The Raider has to be one of my all time favorite units. It has been since the first WarCraft. Then they were called Wolf Riders. The point is, i like them, always have. I was very dissapointed when they didn't appear in WarCraft II. I was so happy that Blizzard decided to inculde it again in WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos. Well, I just thought you would like to know why it's one of my all time favorite units.
Spell Breaker
I have no love for the Humans. I just don't like them. Elves, on the other hand, aren't that bad. I definatley like Elves more than Humans, but Dwarves better than Elves. Unforunatley, they don't have too many awesome Dwarf units. I chose the Spell Breaker as a favorite unit because it looks cool. Thats all I guess.
The Infernal might not be an actual unit, but it is really cool all the same. I mean, it's a burning hunk of rock that falls from the sky and comes to life. It's soul purpose while alive is to destroy anything that lives. Thats why I like the Infernal.