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Jesus said: Why reason (imagine-Gk=dialogizomai) among yourselves?" (Matthew 16:8)

And the Lord said: Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined Hebrew=zaman: "To plan, devise, plot, purpose, think") to do." Genesis 11:6 Therefore I say to you: Whatsoever things you desire, when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them. (Mark 11:24, Matt. 21:22)

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind ("imagination") is stayed on Thee." Is. 29:7 (This is the same Hebrew word as David used of "imagination" in the building of the temple in 1 Chron. 29:18)


The concept of sanctification has the following two aspects.

In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word "sanctification" is QADASH, and is used in referring to something sanctified or "pronounced as clean." It means: "To prepare, to purify, to sanctify."

Sanctification as a New Testament term, is HAGIAZO in Greek, refering to a person or a thing is "set apart" for the purposes of God, or made holy, purified and consecrated. Thus that which is sanctified becomes hallowed, holy and sanctified.

Nevertheless the foundation of God stands sure. And let every one that names the name of Christ, depart from iniquity. The Lord knows them that are His. But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour and some to dishonour. If a man purge himself from these,he shall be a vessel of honour, snctified and meet for the Master's use; and prepared unto every good work. (11 Tim. 2:19-21)


The concept of sanctification is used in much the same way in which we would say: "I am going to use that red vase for these white roses." Or "We will sing hymn number 264 from the blue song book today." We have a specific purpose in mind, and prepare a thing for this purpose.

One day as a Christian, you just feel that you should wear a certain navy blue sweater to work. Your unsaved co-worker who never talks to you, perhaps has even been an open antagonist, pauses by your desk and makes a comment about the fact that they like that sweater that you wore today, and how this color has always been their favorite. The person becomes receptive more towards you, and you are able to share the gospel, and they become a Christian. Why were you open to receive direction? Because your own sanctified position in God, caused you to be sensitive to God's leading and direction in your life. This in turn had an impact on the community around you.

Conversely, it's been said that "one rotten apple" spoils the barrel. But through the sanctification of God, miracles happen, as the one whom God has set apart, begins to impact the world around them, through the miracle working power of God.

You hear a Christian say: God lead me to do this. For they believe that He did, for His own sanctified plan or purpose. Why? Because they see "fruit" come of an obedient action, which is inspired by God. A person is brought to salvation. A personal testimony is painted that changes a life. Someone who is sick is healed, when you step out in faith and pray.

God's word teaches us that we, as believers are "co-workers together with God." Once we were not followers of Christ. Our minds were darkened as to the light of God's word and presence. Then through taking action, receiving forgiveness of sin, and inheritance among those who are sanctified, (Acts 26:18) we become set apart, as a part of the family of God. We are sanctified for God's own use.

The bible tells in Romans us that "There is none righteous no not one!" That "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23)

In speaking of the fact that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God, we read:

And such were some of you. But you are washed, but you are sanctified,but you are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus,and by the Spirit of our God. (1 Cor. 6:11)

So the Christian artist feels a desire well up within his heart to paint a flower, biblical theme, a landscape, or a village scene in a specific way and with certain shades of colour. He feels the piece should be marketed in this way or that. People are drawn to his or her booth, or show and influence is created that enables the sharing of ones faith in God. The same can be said for the gospel song writer or singer. For the artisans and craftsmen of many fields of endeavor. Each in our own way, we display facets of creativity. The daycare worker, in the way she quiets a crying child. The doctor or nurse who reassures a frightened patient, by sharing his or her thoughts in a certain way.

When we "set a thing apart," we are "sanctifying these items for a particular use. And in a similar way, this enables us to understand God's desire that the mind of man should be "sanctified" or "set apart" for God's use, that we might glorify Him. And not the mind only, but we must "present our bodies as a living sacrifice, that we might prove that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."

The Word of God tells us that the mind is the battle field in which the war is waged for the immortal soul of mankind. Satan moves to "block" what will glorify God. To hinder the will of the Lord. And to infuse the thought life with the devil's own adgenda. The arch enemy of our souls utilizes the imagination to conceive and bring forth sin. And sin the bible says: Brings forth (spiritual). Because of this, the scriptures teach us to:

"Cast down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. And having in readiness to avenge all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled?" (2 Cor. 10:3-6

The key here is to not use the mind with it's facet of creative imagination, which is a God-given gift; improperly. In Genesis, the first man Adam used his imagination, which was a facet of that "image of God" in which the Bible states that he was created; to name all of the animal species. God created him with that ability or authority, and whatever Adam called them, that's what they were. This shows us that there are times in which God leads us to use tremendous authority in the field of creative imagination.

The bible itself, was penned as men were moved or borne along by the Holy Spirit and yet we see aspects of the men themselves at times shining through, such as Luke writing in medical terms because he was a physician.

One of my favorite verses along these lines says: "Whatsoever things YOU desire, when you pray believe you receive and you shall have them."

I believe this reflects the truth found in the verse in Psalms 37 which says: Delight yourself in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart." When we live lives surrendered to the will of God, there God's power flows in an awesome and incredible way. There are resources of God's Spirit so vast that many never tap into these God ordained reservoirs, that God has prepared for those that love Him.

The key here, is an intimate and obedient relationship with God. As a young convert in 1973, one of the books that I read and loved was on the life of Smith Wigglesworth, "Ever Increasing Faith." It contained a quote by Smith:

The quote reads, "If the Spirit does not move, I move the Spirit."

Have you ever heard such a thing? To me, it's like Joshua commanding the sun and moon to stand still, when it had never happened before! Where did Joshua ever get such an idea? It came right out of his spirit. But it was on the level of "the God kind of faith," that we read of in scripture. Smith was not talking presumptuously here. He was making a statement regarding the type of relationship that he had with God. It was a relationship that men have often marveled at. When one walks very closely with God, God allows that man or that woman incredible priviledge.

We see this in the lives of even Old Testament saints, such as Abraham asking God to spare Sodom for 10 righteous. We can read of it in David's life, when he says: Lord, I want to build you a house. Though, God says through Nathan the Prophet, "David, I am going to build YOU a house." For God knew that the house God wanted to build was of such a necessity to man, for it's builder and maker would be God Himself. A house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. "God's own church." Christ's own "body." In Moses intervention between God's anger and Israel, depth of relationship is observed. Why does God allow men such priviledge? Because the individual who longs for such a close relationship with God, has revelation of God imparted to him. He or she knows and walks according to the very heart and will of God.

In Genesis 3 which records the fall of man, sin came into the picture when Satan tempted Eve to use the mind to become willful, and self centered, rather than centered upon God's will for her life.


God is building a beautiful house as a dwelling place for Himself, in these last days, and furnishing it with all manner of costly and anointed workmanship. It is a "spiritual house, of living stones, not made with hands. (2 Cor. 5:1) His Word contains the pattern, as seen in Jesus Christ, who is the Word of God. On the day of Pentecost, the Apostle Peter stood and cried:

"In the last days says God, I will pour out of My Spirit, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams." The blue-print for fellowship with God is seen in Acts 2:17-38

What sort of visions---What sort of dreams and prophecies does God give? Those which line up with the bible, His written word. He gives those that will accomplish this, His will and purpose.

In the Old Testament, God gave the pattern for the tabernacle and anointed furnishings or pieces of artwork to Moses, "by His Spirit" in the form of prophetic instructions. (Num. 8:4) Moses gave these instructions to the anointed workmen carrying out the plans. Visions had to have come into their minds, as to how the finished products would look, because this is part of the creative process.

Who gave them the ability? It was God, the Heavenly Architect, overseeing His work, because He is the author and finisher of our faith. I believe that Bezaleel had a prophetic vision of that "golden mercy seat" given to him, as a divine pattern and that he saw this stupendous piece of temple furniture, exactly how it would look, with those beautiful cherubim facing each other, with wings touching.

He could imagine God's manifested presence in the holy of holies. Aholiab "saw" the embroidered pieces which he made, for he was "inspired by the word of God." The soul, which is the mind or " imagination", the will and the emotions all play a part in this.


Preceeding scriptures demonstrate the potential power of "imagination." In the "imagination" of man used in either a destructive or positive way. The Babylonians were "unified" in their desire to spead their false religion across the world. Christians need to be as unified to spread the gospel. We also see the Pharisees imaginations were ignited by Satan to oppose the words of Jesus.


In speaking of the arts, and the way in which the power of "imagination," enters into them; I don't want to convey that God's prophetic word or manifestations are frivolous, or stem simply and solely from the "fantasies" within ones own mind, but they are "spiritual manifestations" biblically based, which come from God into a man or a woman's heart and spirit.

The term "imagination" can be found in the prayers of David in the building of God's house, and in positive aspects. The "imagination" is in itself simply a faculty which can be influnced for the good or the bad. It must be brought into subjection and harnessed by God's Word and Spirit or it will be renegade.


The imagination can and should be filled with thoughts of God and of His word, and from the God-given creative imagination, or mind of Christ; can come forth incredibly marvellous and wonderful works of God for the glory of God. For as far back as I can remember I wanted to be an artist. But when I became a Christian, I thought, "the world is going to hell, so I cannot be an artist," so I quenched that creative spirit in this realm. It took many years for me to learn that God created me this way, to glorify Him. He uses this aspect of my life as a position of influence. People are drawn by this aspect of my life, in a way that often surprises me. I commune with God as I paint, just as when I pray. Often times I pray as I paint.

All art must be tested by God's word, as to it's origin. Does it preach Jesus Christ and His saving power in holiness, and power as the bible declares Him?

It is the Christian communities own misunderstanding of the term,"imagination" equating it solely with worldly views, which has tainted it. In this study on imagination, we'll look at what the bible definition of the term is, how this term is used in scripture.

Dr. Lester Sumrall believed that the imagination was a God-given faculty. How we use it determines whether it glorifies God or Satan. He spoke of the way in which the great classical composers, received their music, and of master painters who painted the masterpieces which hang in the grand museums of this world.

In one of his messages, he spoke of taking a trip with his wife and of staying at a hotel where they had what is referred to as "box office television." He was appalled at the use of such a powerful media as television being used to destroy. Lester marched himself down to the managers office and preached him a sermon on the subject.

How did the television producers come to produce such filth and decadence? They used their imaginations. God's word says, nothing has been restrained which they have imagined to do.

Richard "Little-Bear" Wheeler, a child evangelist who teaches on the godly origins of our country and whose materials we've purchased in home-schooling our daughter, tells of walking into an electronics store, to purchase equipment that he needed.

As he walked to the counter to pay for his purchase, there was a life-sized card-board stand-up of a young lady wearing very little. Richard's righteous soul was "vexed." The Spirit of the Lord spoke to him and said: What are you going to do about this? Pointing toward the card-board stand-up ad, without looking at it, Richard "Little-Bear" said to the clerk: " This offends me!"

The next time he returned to the store, it had been removed. Where did this store manager come up with this idea to promote business by playing on the s of people coming into his establishment? It came into his mind or imagination, and this has become epidemic in our society.

Jesus will save, heal and deliver our world, through those whose hearts are filled with God's Word, who meditate and act on it. If we pray and seek the face of the Lord, placing Him in that place of preeminence in our lives, God will cause hells gates to fall before the building of His kingdom.

Did the skilled workers God employed in the building of the tabernacle, use their natural skills, or were they simply "spiritually gifted" in this crucial task? Metal fabrication and other skills were known at this time. God speaks of the craftsman Bezaleel,'s godly wisdom and anointing in all manner of workmanship i.e. fabrication of the tabernacle and it's construction as well as furnishings.

Long ago prophets were called "SEERS." (1 Samuel 9:9) God's word speaks of nine gifts of the Spirit in I Corinthians 4-11, listing "prophecy" among them. How does a person receive something prophetically? Does the word of the Lord come to him "in his spirit? Or does he see it visually?

Does God ever employ the mind of a person in bringing a message? The answers to these questions are all in the bible.

God showed Jeremiah the Prophet a snowy landscape and asked him: "What do you see Jeremiah?" Jeremiah responded: "I see the rod of an almond tree." God replied: "You have seen well." God utilized both the natural, i.e. the visual; as well as the spiritual perception of the Prophet Jeremiah. In this case, a prophetic parable was involved. God did not want just a casual observation on the Prophet's part. He wanted Him to take a good look about him and to see something specific, which he did. (Jer. 1:11-12)

The Christian community has sometimes tended to focus on the use of biblical "spiritual gifts" in the "traditional sense" of ministry callings, but talents and abilities are God given, to glorify Him in the arts--which is "ten-making." Not using talents or abilities apart from God,as Cain fled; after the of his brother and brought forth a family of creative but apostate people, with musical genius, so it is today. (Gen. 4:17-26)

Have you ever asked the question: Is this God or me? Is this just "my imagination?" As you study God's word and become more familiar with it, and walk in His ways, you grow to know the voice of the Lord, and to discern it when God speaks, don't you? Then I believe that God has given me a message to release you into a whole new dimension of the awesome plans and purposes of the Lord for your life. You know, some people wrestle with a thought for 20 years, afraid to take the first step! Praise the Lord that He has placed answers in His Word, and we discover that they were there all of the time!

Before I was a Christian, getting up in front of people was difficult for me. But God has ways of moving us out of our comfort zone. In the 1980's, I made dried flower wreathes, and a married couple with a flea market, even offered to give me a rental space for free, if I'd answer the phone. God used this little business to instill confidence in me and to make me more bold in God. It also increased my desire to be creative. God used this creative endeavor to bring in much needed finances. It was here that I first began to realize that God was "giving" me designs for my craft business. I saw visions of them, when I prayed. As I worked on them, there in my kitchen, I would pray: Jesus how do I do this? Should I do it this was or that? When I went to church, people would play and sing songs and music that they received from the Lord.

With regard to fulfilling certain goals, or dreams, including calling to ministry, we feel that our own lack of confidence or shyness would be a hinderance. We think to ourselves: Oh, I could never do that. William Branham was so shy, that in one of his early speaking engagements, he escaped out of a window prior to the meeting and fled across an open field! But God and Branham stayed with it, and Branham grew in Jesus Christ to be God's healing evangelist.


It was probably 1987 or so, when I was in a church in Kirkland, Wa. and God gave me a prophetic word regarding the awesome things He was going to bring about in this place, and how the sanctified imagination played a part in all of this. God said that He wanted us to begin to fill our minds with faith for the salvation of the unsaved, to use our imaginations in the proper way. He also spoke of our old-life thought patterns prior to being saved.

I knew that this prophecy stumbled some people. The pastor said nothing in the way of a correction. But a woman made a comment to the effect of "IF" this is a good word receive it, which I felt put doubts in some people's minds as to the validity of this prophetic word. Being still fairly new at giving public prophecies, I wanted to crawl under a pew till the service was over, and then get out of there fast. What I did was what we all that heard the word, should have done---I went home to search the word for what God had to say about "the imagination."

I have come to the conclusion that Satan works very hard to try and make Christians think that he "owns their imagination." But the truth of the matter is that God created us with the power of imagination, or a thought-life to bring Him glory.


Vines Expository Dictionary defines the word"imagination" from the Greek word, MELETAO as ""to care for (melete="to care") then "to attend, be diligent in, 1 Tim. 4:15, to practice as the result of devising or planning, thirdly "to ponder, imagine, Acts 4:25, "meditate."

There are actually three Greek words translated "imagine." 1) LOGISMOS-A reasoning, a thought, to count or reckon is translated "thoughts" in Romans 2:15, suggestive of "evil intent," not mere reasonings; "imaginations" in 2 Cor. 10:5 "reasonings" in each place. The word suggests the contemplation of actions as a result of the verdict of conscience. 2) DIALOGISMOS Is rendered "imaginations" in Romans 1:21 carrying with it the idea of evil purposes, "reasonings;" and is most frequently translated "thoughts."

3) DIANOIA Strictly "a thinking over," denotes the faculty of thinking, then of knowing, hence of understanding, and in general, the mind, and so, the faculty of moral reflection. It is rendered "imagination" in Luke 1:51, "the imagination of the heart" signifying their thoughts and ideas.


Until you are born again and filled with the Holy Spirit as it says in Acts 2:38-38, you cannot possess the mind of Christ. Most of us are incredibly visual people. We learn in this way. Learning is also transmitted audibly, and kinetically, or by the hands on approach. It was God who made creation like a beautiful feast for ones eyes with majestic mountains, and leaves that turn almost neon as they change in the autumn, preparing the trees for winter. The rising sun, or the gentle waves washing over a beach bring us a sense of awe and wonder at the grandeur of all God has brought into being through His word. He gave us the tactile ability of touch, so we could enjoy the warmth of the sun, the sensation of walking barefoot, on the sand or of wading in the water, or the pleasant enjoyment of music. All of these involve the mind, and it's abilities.

Craftsmen utilize these senses or the keen abilities of ones mind in business, for creating, promoting, and safety. Yet we realize that we have spiritual senses which tell us things on a level far above the minds ability. A friend of ours named Ralph Armor came from a large Christian family. One night an angel woke his father to get the family out of the burning house, by saying: Ollie get up! Or Ollie Wake up!

One of the first lessons that we learn as new believers, after we have accepted Jesus Christ as Saviour, is that we also have an adversary, Satan and his demons. The caves around Rome in which the robbers hid, is an apt allegory to teach the Christian about demonic strongholds in the mind, which come as concepts and ideologies.

God's word is clear that we, as individuals must choose what we meditate upon in our hearts, and we must guard our hearts for out of the heart of man proceed the very issues of life. Jesus further stated that "What comes forth from the man in the form of evil thoughts, which are accomodated, defiles him." Somehow, we have connected the whole evil fantasy realm so totally with the imagination that we forget that God did not err when He created man with a soul. He purposed it, that we might glorify God in all that is done in that sphere of our standing or position in Jesus name. The ability to use the mind is part of the realm of the soul. God prophesied in the Old testament that He would write His laws, (His will for us) " on the fleshly tables of our hearts."


Has a teacher or someone ever exhorted you to: "use the mind God gave you? This is good advice! There are many scriptures which have to do with the mind. Some speak of the mind of Christ, the "mind of the Spirit" or the "mind of God." You might not ordinarily think of God as having a mind, since the Word says that "God is Spirit" but He does! The believer is to have "the "mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16)

And of a "sound mind." (2 Tim. 1:7)

In lowliness of mind let each esteem the other better than themselves..."

humbleness of mind..."(Col. 3:12)

God's people can be "of one mind" to spread God's kingdom, just as the people at the tower of Babel were of one mind in what they "imagined or set their minds on to do." Gird up the loins of your mind. (1 Peter 1:13)

God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things that were not convenient. (Romans 1:28)

The mind of the Spirit...(Romans 8:27)

(Your mind manifests a certain "spirit," whether "proud or humble." The "mind" of the Lord. ((Romans 11:34)

Renewed in the "spirit of your mind." (Eph. 4:23)

The mind of the Christian must be "renewed." Desires of the flesh and of the mind." (Eph. 2:3)

The mind has desires. Desires in themselves are not bad, unless they conflict with God's desires for us. Be not soon "shaken in mind." (2 Thess 2:2)

Be of the "same mind" one toward another...(Romans 12:16)

The mind is described as an agency that can be "a willing mind." (2 Cor. 8:12)

Or "a ready or prepared mind." (2 Cor. 8:19)

A vain or empty person puffed up by his fleshly mind or heart. (P> In none of these scripture references, does God intimate that the mind (or imagination) in itself is an unnecessary evil thing to be gotten rid of, but rather that it must be sanctified, through God and His Word.

As a new believer in Jesus Christ in 1973, God made it so apparent to me that I had to get into the scriptures and allow Him to renew me in the "spirit of my mind." It was a necessity and not an option that I choose what would go into my mind, or the devil would do this for me. This has been for me a life-long choice, and I have seen the fruit of a mind which meditates upon God's Word.

Why in Christian circles have we so frequently countered a negative with another negative. In Hawaii, as missionaries went there in early centuries, they taught the people that dance was evil. There was even a fine imposed, if you were caught dancing. It would have been far more productive to teach the people that when you come to Christ you must present yourself to God as an "instrument of righteousness fit for the master's use, and that God loves dance and is glorified in the sanctified worship of a believer in this way.


When God said: " My thoughts are not your thoughts" (Is. 55:8) He was referring to the fact that His thoughts transcend human thought. He did not mean that we were incapable of receiving an impartation from Him. He has shared His thoughts, or His plans with us in His Word, and this is the major revelation or testimony of God to us, for in this we have that God became flesh and dwelled among us. (John 1:1) In 1 Cor. 2:9 we read:

Eye hasn't seen nor ear heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man the things God has prepared for those that love Him.

Some people only read this far. But the next verse says: But God has revealed them to us by His Spirit: for the Spirit searches all things, yes, even the deep things of God." (1 Cor. 2:9-10)

"Secondarily is His creation. There are times though in which He shares with us a dimension of the thoughts that He has right now, but these must always line up with God's Word. When in tune with God's revealed Word and will, we can say that in this New Covenant in which God has written His Word in our hearts of flesh, that we perceive in this manner certain aspects of God's thoughts, as He has chosen to reveal or disclose them to us in written form. But yes, His thoughts are far greater and grander than we can even dream or imagine. For He sees it all from beginning to end and long before Genesis ever began God was there!

When darkness was upon the face of the deep, God said: "Light be" And light was. He made the very firmament and filled it with clouds, sun, moon and stars, birds that fly, and even a rainbow. And as much as we love to gaze at all that God has created, first and formost is that we have a knowledge of God Himself.


The Tabernacle of David was built by David for the reception of the ark of God. (2 Samuel 6:17) It existed simultaneously with the Mosaic Tabernacle. (2 Chron 16:39,, 2 Chron. 1:3 )

King David prayed: Thine O Lord is the greatness and the power and the glory, and the victory and the majesty. For all that is in heaven and in earth is thine. Thine is the kingdom O Lord, and thou art exalted as head above all. Who am I and what is my people that we should be able to offer so willingly of this sort? For all things come from Thee, and from our hand have we given Thee. For we are strangers before Thee, and sojourners as were all our fathers: our days on the earth are a shadow, and there is none abiding.

O Lord our God all this store that we have prepared to build Thee a house for Thy holy name cometh from thine hand, and all is Thine own. For I know also my God, that thou triest the heart, and hast pleasure in uprightness. As for me, in the uprightness of mine heart I have willingly offered all these things: and now have I seen the joy of thy people, which are present here, to offer willingly to thee.

O Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and of Israel, our fathers, keep this forever in the imagination of the thoughts of the heart of thy people, and prepare their hearts unto thee: And give to Solomon a perfect heart, to keep thy commandments, thy testimonies, and thy statutes, and to do all these things, and to build the palace, for which I have made provision.

Even the building of the "Tabernacle of David " was going to take God working through the thoughts, heart, and active imagination of God's people Israel.

God gave to David the pattern. And David gave it to Solomon. 1 Chron. 29:12 tells us that this pattern was of all that he had "by the Spirit." But wait a minute! In 1 Chron. 22:7, in David's conversation with Solomon his son about this building, he said:

"My son, as for me, it was in my mind to build a house for the Lord God of Israel."What was it? David's idea or God's? God said: "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. (Ps. 37) David knew His God and God knew David. It is my belief that God placed in David's heart a desire, and David had a passionte desire to carry it out!

In our lives, there is frequently an infusing of thoughts from God. which we ponder in our minds, and as we test what's received by God's own Word, meditating and acting on these, our faith grows doesn't it?


David had a pattern in his heart placed there "by the Spirit," and sent prophetic confirmation through Nathan. I believe personal prophecy plays an integral part in activating faith in the lives of God's people. Yes, we live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God, and primarily God's written Word is our blue-print. God is able to quicken a portion of His Word to you in a sermon, or during your private devotional time with the Lord. Or He may send a prophetic ministry to impart some further revelation of what God has called you to do.

I don't need a prophetic ministry to tell me that salvation, healing or deliverance are mine as part of the atonement. The Greek word SOZO incorporates these as Jesus Christ's "finished work" (Is 53:5) We must not passively wait around for a word, when God has already revealed His will to us in His Word. Should I evangelize the lost? Jesus said: Go into all the world and teach whatsoever things I have commanded you to do. But there are certain times in which a word from the Lord is exactly what we need, aren't there?

So as David contemplated this great desire of his to build God a house, God sent Nathan the Prophet to him with a Word."Go do all that is in thine heart, for the Lord is with thee." (12 Samuel 7:3) That would get you up and moving wouldn't it?


Born approximately 1450 b.c. Bezaleel was called and chosen of God in the designing and craftsmanship of the tabernacle. Metal work, engraving, gem-cutting and jewelry making were already known at this time of history, among the heathen nations. Bezaleel is called "an artificer, or one who cuts, due to the skill required in the fabrication of the materials with which he worked. He appears to have been a highly skilled craftsman, prior to being called by God and appointed for the construction of God's house to help construct both house and furnishings.

His name, "Bezaleel" name means "Protected by or In the shadow of God." This man probably was already a craftsman when God called him to this task, but the scripture bears out that his exceptional ability was the direct gift of God's Spirit.

Those who read the scriptures are not unfamiliar with the term used the the bible, of God's Spirit "coming upon" certain individuals to call or to equip them for various kinds of service, and so it was with him. 1) We may possess talents and abilities, but God's Spirit will only indwell those sanctified through the new birth. (Acts 2:38, Acts 8:16, Acts 10:46-48, Acts 19:5) God takes us through a series of circumstances to teach us to trust in Him and not just in our natural abilities. 2)

God's giftings and callings are "artistic" as well as spiritual giftings. Bezaleel had both and God used them to His glory to prophesy to countless generations of God's greatest gift, for every part of the tabernacle from the cedar boards to the menorah, to the ark covered with the mercy seat all spoke of Messiah; God's greatest gift of all; and salvation to all mankind.

Let's begin our study of the life of Bezaleel by looking at Exodus 31:1-11. Bezaleel was the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. There seems to be sufficient reason to equate Hur with the man who helped to support the arms of Moses at Rephidim, during the battle with Amelek. The same man associated with Aaron in Exodus 24:14, when Moses was still on the mountain. Josephus tells us that he was Miriam's husband, so may have been a relative of Moses.

God said: "I have filled him with the wisdom of God in wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of craftsmanship. To devise cunning works, or weavings and embroideries) to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, and in the cutting of stones, to set them, and in carving timber, to work in all manner of workmanship. Clothes for service. (Garments of office, or the ornate garments of the high priest.) Bezeleel was also carried on apothecary's work in making the holy anointing oil, and incense. (Exodus 37:29) He appears to have been chief over all of the workmen.

And I, behold, I have given with him; Aholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan: (a man given charge over the textiles required) and in the hearts of all that are wise-hearted I have put wisdom, that they may make all that I have commanded thee. So Moses was given the pattern, but God chose Bezaleel, Aholiab and others to complete the work.

Exodus 35:30 goes into more detail, saying And He has put it in his heart that he may teach, both he and Aholiab, the son of Ahisamach of the tribe of Dan. The has he filled with wisdom of heart, (proper judgment) to work all manner of work, of the engraver, of the cunning or skilled workman, and of the embroiderer, in blue, and in purple, in scarlet and fine linen, and of the weaver, even of them that do any work, and of those that devise cunning work.(Or works requiring skill) There are excellent male fiber artists, some are quilt artists. Russians make lovely amber jewery.

In Turkey, and India men make lovely carpets and rugs. In Labrador, we saw hand-knit sox knit by an old fisherman. He had come from a large but very poor family, and his mother taught him how to knit fair-isle socks. When a person is born again and Spirit-filled, his or her skills not only provide a field of influence, in which God can confirm His word with signs and wonders, but finances to do this. Thus,if the artistry is not in itself prophetic, it can serve God and the artist who is a prophetic or spiritually gifted person.

Evangelistic Christian worship and drama teams, utilize anointed artistic ideas in designing sets, banners, scenery and even costuming for bible dramas, in some countries using interpretive Christian dance, mime and skits, ssome of which is prophetic, but all evangelistic. God's anointed prophetic voice is going out to the ends of the earth.

According to all that the Lord commanded Moses, so the children of Israel made all the work. And Moses looked upon all the work, and behold, they had done it, as the Lord had commanded, even so had they done it: and Moses blessed them. That's what really matters. Do it as God instructs you and there will be a blessing in it both for you and for those to whom God sends you!( Exodus 39:42)

As a born again Spirit filled believer, ask yourself: "In what way can I show forth the mercy typified in the Old Testament tabernacle's "mercy seat?" How can my life lead others to the cleansing from sin--God's salvation typified in the laver? How can I be a menorah or lampstand to brighten this dark world with the salvation Jesus died to give? This is the most important part of all...

Tom & Alana Campbell 5214 South 2nd Avenue Everett, Washington 98203-4113 Telephone (425) 252-2981

Skylark's Newsletter
Bird In Hand
Skylark's Snohomish River Studio
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