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Christmas Prayer

(A Prayer Of Christmas Thanks)

Most Precious Lord Jesus, 
Gentle And Wonderful God,
Truly Awesome 
And Ever-present Holy Spirit,
Precious Lord Jesus, 
I love YOU!

I praise YOU name 
that is above all names.

I praise YOUR name 
that brought us 
peace on earth,even though 
it is hard to tell from the way 
our world looks today.

In the words of YOUR
scripture I can read 
the name of YOUR mother Mary 
and your stepfather Joseph.

What a blessing it is to know 
them and know who they were.
What a blessing it
is YOU permitted 
me to know who they were 
and know about them.

Thank YOU for sending 
your Christmas story 
as YOUR personal 
Christmas card to me.

May I always be able to 
read the story of 
YOUR birth, YOUR life, 
YOUR death, and YOUR
resurrection as a 
story written just for me.

May I always be able
to read the words
of YOUR scripture as 
YOUR personal love letter 
just for me.

Thank YOUR for letting me
know how much YOU  love 
me by sending me the 
story of YOUR birth.

Thank YOU for this 
season of the year, 
when we all can come 
to know YOUR true love, 
YOUR true devotion, 
and YOUR true sacrifice
for each of us in a deeper
and more meaningful way.

All these things I humbly 
pray in the name of my most 
Blessed Lord Jesus Christ, 
my Mighty God, and my 
Ever-present Holy Spirit 
upon whom I can rely.


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