I intern at Sarvey Wildlife Care Center Monday through Friday and I work at a place called Kozy Kennels on the weekends. I have to wait until school starts before I can sleep in! Eighteen pictures were added to a new section under Other called Wildlife Experience. We've had a tough time here because our beloved dog, Skittles, died on June 3rd from liver cancer :( We will grieve for quite a while for her.


Okay, I know it has been forever since I've updated. Let me see if I can catch up: Happy 21st B-Day to me, Happy 21st B-day to Cassie, Merry X-mas, Happy New Year, Cougs won the Holiday Bowl, did you catch that SuperBowl Halftime?, and happy birthday to anyone I forgot and happy (insert recognized holiday). Did I miss anything? Anyway, as you might have guessed I have been extremely busy with school and work. After listening to Cassie ask me every day if I updated my website, here, I'm updating my website! Eight pictures were added to College Friends. Happy now?! Who knows when I'll get a chance to update again. Nothing much happens around here anyway except homework, school, and work. In case I don't update before then, Happy V-Day, or as my friends call it S.A.D. (Singles Awareness Day). Also, go me and Chase! Two years Feb. 23. Later!


Okay, so its been a month since I've updated. I've been busy! The school year is in full swing and the homework just keeps getting pilled on. One picture was added to the Disneyland page and two were added to Pets. Plus, one item was added to the Written section. Don't expect many updates soon because I am always busy! And just to let you all know, the Cougs are 5-1! Go team!


One picture was added to Mandy and Chase's Excellent Adventure and the Yosemite page was finished. Classes are going well, so hopefully I'll end up with a pretty decent GPA. The Cougs team is 1-1 after today. We beat Idaho 25-0 and today we lost to Notre Dame in overtime 29-26. But, it's alright because it wasn't a Pac-10 game. Well, I must be off to relax since I've been doing homework all day.


Well, the first week of school is over and so far things look pretty good. A new section was added under Other Photos called California Dreamin'. Sea World and Disneyland pics were added, but the Yosemite section is under construction. Check back later for more pictures!


Okay, so I'm back from my on the road excursions and I have plenty of pictures! Huge update: 23 pics! Just go under Other in the Photos section and click "Mandy and Chase's Excellent Adventure." Many more updates to come! P.S. Happy Birthday, Mom!


Gee, look who hasn't updated in over a month! One item was added to the Written section as well as a Thought Of the Day. I have a good excuse: I have been really super busy! I've been working at Sno-Wood Vet. Mon-Fri part time as a kennel tech. Plus, I've been helping out as a vet tech sometimes in the mornings and some Saturdays. Today was my last day! Tomorrow I'm off on a road trip with Chase for a week and then two weeks in California with the family. Check back in in three weeks for tons of pictures!


So, it's been a while since I've updated! The fact of the matter is, nothing that exciting is going on. Three funny things were added to the Written section. See, boring times. Well, school has been out for a month now, and I'm already stir crazy. Thankfully, I pulled through that nasty semester with three Bs and an A. *phew*!! Now, I'm working at Sno-Wood again part-time Mon-Fri. Yeah! Money! Hopefully, more stuff will happen so I can post pictures. Until then, have more fun than I am having.


Two items were added to the Written section and a Thought Of the Day was added. It's finals week, so I won't be updating again for a while. SOME people (Jessica) kept bugging me about updating, so this is to shut her up. Ugh, I had two finals yesterday and two Friday. Let's hope I can get packed and out of here by 10am Saturday! Happy Birthday to my website! It's a year old! Thanks to everyone for visiting over a thousand times. WOW!!!


All that was updated was Thought Of the Day. There won't be many updates for a while since things are getting pretty busy around here. I'd just like to give everyone an early Happy Easter! Remember, just because you're not a kid anymore doesn't mean you can't color easter eggs! P.S. My guestbook is feeling neglected :( Don't forget to sign it!


Two very cure pictures were added to Pets pics. What is up with the weather around here?!?!? This morning it was snowing like crazy, and now it's nice and sunny. Nature needs to make up it's mind!


!!yaD s'looF lirpA yppaH!! 3 items were added to the Written Section. The answers to the exams that students wrote are hilarious! Five more weeks of school!


A Thought Of the Day was added as well as "Rainbow Bridge" to the Written section. I'd always intended to have this touching poem here, but just finally got around to it. The picture in the backround is a watercolor I did of my dog, Rainbow. Ugh...I have to study this weekend for two exams. Wish me luck.


Huge picture update! 16, count 'em, 16 pictures were added. Just go to Other under Photos and click Road Trip 2003. I decided to divide the Other section up to make life easier...namely mine. Ugh...six weeks left of school...that's become my mantra.


One item was added to the Written section as well as a Thought Of the Day. It has been pretty boring around here, but Spring Break is only a few classes away! I'm going to Oregon on a road trip, which will be very cool. We're going to the Vortex, which must be seen and can't be explained. Look it up on a search engine. I'll post pictures after the break. Special big hug to Chase for taking care of Venice while I'm gone :)!


Only two more days until Spring Break!!! A Thought Of the Day was added as well as 1 item to the Written section. I'm going on a road trip for Spring Break, so I'll have pictures coming up soon!


I had to take a break from physics! A Thought Of the Day was added and one item to the Written section was added called "Chili Cookoff." This is quite possibly the funniest thing you'll ever read! Remember to close your doors because you will laugh out loud! P.S. A week and a half until Spring Break!


Just wanted to say a quick Happy Anniversary (1 whole year!) to Chase! Here's to many more years together!


A Thought Of the Day inspired by Jessica was added today. Back to homework.


A Thought Of the Day was added. I needed to vent. Life is pretty boring around here with all the studying. I can't wait until Spring Break!!!


Happy Valentine's Day for those who care, and Happy Friday and Three-Day Weekend to those who don't. I added a Thought Of the Day especially for this "holiday."


Wow, it has been a crazy couple of weeks! First, the Columbia explodes last Saturday. I turn on the tv, and I'm like, "I think something happened. The flag on the news is at half mast." Then after I figure it out I call my mom and she has no idea what's going on. Needless to say, we were pretty saddened. Then, last Sunday Weston calls at Chase's and tells us there's a bomb threat next door to me at Streit-Perham. They were all evacuted and put up at the Rec Center. Of course, nothing happened, and whoever did it is in deep stuff. Moron....Aside from this, nothing much else is going on. One picture was added to College Friends and a new section called Thought Of the Day was added. I needed somewhere to rant about stupid people. It takes the stress off the day.


Can you believe we're almost done with January? Neither can I! One item was added to the Written section and 3 pictures to Pets. A very early Happy Birthday to Weston (Jan 29?), and an early Happy 11-Month to Chase (Jan 23)!


Hugh picture update today! 8 pictures were added to Friends from Back Home and one to Family. The special treat of the day is that one of the pictures is the famous "Colin wearing a dress"! Enjoy! Don't forget to sign the guestbook!


Okay, a late Happy New Year to everyone! I hope everyone had fun. Next, I am very saddened about the outcome of the Rose Bowl...let's just leave it at that. I know I haven't updated in a while (I was on break!!), but now that I have a new toy (printer/scanner/copier) I can add nifty new pictures!!! Hopefully soon, but classes look pretty mean this semester...


Merry Belated Christmas to all, and to all a good new year! Two items were added to the Written section. I was going to add a couple pictures, but the site was being retarded or something. Anywho, I hope everyone's holiday went well. I have been working my butt off!! I have to get up early tomorrow, so I must go. Then it's off to Tekoa on Sunday! Sorry I only spent 5 days in town, so I didn't get to see many people. There's always spring break.



Even though 2 pics to College Friends, 1 comic to FoxTrot, and 1 item to the Written section were added, I would have updated to spread the good word without them. YEAH!!! GOOOOOOOO TEAM!!! SCORE!!! It was a great game, too. After it was over, I jumped up and down on the bed and screamed! You should have seen me. Anywho, it's dead week (and despite that I still have a lab exam Wednesday...grrrr), which means next week is finals. Yuck. So, guess who will be studying every waking hour!


Holy cow, it's been a long time since I've updated! Okay, let me get everything up to speed. Thankfully, the Cougs beat those nasty Ducks, however, due to a very bad call by the refs, we lost the Apple Cup in triple overtime. This incident is way too sad to discuss any further. Happy Belated Thanksgiving to everyone! I hope you all stuffed yourselves silly with turkey. And, I hope everyone had a nice break from school. Chase and I saw the movie "The Ring", and my advice to everyone is: DO NOT SEE IT!!! This is the scariest movie I ever saw; and you know it has to be if I was scared! *shudder*...But anywho, break went way too fast for me! I'm counting down the days until the end of the semester. I'll probably be really busy studying for finals, so I don't know when I'll be able to update with actual stuff. It's been slow lately. Until next time, have a nice December!!!


Two amusing items were added to the Written section. I haven't had any good opportunities to take pictures, so I don't know when I'll have more. Three-day weekend this weekend! The Cougs play the Ducks! We have to win...we're NO. 1 in the Pac-10! Do I smell roses??????? Anywho, next week is gonna suck because I have exams in all four of my classes; three of which are Friday. So, you know what I'll be doing in my spare time!


Happy Birthday to Me!!! The big 2-0!!!! Happy Belated Birthday to Allison, my almost birthday buddy (10/21). Two items were added to the Written section and one picture was added to the Family section. Now there's finally a picture of Chase for all those of you who have been bugging me about it!


Two items were added to the Written section. Just one more week until my birthday! I feel so old...20, half of 40...*shudder*...Cougs won last weekend against Stanford 36-11! We're No.1 in the Pac-10, baby!


Happy Birthday, John Lennon! "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans." Six pictures were added under Other. Two words: Da Bears! Two items were also added to the Written section. Only 13 days until the big 2-0!


The battle begins...In retaliation of a horrid picture Cassie put of me on her website, I declare war on her! Check out the new pic of her under College Friends.


One item was added to the Written section and to FoxTrot. Three comics were added to Non Sequitur. It's October! The birthday countdown begins...


One comic was added to both Arlo and Janis and Get Fuzzy. They'll crack you up! Plus, one item was added to the Written section. I would have added more, but the internet is being a slow bitch today. Technical difficulties abound! Anywho, October is right around the corner, and that means my birthday! The big 2-0! The limbo're not a teenager anymore, and you cant drink yet either (not that I would anyway) basically you're just half-way to forty. Isn't that a lovely thought?


Long time, no see! Happy 7-month, Chase! One comic was added to Non Sequitur and one quote was added under Friends & Other Peeps. Two items were added under the Written section. Very funny they are. I am so glad last week is over! However, I have another stupid exam on Friday. Will it ever end? Probably not...


Sorry there haven't been any updates for a while. I'm also sorry to say there still won't be until at least next week. It's been hell around here! I have two quizzes and an exam on Friday. Yuck!! Though this week has been pretty crappy, I got a very happy surprise today that just brightened up everything!! I got my birthday present from Chase today (I know it's a month early, but he had to order it when he had access to a computer), and you'll never guess what it was!!! He named a star after me!! How sweet it that? I got all amoungst yourselves...I am so lucky.


*One Year Later...*

Give a fireman or policeman a hug today. One very hilarious picture was added to Other and a Non-Sequitur comic dedicated to that jerk on The Mall the other day was added. Yesterday, my dog Rainbow, who passed away last Sept., visited me. I could smell her every time I called her name. I'm not crazy! Okay, gotta go. I'm starving.


Two blackmail pictures were added to College Friends. Still haven't figured out how to add videos, though. :( There was quite a scene on The Mall today. Some dude was preaching to us about how college students are going to hell and that we should search for Jesus, not a job. I'm sorry, but Jesus doesn't pay my bills. This guy was a freak. I have no problem with people talking about how great Christianity is, but when you're nuts like this guy, I get pissed. So did everyone else. Seriously, if you heard this guy, you'd want to yell nasty things to him, too. Grrrrr....jerk. Anywho, enough about that guy. I'm expecting Anna any time soon, so I better go.


Two jokes were added to A Few Short Jokes in the Written section. It's a pretty slow day today. Yesterday the Cougs kicked Idaho's butt 49-14! Looks like it's gonna be another good season! More pictures will be coming soon. Sorry, Cassie, it looks like somebody is gonna get embarrassed...;)


One comic was added to Get Fuzzy and Arlo and Janis and a ton was added to The Far Side. Today is our first home game! Gotta go cheer them on! Go COUGS!!!


One comic was added to Arlo and Janis and a whole new comic section of The Far Side was added. Two items were also added to the Written section.'s starting to rain...but not as much as on the westside I'm sure, so I'm not going to gripe. Oh, by the way, Cougs won this weekend 31-7. Go team!!!!


Three items were added the Written section as well as a short joke under A Few Short Jokes. Well, it's not actually a joke, but it's pretty funny. Comics were also added to Fox Trot and Non-Sequitur. Very amusing they are. Nothing much else on my end. Classes are as boring as ever...Hopefully it will get better soon, because I was ready to stab myself with my pencil in chem. We need someone a little more upbeat to teach us. Okay, I'm done. Enjoy!


Okay, lots of stuff to report today. First off, happy belated birthday to Jessica. Second, a whole new section was added labeled Comics. Pretty self explanitory. The comic sections so far are Arlo and Janis, Get Fuzzy, Non-Sequitur (yes, that's spelled right), and Fox Trot. Plus, another link was added under favorite links. *phew* Okay, on to other stuff. I was visited last night by the Growth Group Bible Study. They invited me to attend their little meeting. No offense to them, but they need to figure out a better screening process. Oh, well, at least I got free cookies out of the deal. Today I've been running around the dorms naked because it's laundry day (there's some nice mental images for ya!). I only have one class today! After class, I'm planning on visiting you, Cassie, so you better be in your room this time! Will I have to leave you another dirty note? Anywho, better get back to re-supplying the clothes. It's getting a little drafty in here.


One item was added to the Written section and a ton of quotes about doggies was added under Friends & Other Peeps. I still haven't figured out how to add movies, so who knows if that'll happen. The first week of school is over, and it feels like I've been here much longer. I've already found myself groaning, "I can't wait until the end of the semester!" Our game is in Seattle this weekend, which pisses me off. All because of snooty rich people. Anyway, Go Cougs!!! Kick some ass! I'll have to catch them on tv. Okay, back to my three-day weekend!


I have a question for all those webpeople who are smarter than me: how do you put movies on your website??? This has been bugging me forever!! Help! I have so many funny movies to put on the website if I just knew how...


My picture issues have been resolved, so three pictures were added under the Family section and three in Other. Not much else other than that since I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I'm in a grumpy mood. It's not a pretty sight.


First day of school today...goody. Luckily, my day ended at noon, so I've been sitting on my ass since then being bored. A few quotes were added under Friends and Other Peeps and a short joke was added under A Few Short Jokes in the Written section. I have a ton of pictures that will be added at some point, but I'm having some issues with them. So far, I think my Anth 101 will be a good class (it's curved) and Physics shouldn't be too traumatic (the prof is kinda loopy), but we have to talk about Chem 240. What is it about Chem teachers that makes them so boring? I hope I can stay awake for this guy. A: The material is basically review on easy stuff, B: You know the dinosaur show guy on Mrs. Doubtfire? He sounds like him, and C: Another prof said the guy is useless. That doesn't give me much confidence. I'm gonna hafta drink a gallon of coffee before subjecting myself to that daily torture. A bright note is that we'll only be having quizzes and only a final exam. Okay, I'm going to go look busy now.


Whoa, I finally have access to a computer! After a week of camping and "family bonding", I'm back in the Palouse country ready for school. Gotta get up bright and early Monday morning! Pictures and other fun stuff are coming soon.


Hello all! Two items were added under the Written section. We're leaving for the eastside on Sunday and we'll be camping, so there won't be any updates for at least a week. Maybe more; who knows when next I'll have access to a computer! I'm sorry I didn't see very many of you over the summer. Oh, well, there's always next time! Have a good second year at college. Of course, most of you don't start til later....unlike us Cougs...stupid August 26th....


Welcome to August! And the countdown to school continues...Two items were added to the Written section and one picture was added to College Friends. I hope I see some of you before I go to Spokane and then Pullman!!! P.S. Michelle and Cassie have been confirmed to be still living.


Three things were added to the Written section. One is definately for the girls! The other one about guys will crack everyone up. Special message for Michelle and Cassie: Give us a sign that you're still alive!


Three items were added under the Written section. Two of those are for the guys. I figured I should even out the bashing. A link to The Field Guide to North American Men was added under links. Very amusing it is. Plus, I found a couple of funny relationship sites. One is If you thought your past relationship sucked major ass, read about these poor shmoes! Hours of fun-filled entertainment. Also, I found a site a guy dedicated to his psycho ex-girlfriend. There are a bunch of hilarious voicemails and a test to see if your girlfriend is psycho. Enjoy! I'm gonna be leaving for Spokane soon and then Pullman. I'd never thought I'd be looking forward to going back to school! Who am I, and what have I done with myself?!?!?!


One quote was added under Friends and Other Peeps, one item was added under the Written section (this one's for the boys), and about twenty things were added to Truths. I hope everyone who is going has fun at Bainbridge this weekend! Darn work...Take lots of pictures! Don't get lost or come back with another traumatic story.


Happy 5 month Chase!! Happy Birthday Colin!! Two items were added to the Written section and four pictures were added under Pets. I saw K-19 and Eight Legged Freaks last weekend and I highly recommend both. The best part aboout Eight Legged Freaks was all the goofy sound effects the spiders make. It'll crack you up! I have some more work coming up this weekend. I hope everyone else was able to find jobs, too. It's crazy out there! Enjoy the rest of the summer (though some of you don't go back until OCTOBER!!!!!). Be good ;) I think people need to start seriously praying for my sanity. The biggest thing I've been looking forward to are two full days of Trading Spaces. I think the Dark Side has won.


One item was added to the Written section and eight pictures were added under Family. Get ready to laugh!


Two quotes were added under the Friends and Other Peeps section and five items were added under the Written section. Today was my first day back at work! It's so nice to be making money again. Especially since I'm getting $9 an hour. Hey, it's a lot to me! See everyone later. The countdown until school starts will commence soon, so enjoy the summer while you still can!!!!


Three pictures were added to Friends From Back Home, one to College Friends, and one to Other. I'm now back on the westside and ready for work on Thursday. Now I'll be able to say I did something productive this summer.


One item was added to the Written section for all those who live on the westside. I'll be home pretty soon, so updates will have more stuff. Pictures coming soon!! Now that I'm all by my lonesome, I have to go out and find a project or I'll go stir-crazy. The hunt is on!


One item was added under the Written section. I'm still on the eastside and will be until Sunday. *Phew* I am so glad to be done working at my aunt's house. I've never painted so much in my life! I was working literally from 9 am until 11 pm every day. It was nice to have a break and go to Pullman to stay with Chase for a couple of weeks. I'm working from his roomates Mac (the piece of crap...) so, things aren't running as smoothly as I would like them to. Oh, well. At least when I get back there will be some Sno-Wood shifts waiting for me. Work! Money! Finally! Not much new besides that going on. I spent the 4th in Wenatchee with Chase's family. They were nice. I hope they liked me! This weekend, Chase will be bombarded with my family at our reunion in Cheney. But he has nothing to worry about because my family has officially adopted him. Okay, I'm done. See everybody later!


One quote was added under Friends in the Written section. I know, I accomplished lots. I hope everyone has a good couple of weeks and a happy Father's Day. Thanks for the party, Jaime! We definately have some stories to tell after that...*shudder*


No updates today. I just wanted to say congrats on graduation to Jaime and the rest of the class of 2002!! Way to be, Jaime! Just don't trip. And no somersaults :)


A bunch of quotes were added, and that's about it. Sadly, that was the highlight of my day. Plus, I lazed around in the bath for about 45 minutes. Ahhhh...heaven :) I'm gonna miss that when school starts again. There is no amount of money that would make me take a bath in the nasty dirt-fest the dorm calls a bathtub. Anywho, I will have some income coming my way pretty soon (finally!). I'm being shipped off to my Aunt's house in Spokane in a couple of weeks for hard labor. I'm being used, but I'm getting paid. Sounds like another job I know of...hmmm...oh, well. ;)


Only one item was added to the Written section today. Things are pretty slow on this end, but my guess is it'll probably pick up again later in the month. I'm being recruited by my Aunt to help paint, so I'll be heading over to the eastside again. I need a change quick because I'm starting to become addicted to the Lifetime channel. Help! S.O.S.!! :)


Well, I'm back on the westside and back on track. Two items were added to the Written section and one overdue photo was added to Other. So far, still no job, but I'm still keeping busy. I'm guessing some people will be home soon, so I'll see ya then!


Happy Birthday Andy!!! Happy 3 Month Chase!!! Two quotes were added as well as three items to the Written section. There won't be any updates for a week because I'll be out of town! Have a good week.


Happy Birthday Michelle!!! Three items were added to the Written section, two to Quotes, and two to Truths. Other than that, life has been pretty slow. Hope everyone is having a more exciting life than me!


Four items added to the Written section. I saw the Woodinville High School Play "Kiss Me Kate" on Friday and I have to say it was VERY good. Go check that out if you can, although most everyone is probably still in school. Also saw Star Wars yesterday (Sat.) and I was a little dissappointed. I wanted to kick the guy who plays Anakin's butt. Worst actor ever! Okay, I'm done. Gotta go watch the last episode of The X-Files tonight! It's over, after 9 years it's over! *sniff*


Four new things added to Written section and one new link added under Favorite Links. I know anyone still in school would like to kill me when I say this, but I am already BORED!!! I need a hobby, a job, something. At least to get me out of the house so I'm not driving everyone else crazy. Any ideas?


Everything was changed to HTML so hopefully everyone's browser will support the site. Three new items were added to the Written section. I hope finals go well for everyone, and I'll see ya when you're off for the summer! And the job hunt continues...


Happy Mother's Day! Three pictures were added to the Pets section. Hope everyone has something nice planned for their Mamma. Remember, she deserves it!


School's out for summer!!!! One year down, only seven to go! At least now I can make some decent updates. Three pictures were added to College Friends. What's next for me? Going back to work. Joy of joys.


Due to technical difficulties, *mumbles about crappy computer*, there won't be many updates. I'm actually writing this from someone else's computer. Sorry about using you for your computer, Jessica! All that was added were a couple of odd quotes under the Friends section.


Things are gonna be pretty slow on this end because of finals, but afterwards I'll be on the ball. Quotes were added as well as stuff to the Written section.


After weeks of blood, sweat, and tears, my website is finally ready to be unleashed into the world! Take a look around, make suggestions, and tell me what you think.

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