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"Let Me Give"

(Author Unknown)

I do not know how long I'll live

But while I live, Lord, let me give

Some comfort to someone in need

By smile or nod, kind word or deed.

And let me do what ever I can

To ease things for my fellow man

I want naught but to do my part

To "lift" a tired or weary heart.

To change folks' frowns to smiles again

Then I will not have lived in vain

And I'll not care how long I'll live

If I can give . . . and give . . . and give.

"If therefore there is any encouragement in Christ,

if there is any consolation of love,

if there is any fellowship of the Spirit,

if any affection and compassion,

make my joy complete by being of the same mind,

maintaining the same love,

united in spirit,

intent on one purpose."

(Philippians 2:1-2 NASB)

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