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Macaroni and Puss

If memory serves correctly these two ladies are the oldest cats on the farm. They really don't get along either. It's like that movie "Grumpy Old Men", only in this cas it's "Grouchy Old Cats." (note the similar postures though)

Annie Bean

Given to the family by Aunt Judy and Unlce Elwin. She likes twinkies, hanging out on the back porch, and the "lick-lick-chomp" method of affection.


Baby of the cat herd and brother to Poly, Carrie's Psycho Cat. He's another of Mandy's rescur kitties. He was supposed to be someone's birthday present but somehow wound up with us....funny how that works.


This is Mandy's cat. He is the only cat I know who will sleep through a pack of naughty labradorians playing games in the living room. Getting stepped on doesn't even phase him!! Maybe it's a result of his humble beginnings, maybe he's just insanely apathetic, no one really knows.

Alice Elizabeth

What could be better than a sweet grey fluffball. Alice is the most "special" cat there is. She's talks if you talk to her, and she guards the crawl space under the house with great care(gives her the air of a troll though)It is also her job to sit on the hoods of car and make sure the engine is warm.

Samson & Delilah

Sampson (Sammy)and Delilah are a couple of Mandy's rescue aid kitties. She wanted Delilah because she had a banged up leg, and Samson just came with the package

The Bug

This is the cat that started the whole "let's crawl through the heating vents" thing. He also is the cat that ingested Mr. Pibbs. (I haven't quite gotten over that's very tramatic to have your cat eat your fish!!)

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