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The Domini's Sweet Nadine

My purebred La Mancha doe. Nadine is the best goat that ever was (hey so I'm a little biased!!). P.S. Her ears are that way naturally, they're called "gopher ears".

The Cavorts

These are Nadine's little girls. They were born February 17th, 2002. One the right is Gusty Ridge's Darling Desdemona, "Dez". On the left, Gusty Ridge's Sweet Sasha James, "Sasha". Unfortunatly, Desdemona passed away in August 2002 from eating a posionus shrub.

The Wild West Show

These are Nadine's 2002 kids. Jessica James is the one trying to escape, Alan Pinkerton has the white foreleg, and Cole Younger is the brown one in the back.

Gusty Ridge's Fantastic Fantasia

Better known as Fanny, She rules the goat pen with an iron hoof. Well, maybe not an iron hoof, but she likes to maintain a degree of control...that's a nubian for you.

Finn Hill Acre's Hyacinth

Say hey to Hy, one of Carrie's Alpines. She's quite a sweetie and is an expert at growing feminine "goat"-tees.

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