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Wherever life takes me, I'll always have my friends.


It is said you are lucky to find one true friend in your lifetime. Well, I think I must be really blessed cause I ended up with three. Effie, Christy, Jenny, and I have been buddies since middles school. Right now we all are busy doing different things. Effie working on an International Studies (or something with international studies in it...I always get confused) at George Fox University. Christy is working towards a nursing degree at Northwest College. Jenny is earning a Food Science degree here at WSU. We may all be headed in different directions now, but I'll bet if you check in with us in twenty years, or so, we'll all still be friends.


This is my little buddy Mandy (in all senses of the word...tee hehe)I stumbled across her during biology 104 my freshmen year. And darn it if the girl just don't grow on you like fungus. She's got a website too, cause she's can be kinda nerdy like me (see the link on the main page). She is working for a degree in Zoology and then hopes to get into vet school. Keep up the good work.


Putting this picture on my site may get me killed or a least chewed up one side and down the other. However, Misty is such a cool person that I will risk life and limb and do this anyways. As you can guess...this is Misty. She doesn't like to be photographed at all (that is why the picture is over a year old), but I am such a photo nut that I'm constantly trying to sneak a shot. I almost lost body parts when I tried to videotape her while on a road trip last March. Coming up in May Misty will be graduating from this fine institution called WAZZU with a degree in Forestry.


If I put Misty's photo on the website it is only fair for me to put Dave on here too don't you think? For those of you who are unfamiliar with this pair, Dave is Misty's Boyfriend. He recently graduated with his Forestry degree and is now off in Mississippi pursuing a graduate degree. **Note: If you look closely you can see Misty hiding in the background.


No, it's not a two-headed monster it's Jessica and me(by the way, the sweater belongs to me.) This is another character that I picked up in meet the best people in that class.


Sarah and I met in high school. We clicked well because our brains run on the same wavelength....OFF. Wether searching for our hero the Maxi-Chicken, or walking through cemeteries looking for "interesting names" Sarah and I always manage to have tons of excitement together. She is getting her AA from Clark College this year along with my little sister Mandy.


You know, just this afternoon Jill was laughing at me saying "HA HA my picture is not on your website." Need I remind you again not to laugh at the girl with the website and incriminating photographs. So here you go Jill. Now who's laughing?.Jill (center) and Sarah (right) are "bathroom" buddies this year (they have their own dorm rooms but share a bathroom.) Strangely I knew both prior to their pairing in the dorms...before they knew each other. Weird huh? Oh, and that's my little sis Mandy on the left. If you are itching to know more about her check the family section.


Nikki (the one with the tan) was my roomate over the summer (yep just a couple of hot bunkhouse babes). She hails from Madera, CA and is one of the most unique people I know. Once you meet her she is impossible to forget. Plus she's a great hair stylist, fashion guru, and really good at keeping you in touch with reality. Al while making you laugh hysterically. She will forever be my favorite "Crazy Californian".

....more friends are always in the works....

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