God placed Cathay China on my heart, as I was praying in the Spirit; and I will share it with you.


In brief, God showed me a vision of a woman who looked like the dowager Empress herself in all of her finery. This, said the Lord; is "false religion" which has ruled over this place. Now there will be a turning, and a burning of the hearts within for the miracle working power of God.


The vision changed, and I was shown in the vision a man. This is the son of false religion says God, and he rules as an extention of her. This represents "civil government," In this vision, I see him with an endless stream of courtesans whom he is courting. God says:


This is that with which he entertains himself. I am about to strip bare the courtesan says the Lord, and she will be angry with him and say: No more favors for you. And these are they:

The mating of himself with that which would seem to be ambiguous, and yet be very, very evil. And when you see these things, you are shocked that such a thing could go on. But the Lord says: It is the season for it to declare itself.

God began to show me the others...of the "courtesans"--as they appeared in succession. The next one stood at the edge of a vat and did a jackknife dive into boiling oil and it seemed to cook her flesh till she felt loathsome even to herself, and no longer was she beautiful and to be sought after and "courted."God said: The kings of many nations have courted her...And as she is judged, I see the warrior who represents "civil government" and he says: "I will just have another!!! I will take away her veil--that thing she has hidden behind to be precocious and I will say: You are supposed to be with me!"...And "these two" will appear in succession, but will be short lived.

You are going to see the sudden almost miraculous appearance of the third. For as #2 is fading from the scene, it will be as if she is resurrected in a new guise or appearance. She is obstinate and not quite so cooperative as the first two.


I see now in the vision, a wall, and I see the courtesan and the warrior who represents "civil government is dragging her by the hair to get her to go where he wants her to go, and to cooperate with his wishes. It is here, that the courtesan suddenly sprouts "two long horns" as of a goat. And she decides she has had enough abuse and she might use these on the warrior if need be. And at this point, he begins to speak very soothingly to her, and he is very polite, for he does not want to lose her. He decides he will wine her and dine her. And now in the vision I see a large banqueting hall or room that goes with this wall and he looks for some seclusion where he can continue to woo her and there as he looks at her and speaks softly to her, God says to me: INDO-CHINA!

She looks back at the wall, an amused smile on her face, and it's as if I can sense the warriors on an ancient road, though I cannot see them. And then I hear this: He is placing them 300 here --150 there in secluded outposts where they will not be noticed.

Now in the vision I see the fourth courtesan, of those God showed me in the vision in more detail, but in the beginning I saw many more being courted. This courtesan seems not so much like a courtesan as an party. She has the appearance of an aged woman...More experienced, and almost motherly. You must pray, God said, that this will be brought to light: They are gathering forces like so many storm clouds on the horizon. And in the vision, I see the warrior representing the civil government, as he listens to the aged counsellor very carefuly for she is very wise and he seems to draw strength from her. In the vision she appears to be Asian.

In the vision at this point, God focuses the attention on the window of this banqueting hall and I can see the season. It is summer time, for the foliage looks full and the leaves green in appearance.

JANUARY: 2001 God has given me a vision regarding the coming year, which is going to be a difficult one for many, unless God alone prevents this. If He allows it, must assume it is for His glory and the salvation of many.


I saw war coming, as first I saw the Southern Cross in the sky and it was ablaze.
Comment* I Will include this portion about the Southern Cross here, because the Southern Cross is visible over certain portions of Asia, at parts of the year. The Southern Cross is a constellation also known as The "Crux" Constellation. The four brightest stars within the constellation form a "cross pattern." This constellation is sometimes called "The Navigator's Cross" because it is to the southern hemisphere, what the big dipper is to sailors, and to fishermen. It can be viewed from most anyplace in the southern hemisphere, including places like Australia, South America and the Carribean. It can be observed in Okinawa May-June, at about 8 p.m. in the evening.

I don't know a great deal about this, but have read of a solar eclpse coming in 2003 over Antarctica, which will result in an increased "Southern Cross" effect. This constellation in bible times was visible at the horizon. It was last seen from the langitude of Jerusalem about the time of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Australia has the emblem of the Southern Cross on their flag. Any of this may or may not have anything to do with this vision. We will wait to see if there are any prophetic confirmations in the days ahead that fit in. Where the sequence of this vision of the Southern Cross appeared in my recent vision on Christmas Day, was between the vision regarding China, and God speaking in another part of this same vision of Brandonburg and Palestine.

In Joel 2:30 as well as Acts 2:19, and Rev. 12 and many other places God tells us: I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, fire pillars of smoke. I do not believe in astrology. Christians must look to God for their direction. I do believe that God has always placed signs in the heavens and in the earth, such as the Bethlehem Star.


God showed me the Southern Cross and it was ablaze, as if on fire. With this, a very evil principality spirit, but people not taking this "principality spirit" very seriously.


Suddenly I see "flying fish" and it appears that they are flying into the nets of those working very hard aboard the ship. Then I hear: Send another 30o there. We will start a riot. It will distract the people. They will wonder what is going on... At this point the vision changed and I saw this cross with a circle around it and then divided into four sections. The left upper-hand corner of the sphere became very dark at this point. In the vision one appears who looks like Satan himself, filled with evil; and there comes forth from him the appearance of a bull with curved horns and in the center of these horns, a perfect orb between the horns like the moon when it is full, and many doing obeisance to this principality spirit.


Then God said to me "Brandonburg."I cannot adequately express the grief I saw as God showed me this portion of the vision regarding Brandonburg. Something is coming of a devastating nature, as I saw such deep grief with regard to Brandonburg and Palestine. For in the vision I see a wall, and before my eyes, a section of the wall falls to the ground, so that I can see that the interior of it is made up of the bodies of fallen comrads.

Then Palestine appears in the vision, and I see a watchman on a hill, wiping the tears from his eyes, and I hear: "Cleanse me." It seemed to me in the vision, that coming crisis involving Palestine was so horrible that it would bring about this kind of heart repentance. We must continue to pray for all sides of this mid east crisis, for God is no respector of persons.

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