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Feathered Friends


Tony was a Buff Orpington rooster, that my sisters and I found crossing the road one dreary afternoon. Seriously, he was just out wandering around. Took a couple of hours crawling through the underbrush to catch him too. Tragically, Tony sacrficed himself a few years back, to a coyote who was after his ladies.


Mr. Hollywood is king of the chicken coop. He rules with a feathered foot. What he lacks in size he makes up for in ego.


Chick is just about the friendlist chicken you'll meet. She arrives at the front door every morning begging for bread...which she will eat out of your hand. At least she did until Mandy locked her back in the chicken coop with the rest of the chickens.


Prudence was the only goose I knew that would volunteer to wear a dog harness and go to touring farms. She let everybody pet her...very un-gooselike

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