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My personal walk with God --->Email Yadni | Home | Poetry | Devotional | Inspirational | Prayers | Bible Verses
by: yadni

I walked alone in the dark
In an unknown, uncertain path
A path I have traveled 
Many times and back
I looked around for company
Or for someone to light my way
To my dismay it 
was too dark to see.

I walked aimlessly 
in searched of a home
I saw doors closing and opening
But finding one was hard to do
When I didn’t even know 
which knob to turn to.

I walked at night 
with no soul in sight
Streets were dark,
Eerie and such
No lights beaming, 
no hope at all
Blinded and hopeless,  
The more I didn’t see 
Where I was going.

Alone in a darkened path
Tired and helpless
and noone in sight
I saw a glitter of light
I stopped to scrutinize
And all of sudden
I was seeing my path.

I no longer walk alone
I have Jesus by my side
He has turn on the lights
He holds my hand
And guides me to where I 
was going.

I must do my part
To walk with him, too
God is alive in my heart
For my salvation 
He sheds His blood
And on the cross 
He died for us.

I walk with ease 
With the guiding lights
Surrounding and beaming my way
Walking alone was my past
Now the path of life I see
Because God is walking with me.