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Jumbled dreams disturbing 
my peaceful slumber
Nightmarish thoughts travelling 
through the labyrinth of my mind
My body hardens, motionless, 
unable to wake up.
Hands seemed chained to my bed
Screaming for help was infeasible
Tongue-tied, mouth stocked,
I could not grasp for air!

Please wake me up, 
somebody wake me up
My mind yelling for 
help but it is useless
A tiny glimpse of hope 
peeked through the darkness
My childhood memories 
flashed fastforwarding 
like a movie tape,
 I saw a girl, 
legs crossed sitting 
in a corner of a room
Reading books of princes 
and princesses 
With her eyes closed,
praying for her prince to come!

The film stopped and 
I was struggling again
Air is running out, 
my body's weakening!
When all of a suddenly 
I hear whispers,
"Your prince is coming!"
Your prince is coming!"
With all my might, 
I muttered deep inside,
Please let me wake up! 
I am in need of my prince
Cast away this nightmare, 
Let me live again!

A light emerged form 
the dungeon of my sleep
And there He was, 
my Prince on his 
white princely robe
Standing right next to my bed
Looking down with 
an encouraging smile.
Bending down 
He gives me the kiss of life
He breathes on me, 
and He touches my heart.
The nightmare is gone; 
I am awake!
My Prince saved me 
from my nightmare
He is my savior 
and my redeemer
My Prince is my God, 
Jesus Christ!


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Copyright 2003