
To God's Heritage: The Church

The Body of Christ

The Lord gives me this word for you:

"They shall call the people to the mountain:" there they shall offer sacrifices of righteousness: for they shall suck of the abundance of the seas and of treasures hid in the sand."

It's a transforming work that I'm doing here in this place says the Lord, and I will use even the hidden things to bring this about---as well as the abundance that has already been given, for is it not written in My Word by the hand of the Apostle Paul:

My message and preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom , but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not rest in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.

Yet we do speak wisdom among those who are mature; a wisdom however, not of this age, nor of the rulers of this age; who are passing away; but we speak God's wisdom in a mystery. "THE HIDDEN WISDOM which God determined before the ages to our glory.

I Corinthians 2:4-7

Translate into French, German, Italian, Spanish, or Portugeuse.

And again:

"Things which eye has not seen, nor ear heard; and which has not entered into the heart of man, all that God has prepared for them that love Him, but He has revealed these through the Spirit, for the Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God."

And again:

"But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men. For you see your calling, how that not many mighty, not many noble are called:

But God ha chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; and base things of the world and things which are despised has God chosen, yes and things which are not to bring to nought things that are; that no flesh should glory in His presence.

But of Him you are in Christ Jesus who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness and sanctification and redemption according as it is written: He that glories, let him glory in the Lord."

I Cor. 1:22-31


My call of invitation is going out in these last days says the Lord and as it is written: "The abundance of the sea---shall be converted to you." For as far as your eyes can see as you look at this vast expanse of water, remember that the nations of this world are as a drop in the bucket, to Me says the Lord.

It is not a difficult thing for Me to convert a soul, but first I must have one who will call them forth from their tomb as it were. For didn't I say that if you'd believe you'd see the glory of God?


Yes---I have a glory which is indeed tangible. It can be seen. It can be experienced. It is not just some pie in the sky, but it makes a dramatic difference in the here and now. Do not look with natural eyes and reason away---that which I would give you...Yes the very shovel or tool that I would place within your hand to uncover the treasure hidden in the sand." For I want you to have these and I have promised them to you in My Word. Now I say to you: Here! Dig!

For you will not always find these lying around on the surface. But I will place within your heart and mind "a clue" to find the buried treasure as it were, and then it is up to you to put in your spade and to go to work, and to see what you get.


I will give you a picture of what this is like, in the story of the woman at the well. For I came to her city, and as the Son of God sat down on the well---and she came to draw water. So I asked her: "Give Me a drink." She questioned why a Jew would ask a Samaritan for anything and the twists and turns that followed, revealed the very needs within her soul and life.

Now then, you yourself are sitting on a well-spring of Living Water and there are so many thirsting for that "Water of Life." But this need in their life is well hidden. It is buried as it were, and they have fortified themselves as a city with defences. And unless you want to meet the "gate-keepers" head on in a direct confrontation you must get your direction from Me. I know what will whet their curiousity and what will stir their interest and cause them to hunger and thirst.

I said the "abundance of the sea would be converted to you." And moreover you shall even have the treasures hid in the sand. Even the treasures of darkness.


Call them, yes, bring them to the mountain of the Lord---to the kingdom of God by bringing My mountain near to them. For there are many who have determined in their heart that My church holds nothing for them, for they have a preconceived ides in their minds of what it's all about. But I am about to shatter this false image.

And I intend to use you to do it. You will bring the blind by a way they know not. And she that halteth, and that one who has been driven away and afflicted and I will make of them a strong nation.

And to My church shall come the dominion as at the first. Even the first dominion and the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem: to the tower of the flock. For even though you have felt at times like a lonely watch-tower, and you have been beseiged about, has not He that formed the eye still seen you, and He who formed the ear heard your prayer?

No---I have not left you alone, for you are My "jewels"My church and you sparkle among the nations and you are a "crown of glory" to the Lord your God and a 'diadem of beauty"to the remnant of His people.


For I have not given you a spirit of fear, but My love, My power and the mind of Christ, that your judgment might be holy and righteous and true and from the throne of your God and of His Word.---And not based upon carnal understanding in any way, shape or form. That you would be for a "spirit of judgment" to him that turns the battle to the gate. And again I say: Judge with "righteous judgment" and do not judge as mere men without the Spirit and the word of their God.

For I will bring the blind by a WAY that they know not: I will lead them in pathes that they have not known. I will make the darkness light before them, and crooked things straight.

And those who have trusted in their idols and graven images shall be ashamed at this display of My power for I will bring again those who are captives and bring again from the depthes of the sea. And wound again the head of the enemy, that Wicked One who thinks he has them shut up like Jericho.

But My people have been blowing the trumpet and doing even as I have commanded them to do and their walls are falling flat, even by the word of the Lord.

Rise up My people and give a mighty shout for the Lord is in your camp! I say: Your King is in you!!!


My eyes have seen the coming of the glory of the Lord in a way that shall so alter even the course of human history and the destiny of nations. Prepare Him room!

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