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Welcomed Home

(Written by JoAnn Gibson)

Thus far, 1998 has not presented itself as a very kind year for us. In the 10-long days since we've heralded in the new year, I've nursed back to health one child with pneumonia, one child with bronchitis, one husband with bronchitis, four ear infections and the flu all around.

In an effort to maintain my family's restored health, our kitchen now resembles the vitamin and supplement section of our local Wal-Mart and I've forced the children into partial seclusion. Rented movies and Nintendo games provided their only diversion for their week-plus of illness.

Needless to say after a time, between the pets and the children, there were few windows in our home that didn't frame a forlorn looking face. As the coughing and the fevers that had kept their desire for freedom at bay subsided, they began to clamor for ANY kind of distraction.

So it was with great care that I broke the news to our youngest child that his much awaited outing to Sunday School would be put off for yet another week. with a quivering chin and tears pooling in his dark eyes, he cried "But Mommy . . . if I don't go to church, God will miss me."

He stayed home that Sunday, but I carried his words and conveyed sentiment with me for days to follow. I'm glad I didn't go with my first instinct and tell him "don't be silly, sweetie. God won't miss you because God knows exactly where to find you."

Why? Because this child who has mastered the Flintstones chewable vitamins, child-proof lid and who revealed to us grownups the mysterious workings of our VCR, managed with this one innocent phrase to reveal to me a side of God that I desperately needed to see.  

The God who patiently waited on me as I kissed away tears and fretted over everyone's health, sparing only a moment here and there to offer up token prayers. The God who, despite my shortcomings, said to me on that very Sunday   through the book of Isaiah:

"I have summoned you by name; you are MINE . . . Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you . . ."

I didn't tell my son that God wouldn't miss him because I want my son to continue believing what we seem to forget as we gain in worldly wisdom . . . a God who loves us enough to take the time to say through the wisdom of innocence "I've missed you!"

Man can change a person's mind - but only God can change a heart!

(Written by JoAnn Gibson; copyright 1998)

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    Children will not always do what they're told,
             but they will do what they see!

"Be an example to them of good deeds of every kind.
 Let everything you do reflect your love of the truth."
                          Titus 2:7 (TLB)

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