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Everyday is a new day...
John 3:3- In reply Jesus declared,I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.

To God, every day is a new start. It is a beginning of a new day. As a young Christian, I find it so rewarding to look forward to a new day with God’s faith as my tool to prepare me on what ever comes along. I consider my self an organized and efficient woman, I believed that with the proper tool I can face the day with so much optimism and I am always ready to face whatever comes along.

To God, everyday is a day of great anticipation. God holds the keys to greatness of your every day life, making it always a new day. Accepting the truth of God and the truth about God, there a spiritual renewal within you occurs. Sometimes there are moments in our days that we cannot understand how something that never changes can always be a rebirth or a newness of time. God has a way of giving us sweet surprises. My walk with Him has been rewarded with so many sweet surprises, that a new day is always in existence. The beauty of a new day is always the work of God’s undying love for us. God is a never-changing God. Even when God does not change our needs for newness are forever filled by God’s love and beauty. When I opened my heart for Jesus, my heart was renewed, my mind was renewed, my life was renewed, creating a canvass of God’s own painting of life’s newness and rebirth.

God lives in me! Being a newly- born is a brand new day in the making. With my faith in God, I am an example of God’s New Day!

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