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For I will give you words and wisdom
that none of your adversaries will be
able to resist or contradict.
~Luke 21:15~

Inspirational Menu

Love, Charity, Forgiveness Be careful how you live.
The Wallet Patience and you have them?
God's Positive Answer God is everything positive!
The Window How do you look at things?
The Starfish Make a differene today!
The Gesture Uplift someone today with a gesture of love!
The Holy Alphabet Truth of the Holy ABC's
The Emperor's Moth Leave no room for regrets!
The Penny Trust God! The Name of God is Holy!
The Burden God bought our burdens...all paid for!
Fill Me Lord! Dose of the fruit of the Spirit!
Spouse from God We are not perfect..I'll be patient!
The Bird Cage Jesus paid the price. Open the bird cage!
The Gold Box Unconditional love...anything but empty!
This Too Shall Pass One day we are nothing but dust.
The Master Keep playing...never quit!
Footprints How many times did God carry you?
The Colors of Friendship Let us appreciate one another!
Are You God's Wife? Take time to help answer prayers...
The Empty Chair Let's rest our head on it!


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