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I guess I've intrigued you.

Just what you wanted, more pictures of me and my stinkin'halo. Well, it's either that or my Mustang. Hhmmm, maybe both!!!!!

You just can't buy a better high

As if you couldn't tell, I am high as a freaking kite in this picture. This is about 45-50mg of Valium and 4mg Dilaudid plus sleep deprivation. This is what I'm NOT supposed to ever look like.

Robocop, eh?

Lots of bolts to keep a check on. got to keep them tight. Don't worry, these don't go any further than this (as in they don't go into my head).

some rear end play

Just a shot of the back. You can see the halo does not completely surround my head here. It ends at the bolts. That's a good thing because sleeping, as you can imagine, is hard enough as it is.
