My name is Tom Campbell and I was born on June 18, 1952, in Bellingham, Washington. My father Philip Thomas Campbell was the son of Thomas Hugh Campbell, born 22 April 1872 in Iowa. Thomas Hugh Campbell married Caroline Frederika Pedersenwho was born on 18 September 1874 in Sleswig Holstein, Denmark.

My Dad, Philip Thomas Campbell grew up on the family farm in Albert Lea, Minnesota, and his family later moved to Laurel, Washington, outside Ferndale, and later to Bellingham, Washington. He had two sisters named Alta, and Helen. Aunt Alta gave me these old photographs before she died. She and my Aunt Helen Bellingar are both buried in Bellingham, Washington.

My Dad worked for Peter Pan Sea Foods, as Vice President in charge of Sales.

My mother Joan Ruth Hoppe Campbell's father was born in Salem, Ohio and her mother in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Her grandfather, who was my German-Jewish great grandfather Bernard Hoppe, was a rabbai. He was born in 1834, according to his gravestone. He died in an auto accident on 22 July 1913 at Cleveland (Cuyahoga, Ohio) and this is part of the cemetery records. He is buried in West Park Cemetery in Cleveland, Ohio. Official State Death Records for 1908-1956 list Bernhard Hoppe's father as Brunhard (Brunha?) Hoppe also born in Germany, and he is listed as 66 yers old in 1900 Census. Bernhard Hoppe's wife, my great grandmother was Rhoda Susanna (Susie) Hanks-Hoppe born April 1847. Bayview Cemetery in Whatcom County, Washington states the following of Rhoda Susanna Hanks Hoppe:

Birth: 1847 Death: Dec. 26, 1925 Note: aged 76

Burial: Bayview Cemetery Bellingham Whatcom County Washington, USA

She was also known by her middle name Susanna. She was born Rhoda Hanks in 1847 in Venango County Pa. She moved to Youngstown Ohio when her mother Julia Boyle Hanks married John Thompson Parker. (The eldest son of William Parker) She married Bernhard Hoppe in Ohio and had four children.

In the 1900 Census, Bernard Hoppe and wife Rhoda Hoppe were living in Congress Township West Salem Village, Wayne, Ohio. It lists Rhoda's age as 53. Her father was born in Connecticut, and her mother, (Julia's) birthplace is listed as Pennsylvania. The census further states she'd given birth to 6 children, and 4 were living in 1900. Carl C Hoppe, died when he was 3 years of age in 1889. Elizabeth (Bessie) Hoppe who was born in 1874 was not living at home at this time. We do not have information on any other Hoppe children, but there may have been another that died at an early age. The children living in the home in 1900 were as follows:

J Werner Hoppe age 22-The oldest son, was born in Fayette County, Illinois Febuary 1878, when his father was 39-40 years of age. He died in 05 December 1917 in Spokane, Wa while on a visit, and an article from WWU at the time of his death calls him the brother of Victor Hoppe. Victor Hoppe age 17-Born on October 1, 1883 in Salem, Ohio. Died 1955. Herman B Hoppe age 11-Born in Ohio who was born January 30, 1889. He fought in World War I where he was wounded. From 1923 or earlier he resided at a US National Home For Disabled Soldiers. He died 08 August, 1958 at age 70 and is buried at the Los Angeles National Cemetery.

The 1920 U.S. Census records Rhoda Hoppe as living with her son Victor Hugo Hoppe and daughter-in-law Ardelle. The census records the family members living under the same roof as 1) VH (Victor Hugo) Hoppe age 35 2) Ardell Hoppe age 29 3) Joan Hoppe age 2 years 7 mos 4) Evelyn Russell age 21 years and called VH Hoppe's "sister-in-law." 5) Rhoda Susanna Hoppe age 72 years. This census was conducted five years before Rhoda's death in 1925 at Bellingham, Wa.

Bernhard and Rhoda Hoppe had the following children: Victor Hugo Hoppe-daughter of Julia Boyle Hoppe. Victor Hugo Hoppe was born 1 October 1886, in Salem, Ohio. He died in 1955 and is buried in Green acres Memorial Park, Whatcom County.

One U.S. Census for Rhoda Hoppe show her residence as West Salem Village, Wayne, Ohio. Her family consisted of her husband Bernhard, her sons Werner, Victor Hugo Hoppe and Herman B Hoppe. 2) J Werner Hoppe, who was born 12 February 1878 at Fayette County, Illinois. He died 05 December 1917 at Spokane, Washington. The Ohio records list the parents names with a name varient as Bernard Hoffe and Rhode Susie Hanks. 3) Carl C Hoppe born on 01 February 1886 in Summit, Ohio 4) Elizabeth (Bessie) Hoppe born: 1874 and died 1915, just two years after her father's death.

Bayview Cemetery Memorial #7556229 states the following: Rhoda Susanna Hanks Hoppe was also known by her middle name Susanna. She was born Rhoda Hanks in 1847 in Venango County, Pennsylvania. She moved to Youngtown, Ohio when her mother Julia Boyle Hanks married John Thompson Parker. She married Bernhard Hoppe in Ohio and they had four children. She is known to the family as Sarah Rohan Hanks and is buried in Bayview Cemetery, Bellingham, Whatcom County, Washington state. The tombstone on her grave reads: Rhoda Susanna Hanks Hoppe Born: 1847 Died: Dec 26,1925-Age 76 years.

The 1880 Ohio Census lists a Brenhard Hoppe as born in Prussia which at one time incorporated Germany and now is in Poland. He had a two year old son named Werner Hoppe. Victor Hugo Hoppe was not yet born at this time, as he was born in 1886, which would seem to fit.

My grandmother Ardelle Russell Hoppe,was the daughter of Edwin G. Russell and Mary Ann "Anna" Hartman. She was born on May 29, 1880. The marriage date of Victor Hugo Hoppe and Ardelle Russell was July 1915. She lived with my family as I was growing up and died on 6 October 1983, in a nursing home in Edmonds, Washington. Regarding my grandfather, following his move from Salem, Ohio to Kalamazoo, and then to Washington state, he was hired as drama coach at what is now Western Washington University, a position he held for some 45 years. Victor Hugo Hoppe died in 1955.

For years, I've had a desire to research my Jewish ancestors in order to better understand my family background. Among my mother's treasured sepia toned photographs is Rabbai Bernard Hoppe's picture, wearing an ivory hand crocheted yalmulka. I have asked my Mother about him, but have only the information that he died in a small German town that may have been his place of origin.

My wife and children and I hope that God will make a way for us to know more about the Rabbai Bernhard Hoppe and his wife Rhoda Susanna and their family. If you have information about this family history, please email us any information you wish to share.

Tom Campbell is a Hugh & Cynthia Campbell descendant through his father Philip Campbell (lineage of Ezra Martin Campbell) and a Victor Hugo Hoppe descendant through his mother.
He is married to Alana and lives in Washington state.
Breakthrough Intl 5214 South 2nd Avenue Everett, Washington 98203-4113 Telephone (425) 258-1031

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