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I thank you Lord for giving me the security of your love!

Thank You for Your Word
"The Power of a Praying Woman"
Stormie Omartian

Lord, I thank you for Your Word! Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path" (Psalm 119:105)It is food to my soul, and I can't live without it. Enable me to truly comprehend its deepest meaning. Give me greater understanding that I have ever had before,and reveal to me the hidden treasures buried there.

I pray that I will have a heart that is teachable and open to what You want me to know. I desire Your instruction. Teach me so I may learn. Help me to be deligent to put Your Word inside my soul faithfully every day. Show me where I'm wasting time that I could be better spent reading Your Word.

Give me the ability to memorize it. Etch it in my mind and heart. Make it become a part of me. Change me as I read it!

Thank You, Lord, that when I look into Your Word I find You. Help me to know You better through it. Give me ears to recognize Your voice speaking to me every time I read it. I don't want to miss the way You are leading me. When I hear Your voice and follow You, my life is full. When I get off the path You have for me, my life is empty. Guide, perfect, and fill me with Your Word this day.

In Jesus' Name, I Pray!

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