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WarChiefFanguan's FAVORITE Units!

This page containts animated .gifs of my favorite units other than the Beast Master. Please, enjoy!


The Raider has to be one of my all time favorite units. It has been since the first WarCraft. Then they were called Wolf Riders. The point is, i like them, always have. I was very dissapointed when they didn't appear in WarCraft II. I was so happy that Blizzard decided to inculde it again in WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos. Well, I just thought you would like to know why it's one of my all time favorite units.

Spell Breaker

I have no love for the Humans. I just don't like them. Elves, on the other hand, aren't that bad. I definatley like Elves more than Humans, but Dwarves better than Elves. Unforunatley, they don't have too many awesome Dwarf units. I chose the Spell Breaker as a favorite unit because it looks cool. Thats all I guess.


The Infernal might not be an actual unit, but it is really cool all the same. I mean, it's a burning hunk of rock that falls from the sky and comes to life. It's soul purpose while alive is to destroy anything that lives. Thats why I like the Infernal.