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The concept for this project was pretty simple.  Use planar elements to create three separate spaces.  The first is an outlook area, the second is a hearth, and the third is an area from which to spy on passers by.  The structure was to be abstract meaning that it could not represent the traditional idea of a structure (a box for example).  The structure ended up looking like a sculpture in the end (as it should have).  Both the hearth and the secret area are under the main horizontal planes while the outlook is on top.  We also did our drawings by making a collage instead of ink.  That was interesting.

I was chosen to present my final design to a guest teacher (whom I had last semester) and her T.A. (teaching assistant).  They hated it and tore it apart (not literally) in front of me and sixty of my classmates.  However, I got a good grade from my own professor.  That just goes to show how taste and experience can have a big influence over how we're taught.

There is no concept statement for this one.


  This shows the triangular shape of the vertical elements and the space constructed under the main horizontal plane(s).

Here's just another angle of the same thing.

This is a plan view of the design.  It shows the overall triangular horizontal plane.  Also, you may notice the grooves in the ground and the one accented one that cuts through the entire thing.

Here's the collage that everyone had to do.  The top picture is a sectional cut through the structure and the bottom one is the plan view (reversed from the one above).  It's been rolled up for over a month and, since it's just paper glued to paper, it got a bit wrinkled.  Oh well.