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The Trial of Faith: Leaning on God's Strength

Leaning on God's Strength

A number of years ago, my wife and I were taken on a tour of the Rand Refinery in South Africa. There we saw gold that was 88% pure being heated in crucibles to 1100 degrees centigrade. It was at this extreme temperature that this gold became 99.996% pure, which is the purest form of gold possible. To our amazement, we learned that the last metal to be purified from gold is silver. Silver is very valuable in itself. However, it must be refined from the gold if the gold is to be totally pure.

Even in our lives, quite often the last things the Lord purifies and removes from us are those things that are very precious and good in themselves. He removes from lives those things that may be good and yet are not part of God's perfect will for us. Therefore, He asks us to lay them upon the altar before Him and to allow Him to consume them. God wants to purify our hearts  so all that is left is His nature and His faith.

The director of this refinery told us that when they boil gold at 1100
degrees, it is a very crucial moment. Refiners have to be extremely careful not to overheat gold at this temperature because gold cannot hold up under any higher temperature. That is why the refiner must sit and watch the gold. He cannot just walk by and casually monitor this refining process. He must concentrate on the gold. The director went on to tell us that when the refiner can see his own image in the gold, then he knows the work is finished.

This is exactly how the Lord Jesus deals with His people. He tries our faith through many fiery trials. Yet He is sitting in the heavenlies watching us ever so carefully to make sure that our crucible is not overheated, for we can be ruined if the heat of our pressures becomes too hot. Many times we think we are at our breaking point where we cannot take any more. However, the Lord says to us, "No, you can take a little more."

All of our trials and pressures are working for our Eternal good. The Lord's Image is being produced in us, and faith is being created in our hearts so that we do not trust in ourselves, but only in Him.

"Jewish views about the end times, which heavily influenced Paul, saw fire as an image of testing. Fire burns away impurities in the ore to get to the real essence of the metal. Similarly, the final judgment will test us by  burning away worthless impurities in our lives" (p 1575, The Quest Study Bible; Zondervan Publishing House; Grand Rapids, Michigan).

". . . his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man's work. If what he has build survives, he will receive his reward. If it is burned up, he will suffer loss; he himself will be saved but only as one escaping through the flames." 1Corinthians 3:13-15 (NIV)
<J>< <E>< <S>< <U>< <S><

If anyone speaks badly of you,
live so none will believe it.

"A good name is more desirable
than great riches"
Proverbs 22:1 (NIV)

<J>< <E>< <S>< <U>< <S><

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