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Christmas 2003

A Little Christmas Gathering

This year my best friends and I thought it might be nice to throw a little Christmas party for our friends. We invited our siblings, our roomates, friends from school, and just about anybody we could think of. Despite the fact that we need to tweek our planning skills a bit (making 3 runs to Albertsons and 2 to Safeway in one day is not fun!) the party was a sucess. Who knows, we might decide to do it again next year. Here are some pictures from the event.


If you're going to have a party it requires lots of hard work to get it all together.

(Above)I feel bad for poor little Hamlin...he wanted in so badly to help out Effie and Kasi!
(Right) Cassie and Christy with their masterpiece. Hanging snowflakes with invisible thread is hard work. 1)You have to make sure Cassie doesn't take a header off the chair, and 2)They don't call it "invisible" thread for just any ole reason!

Get The Party Started

The night involved lots of good food, good company, and really fun games. My favorite was the Battle of the Sexs.

(Above) Kindra, (Sorry can't remember her name she's a firend of Christy's), and my little sister learn that it take great skill (or just quick reflexs) to play Apples to Apples.

(Below)It's the Ladies vs. the Guys during Battle of the Sexs. I'd love to say the ladies won, but I can't remember if we did or not. I will say that the guys didn't know what body sugaring was, but in exchange the ladies didn't know what the "00" in "007" stood for.

When it's Over

After all was said and done the party was a sucess I'd say..... We can't thank Mrs. Veach enough for letting us envade her home for an evening. Plus, I don't know about Christy, Effie, and Jenny....but I think we should do this again some time.

I suppose we can't forget the most important part of a party though....CLEAN UP! But that is why we have people like Christy's brother Luke (just kidding). Actually, our guest helped with most of the clean up...big hugs for all of them!!

Christy and her 2 Cassies (or is it Kasis?)

The 7th Annual Christmas Party
December 22nd, 2003

Every year Christy, Effie, Jenny, and I make it a point to have a Christmas party....just for the 4 of us. I have photographic evidence that this started in 1997, if anybody cares to question my memory. It is now something of a tradition for us to gather before christmas and do....whatever. Usually this involves minature golfing (which was unexpectedly cancelled this year), movies, reminiscing, and all that other good stuff. This year we made the Gingerbread men seen above. I won't go into details about what exactly they are (anybody who needs to know already does), but I will say it was fun making them.

Gingerbread Men: Boxers or Briefs?

Effie answers an age old question

But What About the Boys?

Usually these parties are just for the four of us. Some quality time with the girls you might say. However, we are not opposed to bending the rules on occasion. Here we see Christy are her 3rd or 4th phone call to Justin that night. This gets by on a "technicallity" beacause 1) he wasn't actually THERE, and 2) Cassie got a phone call from a boy as well. Therefore we can't pick on Christy too much. Besides...its Justin, could we in good concsience hang up on him?.......hehehehehe *evil laughter*

Mmmmmmm Mmmmmmmm Good

Jenny cooks some yummy french toast

A Parting Shot

Not sure what's going here, but it looks suspicious to me. Some might say it's just "sparkling cider"...but I dunno. She seems to be enjoying it a little too much. For some reason I think that the George Fox T-Shirt makes it all the more hysterical...don't you?

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