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4 One Nite Alone tour reports go 2 the NPG Music Club webSight.


If U can describe it... It ain't Funky!

Well... It sho 'nuff wasn't something we can describe. Prince brought the house down in Seattle at the Paramount Theatre & in Portland at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall... OH & one mo' time at the Portland aftershow. 2 Nites Alone with Prince... & 2 Nites Seattle & Portland will never 4get.
The shows were layed back yet the nrg was high. There was a real personal feel 2 them. Prince made u dance, sing, think, re-think, analyze ur life, & how u view certain things. He touched on many subjects with quick wit, humor, & seriousness. He "preached", but in his own way. The way that Prince has always "preached" if thats what u choose 2 call it. He wanted 2 get his message across, & he did. "If U came 2 get Ur Purple Rain on, U in the wrong house 2nite!" ... "Betta' put on yo scuba gear 'cuz we 'bout 2 get deep y'all!" ... "If U ain't feelin' what I'm sayin 2 U, please leave now. U do not have 2 stay."

He came here with a few messages & he wasn't leaving until he made each one of them clear. And he did not leave here without touching the majority of us in some way. Whether he just made u a little funkier, made u realize that the music business isn't always fair & radio stations r kept from playing "Real Music by Real Musicians," or made U take a new perspective on a personal situation in Ur own life, about God, Love, "Harmony." He's a true musician who has the ability 2 draw crowds, bring them 2gether as ONE, "in harmony with eachother" & try 2 get them 2 realize that we need 2 keep that same harmony when we leave the show. How many of y'all have done that? Don't it feel nice 2 b around a group of people all with a common intrest in music, in Prince & his musicianship? We all meet up, don't know each others names when we get there but leave there with a countless number of new friends & have the time of Ur life when ur there even b4 Prince takes the stage.

Thank U 2 PRINCE & the New Power Generation (John Blackwell, Renato Neto, Rhonda Smith, Maceo Parker, Greg Boyer, & Candy Dulfer). 2 many things came out of One Nite Alone with Prince 2 mention here. But, THANK U! Come back soon & more often!


R U Ready 4 One Nite Alone... with Prince?
Well get ready y'all bcuz he has confirmed...

Monday, April 29
The Paramount Theatre
Members Only Pre-Sale: Wed. April 24 10AM PT - Thurs. April 25 6PM PT
General Public Sale: Fri. April 26 10AM PT

Portland... R U Ready? Y'all gettin' it 2!

Tuesday, April 30
Schnitzer Concert Hall
Members Only Pre-Sale: Wed. April 24 12PM PT - Thurs. April 25 6PM PT
General Public Sale: Fri. April 26 10PM PT


2 more dates have been confirmed... West Coast, get ready y'all!

  • Friday, April 19 & Saturday, April 20 - HOLLYWOOD, CA - The Kodak Theatre


Washington D.C. was heavily funked this past Easter weekend with 3 shows, Friday, Saturday, & Sunday, by Prince & his crew, this time around including Larry Graham & Carlos Santana.

The following r dates that have been added & confirmed by the NPGMC thus far. Bcuz of the un4tunate ticket situations thus far during this tour, we will not release all official NPGMC confirmed in4mation & updates here. Cities & dates of events will b given 2 u here, but 4 further NPGMC member in4mation, please go 2 WWW.NPGMUSICCLUB.COM. If U r not yet a NPGMC member U can go 2 the NPGMC webSight 2 sign up or check on One Nite Alone ticket in4mation at Ticket Master.

  • Wednesday, April 3 & Thursday, April 4 - ATLANTA, GA - Symphony Hall
  • Saturday, April 6 - LAKELAND, FL - Lakeland Center
  • Tuesday, April 9 - NEW YORK CITY, NY - Avery Fisher Hall, Lincoln Center
  • Friday, April 12 - KANSAS CITY, MO - Midland Center
  • Monday, April 15 - NEW ORLEANS, LA - Saenger Theater
  • Tuesday, April 16 - DALLAS, TX - Fairpark Music Hall

Keep in mind... don't count on the initial tour schedule that was released. Dates r now being announced as they r confirmed. Do not b suprised if changes r made 4 dates in some cities. Some have already been switched up, so keep checking NPGMC & Ticketmaster 4 updates & details. Thank U.


Late coming update on concert & ticket situations.
There have been a number of problems with ticket sales due 2 scalpers buying large quantities of tickets 4 the One Nite Alone 2002 Tour that should b available 2 the NPG Music Club Members during their presale. It seems scalpers were getting ahold of the best seats in the house even b4 the NPGMC members were able 2 & reselling these tickets 4 prices well above face value ($500-$600 ea. on up), even groups of seats 2gether were in the hamds of these scalpers.

Prince was informed of the problem by fams who have attended soundchecks at some recent shows who ended up with seats toward the back or balcony sections when they sould have been significantly closer being NPGMC members. Prince, being aware of the issue, has accommodated some fams 2 make up 4 the dissapointment because of the situation at hand. NPG has since gone back 2 will call in an attempt 2 put a stop 2 the scalping problem. However, scalpers r still able 2 get their hands on tickets that, again, should b available 2 NPGMC members during their pre-sale period.

A new formula 4 ticket sales 2 the NPGMC is going 2 b tried out Saturday, March 23, 2002, when the 2 ATL shows go on presale. We will c how this goes.

Also, note that the One Nite Alone 2002 Tour Schedule listed below was a TENTATIVE schedule only. I assume that because of the ticket problems at hand, NPG has decided 2 pull this schedule from the NPGMC websight. It is no longer up on the site anywhere, though they do tell us that any dates that r confirmed will b posted on the site. Until then, no information is known & they ask that u do not emale them asking about any dates, just keep checking the site 4 new confirmations as the tour moves on.


Press Release: (Source: PRINCE)

March 1: Saginaw, Mich. (Heritage Theatre)
March 2: Chicago (Chicago Theater)
March 5: Cincinnati (Music Hall)
March 6: Detroit (Opera House)
March 7: Buffalo, N.Y. (Shea's Theater)
March 9: Louisville, Ky. (Palace Theater)
March 10: Cleveland (Palace Theater)
March 25: Baltimore (Lyric Theater)
March 26: Pittsburgh (Benedum Center)
March 28, 30: Washington, D.C. (Warner Theater)
April 2: Richmond, Va. (Landmark Theater)
April 4: Miami (Sunrise Theatre)
April 5: Jacksonville, Fla. (Times Union Center)
April 6: Lakeland, Fla. (Lakeland Center)
April 9: New York (Lincoln Center - Avery Fisher Hall)
April 11: Norfolk, Va. (NTELOS Pavilion)
April 12: Atlanta (TBA)
April 13: New Orleans (UNO Theatre)
April 15: Dallas (Music Hall)
April 16: Houston (Compaq Center)
April 18: Phoenix (Dodge Theatre)
April 20: Los Angeles (Kodak Theatre)
April 25: St. Louis, Mo. (Fox Theatre)
April 26: Kansas City, Mo. (Midland Theater)
April 30: Seattle (Paramount Theatre)
May 1: Portland, Ore. (Schnitzer Concert Hall)
May 3: Concord, Calif. (Chronicle Pavilion @ Concord)
May 4: Las Vegas (TBA)


The Cleveland, OH ticket pre-sale begins 4 NPGMC Premium Members only.


The First 2002 Tour Schedule:
March 1 - Saginaw, MI - Heritage Theater
March 2 - Chicago, IL - The Chicago Theater
March 5 - Cincinnati, OH - Music Hall
March 6 - Detroit, MI - Opera House
March 9 - Louisville, KY - Palace Theater
March 10 - Cleveland, OH - Palace Theater

*Note: As more dates r announced thru the NPGMC, they will b posted here. So 4 those non NPGMC members, Join the Club or check back here. Remember, if U join the NPG Music Club, U get members only opportunities at these shows. Pre-sale 2 premium NPGMC members only, days before tickets go on sale 2 the general public. Ur chance 2 get the best seats in the house y'all! Members only access 2 soundchecks b4 the shows, and VIP enterance 2 official afterparties!

Join Now!


Mail any news related 2 the One Nite Alone tour here.