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My 21st Birthday

After much whining and prodding from my friends I have consented to add images from my 21st Birthday. My Birthday was smack in the middle of finals week, which is not the best time to be turning 21. However, I had no say in the date of my birth, so if you've got a problem with the timing take it up with my parents. Anyways, some friends and my sisters took me to dinner at Sella's. Then we went back to my room for cake, and finally those of use who were "of legal age" headed out to Ranch Veijo to do the traditional 21st Brithday "induction."

First Drink

Here is my first drink. It was called a Mexican Flag, and tasted like mouthwash. Yep it was kinda "Scopey." That was okay because they light it on fire. Actually, you dip your finger in it light that on fire, use your finger to light the entire drink, blow it all out and swallow it in one fail swoop.

Note: you can see they set me up with a glass of water (top image) just in case I couldn't handle it. Aren't my friends sweet?


Many people came along to wish me a Happy Birthday..Jill, Mandy Nason, both my sisters, Jessica, Misty, Pete, & Dave just to name a few.

A Hot Man For Cassie

The perfect gift: A hot man you can "turn on" any time you like. Although the light up nipples and...ummm *cough* "package" are a little disturbing.

This One's for Mandy Nason

She'd never forgive me if I didn't share this image. This is a drink called a "blow-job." Jessica thought it would be fun to dare me to drink it the "proper" way. It took some encouragement, but I finally gave into the challenge. Pete was willing to humor our insanity, and of course my sister was there with the camera.

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