Prophetic Word For Volgograd, Russia: Received May 18, 2000

You gaze in wonder at even the smallest things that I do says the Lord, and some of you say: How can these things be? You shall see greater things than these, for haven't I promised you in the pages of My word "Greater things than these shall you do?" And you notice, don't you; that I said: "Shall YOU do?" For some of you are sitting around as if you think that these things will come to pass by themselves, and forget that I have made you joint heirs and co-workers together with Me.

Now then, take My hand, and I will lead you where I want you to go. For you are living in the days of great signs and wonders, even those signs spoken of in the book of Acts, saying:

Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams. And I will pour out of My Spirit. (Acts 2:18) And again, "You shall be endued with power from on high. (Acts 1:8)


Allow nothing to come between you and your Lord and His word. For Satan will surely try to turn you aside. But it is he of whom I spoke saying: "Surely he is an abominable branch"---And not you---No not you My beloved, for you fruit bearing branches will I prune that you might bring forth much more fruit, for herein is your Father glorified--and His heart is well pleased.

And I will even raise the for you and through you and that which was a murmur shall become a roar says the Lord. Is anything too hard for Me? Only consecrate yourselves wholly to Me, and I will do it. And the gates of hell will not stop Me for I hold the keys of hell and of to open and none can shut and to shut so none can open.


You have wondered, many of you--where the next meal is coming from. Am I not the same God, yesterday, today and forever? The same God who turned the sea into dry land? The same---who multiplied the loaves and fishes, and said to My disciples: "You ate the loaves and were filled?" (Jn. 6:36) When their own faith wavered? For the very ones that received of this miraculous multiplication and distribution forgot that it was I. It is I today says your Lord. Can a span of years lessen My capability? Put your heads together over My word, and stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance. And feast at this table of the miraculous provision, for I shall gird Myself and serve you till you don't have room enough to receive says the Lord.


And do not judge after the sight of your eyes, nor reprove after the hearing of your ears, but enlarge the place of your own hearts, that you might have room to receive all that I have in store for you. It is not very long until I will be coming to you to receive you to Myself. And when I come, I would like to find you as a bride that waits expectantly for her beloved groom--your lamps trimmed and your oil replentished and burning brightly so that for miles around, your light is heard about and made known.

Do not say: Is it even possible? But believe and tremble with a contrite heart at My word--and to this man--to this woman--and this child--will I look. WIll I stoop and gird Myself, and serve your every need, says your Lord. For I say that if you will believe, nothing shall be impossible. I say nothing will be able to stand successfully against you, nor to withstand you. For I am The Living One and I who hold the keys have given unto you the very keys of the kingdom. Do not merely stand around and jungle the keys, or talk of how smart they look; but get busy opening doors with them. For I will put My hand to your trembling hand on the lock and together--I say together we will set the captives free.

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Le Alouette Prophetique
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