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Quotes From Friends

Marnie:....Yeah, my mom, she practically rasied me from those Dr. Kevorkian books...
Jill: *rasies eyebrows*...Dr. Kevorkian?
Me: You couldn't mean Dr. Spock, could you?
Marnie: Maybe...Spock Kevorkian...who cares, they're both doctors...

~Marnie, Jill, & Myself~
...Why Marnie is the way she is...

If you come over to my room I'll pluck your eyebrows for ya!

~Jill Mongue~
...A prime example of why I avoid people...

I can resist anything.....except temptation.

~Miranda Wannamaker~

Education is the only busniess where the consumer loves to be cheated.

~Prof. Scott Matulich~
On Teachers Cancelling Class

You know you've done something really dumb when you make it into Cassie's Friday E-mail.

~Miranda Wannamaker~

There are definatly too many Mondays, and not enough Fridays.

~Linda Appel~

I'm NOT stupid. I saw those deer-in-the-headlight looks last session. You guys were practically drooling! Thank God that this is not a two-hour class, or you'd have to change shirts when it was over!

~Prof. Scott Matulich~
On Student Intrest in Natural Resource Economics

Walk much?

~Mandy Nason~

Living that will kill you!

~Debbie Wilkens~
Some useful advice

Nikki:"So what exactly is Canada?"
Me: "You mean British Columbia?...That's the part of Canada we're going too".
Nikki:"No. What IS Canada?"
Me:"Ummmmm...It's a country."
Nikki:"Oh, okay. That's what I thought.....

~Nikki Diaz and Myself~
So what do they teach at school in California?

That's about as useful as pockets in underwear.

~Dr. Rogers~
WSU Plant Pathology Professor

I don't care what you listen long as it's not any of that country bumpkin crap!

~Nikki Diaz~
On her opinion of country music.

They don't have a term for my condition.

~Mandy Nason~
On her mental status.

I think...I think it tastes kinda...sleezy.

~Carrie Wannamaker~
On the taste of Pepsi Blue: Berry Cola Fusion.

Look on the bright side, every time you climb up this hill your ass gets that much tighter.

~Christina (can't remember last name)~
The benefit of dragging yourself up heniously steep hills

Me: Well, If you wanna call me something besides Cassie, call me Cass...My other friends do.
Naomi: Can I drop the "C" and just call you that?
Me: Not unless you want me to kick yours.

~Naomi Kilowitz & Myself~
The problem with "alternative" nicknames

...and we're walking, we're walking...

~Ashley Stroud~

Well it's off to Safeway to get Lactaid, not that fat-free homoginized crap...

~Libby Mongue~
(her opinion of "real" milk)

"What the @#%!#, I don't have a thing!!"

~Mandy Nason~
(What she thinks of Chem 106 Labs...but I think it's a "personal" problem)

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