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Carrie's Critters


This is Carrie's baby. A little shy at first Bear will eventually warm up to you. He likes to play fetch withe his black Kong, and chase squirrels and other small fuzzy animals.


Yep, that name is spelled correctly. She is called Poly because she is polydactyl (she's got extra toes). She is also pretty much insane. She "chases" the fish in the fish tank hissing and swatting at them. She also adores carrying things around in her mouth and hiding them in her lair (under the bed). This inckudes anything from strings to pens to your watch.


This is tecnically not Carrie's pet. This is Rob's dog (Carrie's roomate). However, when you find Carrie's pets you find Kaira. She is a rotteiler/husky mix. She is incredibly sweet, and is completely "whipped" by Poly. She will do anything for food...its a great motivator.

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