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I have succumbed to the realities 
of my life’s mission, no longer a naïve
21 years old I am here finally 
two decades later with all the music 
in life I heard staying strong, 
staying dignified, staying faithful 
to my self and to my life.

Looking back at my past existence
The experiences are no longer a blur
They are realities in life
Music that serenaded my mere existence
I danced, I marched on, and I have floated
through time taking me to the 
future four decades later.

Music not all melodious but they were tunes 
I have created, my own composition 
I have rewritten time and time again 
four decades in the making never giving up, 
never surrendering to life’s downfalls.

Salvaged by time I still remember 
those tunes, tunes I don’t want 
to sing any longer
They are remembrance of mistakes 
and heartaches, but they are the reasons
why I am here today, they have given me 
strength and I found solace.

A solace to my own music I will create
With its purpose to serenade my soul 
And to make my spirit alive
To understand and love my self
To having the faith and the free-will 
to love and to dance to 
life’s utmost music with God!


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Poetry by Yadni ©
Copyright 2003