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What's New


I finally put up pictures from my 21st birthday. I also added some stuff to tales out of WAZZU. If I find the time I have some more stuff to add to that section as well. Happy birthday to Jenny who turned 21 last Sunday.


I added a whole new section of pictures. They are in the photo album under "Christmas 2003". I also put some pitcures from the snow we had in January on the main photo album page. Well, I must go save my dinner before it burns....Until next time.


Check it out I've updated in under a months time. Impressive. There is a new batch of pictures under "Tales out of WAZZU", and I made some edits here and there. Mandy N. must be appeased. So there you have it. Until next time...enjoy.


A new year, and finally some new stuff for you to look at. I updated some friend, guidedog, and squirrel pictures. I am working on others but I just didn't feel like spending five hours staring at the computer tonight. There are just so many more fun things to do. Like homework a laundry and maybe some more homework. I will do my best to put up some more pictures soon..maybe before Single's Awarness Day or S.A.D (Feb 14th) if your lucky. Who really knows.


Updated the front page (obviously). I also added a picture of Kaira under Carrie's pets, and redid the main photo page. I have some new photos I want to add, but depeending on my sechudle you may or may not see them soon.


Saw a couple of squirrels chasing each other this morning. Couldn't tell if they were trying to steal each other's nuts or were just playing. Anyways, added a new photo section for school realted pictures. Now I must go do laundry. JOY!!


At long last I have updated my webpage. There are lots of new photos in the "newport" section. Check them out...there pretty nifty. There are also a few new quotes and such. School is back in session. We're about three weeks into the semester. So far so good, I'm holding my own.


Wow it hasn't even been two weeks yet!! Okay so I finally finished my GPS stuff. Now I have to combine it all into one map...hmmmmm As you can see I changed the picture up front because the one that was up there was quite dated. Now it's a picture of a deer I saw while out in the woods today. It tried to run infront of my rig....naughty deer. I also added some new quptes if you care to look.


Sorry, I got caught up with finals and all that good stuff so I haven't updated in awhile (yeah, like two months awhile.) Shoot, it would've been longer but I want Mandy Nason to update her site and I can't whine about that till I update mine. So here the scoop: I'm back in Newport for the summer. My project is to collect information about the current range conditions in two of the allotments for the EIS statment the forest is writing. Other than that I've been doing some GPS'ing, going to conferences, and doing office work. My roomates Faith and Nikki, are very cool (hopefully I'll get some pictures of them up soon). As for new pictures don't plan on seeing many. I'm without a scanner until I head back to school in August. Therefore I'll try and compensate by adding new quotes and stuff. Until I write again, enjoy your summers and try not to get too sunburned. (I did add one new picture to the main part of the photo album)


I've been tweeking a few things here and there this week, but not much else. Got strep throat last friday and have pretty much been down for the count. I'm working on finding some new quotes though, so keep your eyes peeled.


So hey, guess you hasn't updated in forever. I was getting lots of notes from a certain someone ***cough*cough**nason**cough** to update. So without further ado here you go. I got a scanner from my aunt and uncle (they got one of those multi-purpose printer/scanner/fax things and gave me their old one...how cool is that!) That means I don't have to rely on other to get images scanned. Therefore I've been re-doing the layouts and images in most of the photo album area. And if for some reason you find your face on this site and don't like the picture, for goodness sake send me one you do like and I'll replace the one I've got up there.


Finally!! I've got lots of new pictures for you!! I think every section has been updated. Its amazing really that I found the time to do this between studying and classes. Hopefully, things will calm down soon and I can update more regulary. But I know how that works. Next time I blink it'll be Christmas.


Happy Birthday Jessica 9/1 and Sarah 9/8

Okay new pictures are coming soon I promise. Carrie bought a scanner last weekend and I'm gonna comandeer it the next time I have a free day (that's probably in a week or so). Not much has been going on around here except study study study. Although Mandy claims to run around Regents Hall naked on Tuesday mornings. That is her laundry day. I'm not quite sure I'm beliving that. I was over there recently and didn't see anybody that had been blinded by her "beauty." Oh well, I guess we each have our own ways of making life more "exciting". Today my excitement consists of NATRS 204 trauma. If you don't here from me in an appropriate amount of time you'll know what happened....that or the squirrels finally got me.


Life finds me back at good ole WAZZU. I think I've finally got everything unpacked and squeezed away into my dorm room. I really am liking my new hall. As the week wears on more people are trickling back. I can't wait to catch up with all my friends from school. Speaking of school, that starts next week. I've already "sold my soul" to the bookie in exchange for textbooks. Looks like I'll be doing a lot of studying this semester...now isn't that something to look forward to...


One more week left in Newport. Due to the fact my supervisior is gone on a fire I have had some, shall we say, "free time" on my hands. Therefore I have been doing some remodling to the website. I've also added a few pictures and quotes.


Happy Birthday Mandy (sister)7/23, Jill 7/19, and Libby 7/22

In 25 days school starts up again. I can't believe how fast the summer has flown by. I just got back from my second wildfire. This time I was at the Deer Point Fire in Lake Chelan, WA. It was a great 14 days. Lots of steep hills to climb, long hard days, and iffy food. It was still such a great experience. I wish I had time for another assingment before school. I put some pictures from the fire in the photo section. Go ahead and take a look see.


First things first...Happy Birthday Christy!!

Now,I suppose the first thing I should do is apologize. I haven't updated this site in ages!! I honestly have a good excuse though. I'm trapped in Newport, WA at my summer job with the Forest Service. I don't have extensive computer access here. So I have to wait until I'm back at school in August before I add more pictures and stuff. Please be patient with me. I do want to thank all of you that send cards and e-mails though. It makes life that much more interesting. Sometimes it can get a little lonely up here in the woods. To keep busy I read lots of books, go fishing, write letters, & amuse myself with creative boredom killers *don't ask.* This weekend I'm going to Pullman to see my sisters. I never thought I'd say this, but I really miss Pullman and all my buddies, and my own computer, and not having to share a room, and.......well you get the picture.

--Until August, you guys take care of yourselves.


Today is a very very very very very good day!! I had my last lab session until the fall!!! To top it off the weather is absolutly goregous. Although, they tell me to expect rain for the weekend, but right now I just don't care. Less than a week till semester is over. I've got two more lectures, and two finals left. I plan on going home next tuesday!! Six days and counting..


I just love watching people....they are so interesting (especially when they think nobody is looking, you know like the "nobody can see me when I'm in my car" assumption). Anyway, as I was walking home from Chemistry and I saw a girl holding a ferret. It was really incredible how everybody she walked past would start to smile. Amazing, how a girl holding a ferret can cause such excessive grinning. Maybe, its because we're all in college and we all miss our pets, maybe the ferret was really really cute, or maybe it's some sort of wierd allergic reaction to ermines...who knows. It's just really cool how the simplist things can make people light up.

***Sarah sent me a card today.....YEA real mail!! Thanks Contessa, it made my day!!***


Between meeting a futrure co-worker, doing coffee and doughnuts for the range club, and the wildlife society meeting I was very busy today. However, I now have a clue about what I'll be doing this summer. For those who aren't aware I'm part of a "co-op" program with the US Forest Service. I'll be working in the Colville National Forest, doing evrything from range to wildlife biology to fire (I actually have to spend a week in June taking fire training...who would've thunk it). I also found out that I will be able to live in a forest service bunk house for the summer (much cheaper than renting an apartment!!) However, it does mean I'll be living with a wide variety of other who are doing stuff for the FS. Looks like I've got an interesting summer ahead.


It SNOWED today!!! In case Mother Nature hasn't noticed it is the last week of April. Talk about your strange weather. Mandy (nason)said something about wearing shorts today. I wonder if she went through with it? That would be really funny. I'll have to ask her at dinner. That's as long as there is not a repeat of last night. She kept making me laugh (must've been something in the Cinnimon Toast Chrunch we both ate). I laughed so hard I cried, my stomach ached, and I got kinda queesy. It was fun :p.


Talk about a cooking frenzy. Today Libby and I made chocolate chip cookies, brownies, and banana bread (I mashed the bananas!!). We even cleaned up the kitchen...our mothers would be shocked. Especially since Libby has pink eye, and I've snagged some awful dorm disease...again, and we are both feeling "under par" (hmmmm, maybe we should'nt have been makin food....too late now.) As of tommrrow there are exacty 11 class days left in the semester!! I'm very very very excited. Except for the fact that I have a Chem test on Thursday. Oh well.

Mandy went to senior prom last night. According to Mom "she and Tristan clean up quite well". All I can say is...I want PICTURES!!!
(at least write me an e-mail and tell me all the details)


Okay, so I've finally got my website up and running. Yeah for me!! I think I've learned more than I ever wanted to know about computers today. I also hung out with Libby. I'm keeping her company because Carrie is out of town this weekend. We went to the Top Of China Buffet, not a bad restaurant. But then again anything is better than the dining hall. Well, I'm off on the quest for food...

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